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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Tagging player & character availability for RP

I got to thinking this morning while I was scrolling around the lists of active RPs when the idea hit.

Would it be possible to have an indicator for if a person is ready for an RP, or if that person is in the mood for a certain RP, or maybe even going so far as to tell people up front which character(s) they would like to RP with and how to best contact them. Maybe even add another indicator letting people know that certain characters are only available for a private RP either on or off of RPR.

Do these ramblings make any sense or have I gone completely bonkers?
You might need to explain it better. I, at least, don't know what you're suggesting beyond what people can already do by posting in Looking for RP or writing into their profiles.
Sanne Moderator

Is it something like this? :) Original thread where this was discussed if you're not sure what it entails:
Virus Topic Starter

Yes, these exactly!!! I'M NOT A RAMBLING IDIOT!!!

How far along are these developments?
Sanne Moderator

As far as I can tell, they're still just being considered. If you want it, add your vote to the development log (top right button).

Maybe Kim will step in at some point and can give us more info.
Virus Topic Starter

Consider it done!!!

*crosses fingers*
Kim Site Admin

It is extremely likely we will get some kind of status system in the future. Couldn't say when. After epic week, groups and the friend system gets upgraded. >.>
Virus Topic Starter

There is an Epic week? TOO COOL!!!

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