Noticing that there is no "Remember me" tickbox upon login, I thought I'd suggest it. Remember me would, well, remember my account name so I would not have to re-log in unless I logout first.
A tickbox, similar to those on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites, stating "Remember me", could be beneficial to RP Repository. I'm very clumsy myself, and accidentally close down browsers. When I come to RP Repository again, it asks me to re-login. Of course, I do have the saved name and password upon my browser, but it would save clicking "login" all the time if there was a remember me option.
Small, but could possibly be effective?
A tickbox, similar to those on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites, stating "Remember me", could be beneficial to RP Repository. I'm very clumsy myself, and accidentally close down browsers. When I come to RP Repository again, it asks me to re-login. Of course, I do have the saved name and password upon my browser, but it would save clicking "login" all the time if there was a remember me option.
Small, but could possibly be effective?

Yes please! I don't really mind having to click the "Login" button, since my browser saves it. But it does get irritating that when I close my browser, I have to do it every single time.

This is one of those things that has been on the list for some time, but has never quite managed to rise to the top.
Can I ask the two of you (and anyone else playing along at home) what priority you would want to see this given?
Can I ask the two of you (and anyone else playing along at home) what priority you would want to see this given?
I think it should get a high priority. It's a rather basic function on almost -every- site, and it does give the site a bit of a 'poor' impression not having it. It would be giving RPR a better, more serious look that's good for new members, in my opinion!
I disagree with this..but that may be just me. I dislike having the "Remember me" option. It doesn't seem But again, maybe that's just me.
It's definitely less safe, and I'd have to think long and hard about how I could offer such an option without backing out some of the security in place.
Then again, I guess some of it might be overkill for a site that stores completely fictional info.
Ironically I think it's true that no matter how much more secure things are made without it, people are likely to perceive a site that offers it as 'more serious' and therefore 'more secure'.
Then again, I guess some of it might be overkill for a site that stores completely fictional info.

Ironically I think it's true that no matter how much more secure things are made without it, people are likely to perceive a site that offers it as 'more serious' and therefore 'more secure'.
There's always the option of not clicking the "Remember me" button. If some people are like me, and concerned with their security, they could log out of the site when they're away from the computer, so "Remember Me" wouldn't be in place. Sure, it takes me about five extra minutes to get to dinner, but I manage to log out of everything!
Jokes aside, yes, it's a matter of security for the players, and also privacy; if they have a character played privately, then someone could jump on and see who they play. Then, they'd have to also play RPR to understand this, so I think I'm babbelling
Basically, they'll have the choice to remember themselves, rather than being force to remember. This makes it a little safer for those who worry about their security

Jokes aside, yes, it's a matter of security for the players, and also privacy; if they have a character played privately, then someone could jump on and see who they play. Then, they'd have to also play RPR to understand this, so I think I'm babbelling

Basically, they'll have the choice to remember themselves, rather than being force to remember. This makes it a little safer for those who worry about their security

Yeah, what I'm saying is even offering the option would require the log in code to run differently than it does now, and what I'm musing over is if the new version could be made as secure as it is now, and if not, is what I did overkill if twitter et. al. don't see a reason to need it. Possibly. 
People forgetting to log out and having their siblings destroy their character pages is the sort of user error I can't prevent with any amount of code. That risk exists no matter what I do, so I'm not gonna sweat that too much.

People forgetting to log out and having their siblings destroy their character pages is the sort of user error I can't prevent with any amount of code. That risk exists no matter what I do, so I'm not gonna sweat that too much.
The fact that my browser actually stores my username and my password (so all I have to do is click on Login and I'm done) makes the safety thing rather... invalid, in my views. Anyone who finds this site on my Chrome main page can login and check out everything without hesitation.
What if you go away from the computer and don't x out the browser? Then someone can sniff around and look at what you've written, regardless of whether the "Remember me" feature is there or not.
When you go away from your computer, it's always best to lock it. (Press the Windows key between Ctrl and Alt, then L) If you personalize your computer's password, then your average joe won't be able to get into your system at all. This is, in my opinion, the best safety option available to make sure people don't mess with your character profiles on this site.
I'm a firm believer that safety is not the responsibility of the site (owner). Whether it's RPR or any other site, it's your own actions that define 99% of the security of any and all login information. Using the same password everywhere makes it peanuts for someone with malicious intent to have all the login info from every single site sent to your email address, and wham, they're in - remember me feature or not.
And in the end, 'remember me' is always going to be an option, not a necessity.
You can always choose not to click the checkbox so that on the next session, you're logged out per default.
To add a slightly off-topic notice, while this is 'just' a char profile site, that's no reason to slack on security Kim!
*shakes fist at* I love this site dearly and I'll be very upset if something happens to it.
What if you go away from the computer and don't x out the browser? Then someone can sniff around and look at what you've written, regardless of whether the "Remember me" feature is there or not.
When you go away from your computer, it's always best to lock it. (Press the Windows key between Ctrl and Alt, then L) If you personalize your computer's password, then your average joe won't be able to get into your system at all. This is, in my opinion, the best safety option available to make sure people don't mess with your character profiles on this site.
I'm a firm believer that safety is not the responsibility of the site (owner). Whether it's RPR or any other site, it's your own actions that define 99% of the security of any and all login information. Using the same password everywhere makes it peanuts for someone with malicious intent to have all the login info from every single site sent to your email address, and wham, they're in - remember me feature or not.
And in the end, 'remember me' is always going to be an option, not a necessity.

To add a slightly off-topic notice, while this is 'just' a char profile site, that's no reason to slack on security Kim!

I also want this feature, I just didn't want to be needy and bug you for something that I don't see as that important. Sure, it would be nice if I didn't have to log in every time I came here from my e-mail with a topic notification, but it's only a matter of home key-login button-end key, so it's not as if it's a massive hassle.
Then again, I do all my surfing on a password-protected laptop that is never out of my sight unless it's safely locked up in my room, so...
Then again, I do all my surfing on a password-protected laptop that is never out of my sight unless it's safely locked up in my room, so...
Sanne wrote:
The fact that my browser actually stores my username and my password (so all I have to do is click on Login and I'm done) makes the safety thing rather... invalid, in my views. Anyone who finds this site on my Chrome main page can login and check out everything without hesitation.

But, having slept on it, I think I can tweak some things and not give up too much. I'll do a little testing today and see what I can come up with.
You can set cookies to expire after x amount of time and use sessions on the site to compare the cookie with etc. etc. It's been a while since I last messed with them, but if done right they're very secure.

You could always type in your password before deleting a character?

trinfan wrote:
I also want this feature, I just didn't want to be needy and bug you for something that I don't see as that important. Sure, it would be nice if I didn't have to log in every time I came here from my e-mail with a topic notification, but it's only a matter of home key-login button-end key, so it's not as if it's a massive hassle.
Then again, I do all my surfing on a password-protected laptop that is never out of my sight unless it's safely locked up in my room, so...
Then again, I do all my surfing on a password-protected laptop that is never out of my sight unless it's safely locked up in my room, so...
I carry my computer with me wherever I go.

It would be nice to be able to already be signed in when I come here, but on the other hand, it keeps me from being lazy and relying on it.
It works~
It works~
Sanne commented before me
. Yay! It works! xD. Thank you Kim

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