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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forest Encounter (with hannahc28) (closed)

Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

"No, I mean actual shadows." Archer said. "And that's a nifty looking knife." He smiled a little.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

She smiled and put the knife back in her pocket. "Shadows? How does one communicate with shadows?" Kasa poured over his drawings trying to understand their meaning.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

"Well first of all, not everyone can talk to the shadows." Archer said. He noticed her watching him make the designs. "These don't mean anything. They're just random designs."
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

"Oh," she laughed. "Umm... so how do you?" she looked up at the sky. "...communicate!" Kasa was a mess. "...with them...the shadows I mean," her voice trailed off and she went back to weaving.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Just like you and me are right now." Archer said, giving a slight chuckle.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

"So why can't I talk to them?" She looked at him suspiciously.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

"Because it's a skill that I learned while training." Archer said. "It's a high level skill that not just anyone can learn." He looked at her. "Though there have been rare cases of shadows speaking to the unskilled if they like the said unskilled."
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

"So you're calling me unskilled?" Kasa scoffed and made a funny gesture with her hands and began chanting jibberish. "Tada! I just spoke with a shadow!" She laughed and looked to see his resopnse.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Archer laughed a little. "You know, the shadows could take that one of two ways." he said. "One, as an insult, making them not like you. Or two, as a playful gesture." Archer thought for a moment. "Want to find out which way they took it?" he asked.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

Kasa nodded. "Sure! What's the worst that could happen?" she laughed and hoped the negative consequences wouldn't be severe.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Archer's face got really dark. "The worst that can happen would either be cursing you for all eternity, or them dragging you to a realm that I wouldn't be able to save you from." he said. "But that is only for serious matters." Archer then began to make a design in the dirt, chanting.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

"Oh. Well that's not too bad," Kasa chuckled uneasily.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Archer continued to chant. Suddenly, a shadow form started to rise from the design in the dirt. When it fully emerged, archer stopped chanting. "Hello, my friend." he said to the shadow. "How have you been?"
"I have been well, dear friend. said the shadow. It turned to Kasa. "It looks like you found a friend, Archer. That attempt to communicate with shadows was amusing, little one." The shadow appeared to be smiling.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

Kasa was dumbfounded. She looked at the figure, then over at archer, then back at the figure. She clenched her jaw uneasily and looked down. "I'm just a passer-by." she said rigidly.

"Uh thank you, Shadow, I like to entertain." Kasa flashed an awkward grin.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

"Wait, you heard the shadow?" Archer asked. "Interesting." Turning to the shadow, he asked. "Is this a special case then?" The shadow replied. "Yes, this is." Archer turned to Kasa. "Well, I guess you got lucky then." He smiled.
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

Kasa looked oddly at Archer and the shadow. "What exactly does that entail?"
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Archer smiled at Kasa. "It means that the shadows like you." he said. "Which, that in itself is amazing. It also means that they will protect you from certain dangers as best they can."
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

"What kind of dangers? Bears, wolves? I think I can handle them. What kind of powers can shadows have to protect anyways." Kasa chuckled. "I mean they're just shadows, they're not even their own. Shadows are made from something and light. They can't really just move around and protect like that."
Archer (played by AshAngg2000) Topic Starter

Archer suddenly got worried, hoping she didn't insult the shadows. "Little one. Do you not see me? Am I attached to anything?" the shadow asked, floating around Kasa. "The shadows you're used to, yes, they are merely that. But to my friend here, his kind, we are forms of our own."
Kasa (played by hannahc28)

Kasa stood still staring at the shadows. "Okay." she was still confused.

She then turned to Archer. "Why are you showing me this?"

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus