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Forums » General Roleplay » Crazy thinks she's Sherlock (Open)

Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

(Sorry for the wait. I've been busy.)

"A ring, dear Doctor, that was last seen on the hand of the Archduchess of Canterberry. The very same which has not been seen in the last seven days. It is clear the two are connected," the woman replied sharply as she waved the lizard in Doctor Sampson's face.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"And it's nto possible at all that she's just been busy for a few days and dropped her ring without realizing it?"Sampson said.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"The Archduchess drop her diamond engagement ring and not notice it?" the woman asked. "I see all these years of marriage have made you forget what women are like when they are newly engaged and have not yet gone through with the act and tied the knot as the saying goes," 'Holmes' replied. She had stopped shaking the lizard at him while she lectured him on the way the woman acted as they were some strange species she had only heard tell of from others.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"It's still possible"Sampson replied. "And you do realize these aren't real right?"Sampson said indicating the toy dr.'s bag.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"With as infrequently as you sharpen your scalpels I wasn't sure you'd even notice. If it bothers you that much the knifes in the kitchen are just as serviceable if not as precise," the woman said, "If anything else is amiss it's not my doing. Perhaps Mrs. Hudson as been through your things." She held the lizard aloft again and waved it at the doctor. "Now are you going to extract the ring from this corpse or shall I? I assure you, Watson, I have far more pressing things to attend to, but should the ring be lost the whole case may be as well."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Uh... if getting the ring out is that important to you, I would certainly rather you do it instead."Sampson said.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"Really? This is so unlike you. You flinch when I butter toast and now you're demanding I do your job for you?" the woman asked suspiciously. "It's almost as if you weren't even Watson, Watson. You must be ill. Yes, married life just doesn't agree with you it seems," she concluded with a nod as she started back down the stairs.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I don't seem like Watson because I'm not Watson"Sampson said walking down the stairs after "Holmes"."My name is Dr. Sampson Romero. I'm Psychologist and I'm here to help you, though not to help dissect lizards"Sampson.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"Doctor Romero? Surely you could come up with a better alias than that, Watson," the woman clucked as she walked into the kitchen and began opening drawers in search of a knife. "Help me? Of course you are, but you are being difficult about it," she told him.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Well I take it you're delusional for sure." Sampson said to himself. "She seems to think I'm not a psychologist, maybe I'll be able to get her to take some pills to help snap her out of her fantasy"Sampson thought to himself.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"I'm delusional?" the woman asked, "You didn't even bother to change your occupation for this ruse." She pulled a small paring knife from the drawer and began to poke the dead lizard with it. "This procedure would go faster if you were handling it, Watson. I don't see why you're wasting me time like this," 'Holmes' said as a hard jab punctured the lizard's body. If the dead animal hadn't stunk before it sure did now that its insides were exposed to the air.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Ugh... that thing reeks"Sampson said opening a window to let the smell out.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"It's a decomposing corpse, were you expecting something else?" the woman asked as she cut the lizard open.

(Have to go for now. Night.)
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Didn't expect a lizard to be THAT smelly" Sampson said.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"You're loosing your touch, Doctor. Your practice must be going well if you've forgotten the smell of a morgue by now," the crazy woman replied and she picked something out of the lizard's cut up body. It looked nothing like a ring, more likely it was just a random lump of gore that had been part of the reptile's innards.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I don't think that's a ring...."Sampson said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"You are being quite contrary today, Watson," the woman replied as she held the lump of lizard gut up to the light. "You wont track down witnesses or cut open corpses," she mused aloud to herself. "You know you can talk to me about anything, John," she said seriously to the man, "If something is troubling you, Doctor, you needn't hide it from me."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Sampson began to thinking of the plan he thought up earlier. "I'm just worried about your health. You seemed kind of sickly to me today. Evidently you don't seem to have noticed or if you have noticed you aren't letting it stop you from your work." Sampson said. "I think you might be getting... uh....Sil.. silermania!"Sampson said coming up with a disease name off the top of his head.
Petsite and Fan Characters (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

"Silvermania?" the fake detective echoed back. "I think I would know if I had a mania," she told him sounding annoyed. "..... What is it you want, Watson?" the woman asked suspiciously as she sat the bit of lizard intestine down. "You wouldn't have come here if you didn't have a reason for it," she told him as walked from the kitchen into the cluttered living room. The back door was still open and it was very likely the woman had neglected to close the gate either, being so wrapped up in her fantasy to bother with common sense matters.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I just want to make sure you're well Sherlcoke. Silvermania isn't soemthing that's immediately detectable, atleast for certain. The few cases of the disease I've had to deal with were already had the disease for quite a while, and they tried to eat me."Sampson said following after 'Sherlock', before noticing the back door open and going over to close it. Before he closed the door he noticed a pink thing in the back yard. He walked out picking it up, discovering it to be a hand made doll, meant to resemble Pinkie Pie, a character from the most recent iteration of My Little Pony. "Hmmm. What's this doing out here?"Sampson asked. He headed back inside, not noticing the gate being open, and closed the door behind him, still holding the doll.

"Noooooooo! Let's just go back home!"A small Elf girl said tugging on her odler sister's arm, trying to drag her back to their house down the street. "Jal, I'm not leaving that doll in her backyard. That thing took me weeks to finish!"Jenny said to her younger sister. "B-But she's scary!"Jal said still desperately tugging at her sister's arm. Jal was obviously a fan of My Little Pony, wearing a light blue hoodie with one of the characters' cutie marks on the chest. Under her hoodie was a shirt similar to her older sister's, being mostly pink with black sleeves. She wore a denim skirt with pink pantyhose under it and a pair of converse. Like most changelings at her age, she was covered in freckles, mostly on her face having freckles running across her nose and on her cheeks and going down her neck. Oddly unlike her siblings who had brown or black hair, her hair was blonde which was pulled into a pig tails, and like her siblings she had green eyes.

"She is not scary." Jenny said. "She's just different" She added. Jenny was clearly taller. Like all Elves her eyes where like a cats, mostly only having the iris and pupil visible. Speaking of her pupils they were much thinner than normal, looking like slits, evidently being rather aggravated. Jenny like Jal had freckels, but they were almost entirely gone, being centered on her cheeks and across her nose, similar to Jal. Her hair was black, and went down below her shoulders, being pulled back into a low ponytail. She wore a green version of Jal's shirt, only with one of her shoulders being revealed. She wore a pair of denim shorts, a with a set of black and yellow and black leggings under them. She wore a pair of mis matched arm warmers, with the one on her left arm being black and yellow strapped, and the one on her right arm being green. She wore black and yellow sneakers.

After a few momments the two arrived at 'Sherlock's' home. Jenny walked up, preparing to knock."WAIT!"Jal shouted urgently."Her gates open! I think my doll landed in her back yard."Jal said before running off into the back yard. "JAL! Get back here now!"Jenny said angrily, with her ears pointing down at the ground, and her pupils becoming full slits.

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