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Al Morel


Okay, so I created this discussion thread for the people that are interested in this roleplay. I have been speaking to a few roleplayers by PM, and have been discussing some ideas. This thread's purpose is for, well, discussion. Of the Roleplay. Ahem. XD

Anyways, here's aditional info about the bustling metropolis of Al Morel.

There is one major pantheon of gods in the city , the Omnion. The Major God is literally referred to as the God of a hundred Eyes, or The Watcher. Or, you know, Omn.

He's not a nice god. Human sacrifices, altars, priests, cultists, he requires all that. Lately, due to the law of the mob, the sacrifices happen less often (but still happen.) There are also other minor gods, of the court of Omn.

The Priests of the Pantheon are the only ones in the city who are learned in magic, and they are very, mark my words, powerful. Politically and magically, although they despise the word "magic", calling their sorceries miracles, instead. Like stated in my original post, anyone who is not of the Priests of Omn and casts , you know, obvious magic in public will not be taken well.

Despite the city's rules against obvious witchcraft, foreigners are allowed into the city fairly well, and magic from other races is allowed, despite being viewed with great scepticism. Dragons, monsters, as long as they pay their taxes to the the Prince and his Alcaides and Seriphs, there is no blatant anger toward strangers.

The Bazaar is one of the main sources of income towards the city, with masses of traders, spokesmen, peddlers, botanists, sellers of antiquities, merchants, musicians, snake enchanters, and others trading -or using other means of getting money- in the great market of the city.

Shops, actual shops, are for the richer or better suited merchants or artisans: the others sell in their stall in the market.
I have a few questions.

1. Are the sexes equal or are women the lesser sex?

2. Is the prince married? If not, he may have some less then nice women vying for his hand. :p

3. How much crime is in the city?

4. What kind of terrain surrounds the city? I keep thinking desert, but I thought I should actually ask.

Since my character will be opposing magic users I'm sure she will have a bit of disadvantages, but maybe there could be devices I could use to make her job easier...? I'm not going to go godmoding of course. I'm only trying to give us both equal advantages.
I would have no problem with that, but first I must ask is what classifies as magic?

That's what I was wondering, but in a time like that I think things as simple as tricks could be considered magic by the people. Shape shifting, I think, would especially be one. I suppose I would say anything with inhuman abilities would be a magic of some sort. As for my character anything that encourages the idea of magic would be considered hazardous.
That sounds a bit too board a definition tho. Under that definition, it would be considered magic for my harpy to be stronger then a human even tho that's a simple species body trait.

Ah, well it's only an assumption. I'm sure Loren will let us know soon.
Loren Topic Starter

Okay, I'm on for a while and here are a few answers to the questions (and, um, I'm inventing this from scratch, so I might edit one or two things...):

1. Are the sexes equal or are women the lesser sex?

Mostly equal in terms of rights , but in religion, fairly lower. What I mean is, the priests of the Omnion think women are lesser, but the Prince, craftful, decided to...bend the laws a little, and give equality to both sexes...when concerning business and trade.

Um, in a nutshell, lawfully, the sexes are equal, but some religious/culturistic "superior resistance" from most men is seen.

2. Is the prince married? If not, he may have some less then nice women vying for his hand. :p

He's not married, but he's not interested in any bonds right now: the Prince, the pupetmaster of the city and the shadow behind the Alcaide and the Seriphs, is a cynical, critic man.

3- How much crime is in the city?

Okay, well, there is a fair amount of crime. Urchins, robbers, thieves... the usual stuff in this bustling metropolis. The prince has even been thinking on creating a Guild of Thieves. With his benevolent ...interest, of course.

4. What kind of terrain surrounds the city? I keep thinking desert, but I thought I should actually ask.

Good question. It is a Port City, of course, so a lot of sea is involved in the equation XD but to the south of the city is, well, the Desert of the Lovran. To the west, however, are lush jungles and forests, in a radical change of environment. The north is a much lusher desert...field plains, almost. This provides the city with the mines and fields of grain that mantain its sparce industry - its heavily setted on commerce, really.


I'll answer the rest of the magic issues later: it's just that it's really late now and I really have to get to bed if I want to wake up tomorrow XD Sorry, again.
Hey guys! *other interested party*

I've been reading the topic ever since it started, but I first messaged Loren via PM before this point. I was originally going to use my pirate, but Loren noticed this feller and took an interest in him, and I think I may give him a shot. With some adapting, of course-- he is originally made for Spyro the Dragon roleplay, but making him into a proper thief (maybe even a part of that thieves' guild when it comes up) can certainly be done.
Loren Topic Starter

Hi all, I'm back for today. Anyways, here's the answers to the magic discussion going on (I've decided to change things a bit, so that its easier for the supernaturals to come into the city :) ):

Religiously, it is said that magic -human magic, sorcery, I mean- in Al Morel, should only be wielded by the Priests of the Omnion, and that other humans of the city who wielded the craft should be hunted down.

However, times evolved. The prince, when he gave his Coup d'état on the city, changed this rule greatly: anyone could use magic freely, as they wished...

Despite this fact, however, citizens of the city -apart from the traders, who couldn't care less, as long as there was a bargain for them- view magic wielders with suspicion, specially the steryotypical wizards in pointy hats. There is no formal academy in the city, except with the Priests.

So the law of the mob of the lowest class citizens might not like supernaturals, and so do the powerful and influential Priests...but magic? It's allowed, here...
Loren Topic Starter

Right, guys. Just sayomg in that i've created the Al Morel Group XD still heavily under construction, though...

Anyways, you can check it out here :
As I have been reading through this whole discussion and have gained more interest with the idea, I wish to partake in this adventure spawning, if this does come into play I have made a couple ideas as to how or who will partake in this idea, but I would like to ask a few things about the trading in the ports.

If the trading system is basically a lot of resources that either consist of sustinence or weaponry of any kind, would there be a large range between what is brought in, or is it any valuables? I was thinking of bringing in my magic user and he would probably work well as a supporter or an evaluater of the resource who comes into play with a dispute and rage over using magic while at work and becoming some kind of accused low life. But this is an idea and I haven't a clue how it will work in my favor maybe it can be edited.

The other question I have is if the security of such vessles is high grade or if it is just shoddy. If so I want to bring in my thief to come in and sneek in through the ship instead. Possibly join the idea of the theives guild as well considering he was once a member of a group that did almost the same thing...


Now, I wanted to use the magic user because he's my favored character out of them. I feel as, despite he's around, I want to make more publicity to him. But my thief is also kind of behind, he's in one place right now and hasn't been used often. Either one will be interesting to have on the field and I would like to see if anyone has ideas on which one I could use, again, if I am granted access to joining.

These are all ideas so I suppose that these ideas could be edited and fixed to make more sense or work out well, but for now I just want to put a few pins of interest and see where it goes.
Not sure which character(s) I want to use so I just submitted all of them. xD
Good way if doing it. XP

But I don't want to end up bringing someone into the group and not have a use or reason, though I may pull a Branchwood and have silly reasons for the two characters to be around. But I don't want to seem like an idiot so I want to pick one. If anyone wants to make a vote on which character I should play for this, let me know.
Once the rp starts, I might have a better idea of which of my three ladies would be best. Even if I can't decide, that just leaves the door open for the others should I want to use them.
Loren Topic Starter

Hey, going online for a few minutes, but then I'll have to go again O.o Welcome to Al Morel, though! XD

The city is chaotic, unrestrained in its commerce, wild. It doesn't really produce anything, apart from trouble. And money. That, it obtains. A lot.

Now really, the economy of the city is completely based on any type of commerce: however, agriculture from the lesser lands to the north and west are also possible ideas...this is an import, though.

About the "vessels", it mostly depends, but I generally use logic: if its more powerful, it's more guarded. And take in mind that any magical, more valueable pieces will not be sold in the bazaares of the city, nor in the shops, but in something more... exotic. In the richer parts of the city, the Palace Grounds, I mean.
So just like in an old moarchy or class system, the higher ups get better things and the lower get jack sh*t. Reasonable. XP

So I don't have an idea on whom I will use, But when I figure out whom will be my victor I will have to find a way to shove him into the story and become a part of this. Do you have any ideas?

If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'm up for anything.
Loren Topic Starter

Well, for your wizard, maybe he was restocking magical supplies in one of the richer stores , like an interruption on his journey, or maybe proposing to go to an auction of a magical item? I don't know...he's of the evil persuasion, right? XD
Loren Topic Starter

Hey, guys. Just saying that the group is functional for now, but still under heavy WIP.

On the other hand, its ready.
Any kind of calamity will start me off if I use my magic user, I would enjoy that, but if you like the idea of the magic user joining I will apply him and we can get set somethere.

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