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Forums » General Roleplay » Crazy thinks she's Sherlock (Open)

Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

(I'm sorry I've left you waiting so long. I haven't been able to think up a good reply for this RP lately. I'm very familiar with the pony show mentioned.)

The woman ignored 'Watson's' warnings as she inspected the bit of lizard intestine while holding a drinking glass to her eye. "Did you find another witness?" she asked when the doctor came back from closing the door. The woman glanced at the stuffed toy. She held the glass out to Sampson, "Take a look at this while I question this witness," she told him as she held out her hand for the toy. 'Sherlock' turned her head slightly when she heard someone on the front porch but as there was no knock to follow she turned her attention again to the doctor.

(Your post was much better though there were a few typos which made it a little hard to read near the beginning.)
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Oop: Yeah sorry about the typos, alot of times when I'm typing I'll hit one key before it's supposed to be in the word, or i'll hit it and won't hit it hard enough for it to register that I pressed the button XD

"Uh... this just a doll. It's not alive."Sampson said, reluctantly taking the glass from 'Sherlock'. Sampson looked at the lizard bits. He didn't even know if 'Sherlock' was aware that she was cutting open a dead lizard or not. "I'm a doctor, but I'm not this kind of doctor..."He mumbled to himself.

Jal entered the backyard, looking around for her doll, occasionally taking on smaller forms to squeeze into places she couldn't fit. She was worried, not wanting 'Sherlock' to come outside. The crazy woman always scared her. She dispondently dragged her feet back to her older sister, looking at the ground. "You're lucky you weren't caught. Do you have any idea how much trouble we could get in if you were caught?!"Jenny asked angrily, eventually knocking on the door. Jal quickly hid behind Jenny.

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