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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » New World Hearts (PM About Joining)

Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Yeah, I just needed to know some things." Artemis said, looking into the Terminal. "So, what are you good at?"
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Uh.... Well my parents taught me how to hunt when I was a hatchling so I'm pretty good at that. uhm.... Like my mom I'm a quick learner so it wouldn't take me long to learn how to do any specific job. My father had let me use his arm canon before and said I was a good shot."Saraxx listed off, trying to remember what all she was good at.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Anything that would uh..." Artemis fumbled for words. "That would help on the ship?"
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"N-Not really. This is the first time I've been off of Nabia, and the first ship I've been on...."Saraxx said with her Comm Feathers flat against her neck. While she was able to hide it relatively speaking, she was terrified on the inside. She remembered the Trial from two days ago, which didn't end well.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis was quiet for a minute, before she sighed. "Well, we should arrive at the next planet soon, so, relax for a while I guess. We'll figure something out. Somehow."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"You aren't going to send me back to Nabia are you?"Saraxx asked worriedly.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"No, of course not." Artemis replied. "We'll be at the next planet in, I'd say, twenty minutes? Give or take." She said, looking deeper into the terminal.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx let out a relieved sigh when she heard Artemis' answer, with her Comm Feathers visibly relaxing aswell. "What's the planet like?"She asked curiously.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Well, it's very unique, to say the least. Covered in trees like redwood, fields and such. I haver seen much like it. The people who live there are purple skinned, and usually have a lot of tattoos." Artemis replied.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Sounds interesting" Saraxx said. She was born on a heavily forestated part of Nabia and had plenty of experience traversing forests.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Do you have any experience with forests? Because, well... I don't." Artemis admitted after a minute.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. While she wasn't familiar with the wildlife on the planet she had an idea of how most of it might behave or act.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Then you should be able to help. They might ask us to do something in return of what we want, and if it's on their planet, I want to be prepared." Artemis replied.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. "When will we be leaving the ship?"Saraxx asked curiously.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"A few minutes after we land, we should be there soon." Artemis replied, poking at a few more holographic buttons. "...We've been having trouble with the AI lately, so we're trying to get it back online."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. "Sorry, but I don't know anything about that. Well, I'll see you in a little while"Saraxx said before heading off to get ready to leave the ship.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis nodded and continued tinkering with the machines. If Saraxx decided to look outside one of the windows, she would see the planet coming into view.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx had returned to her room, digging through her luggage. She eventually pulled out a 'one piece'. She was thankful her parents didn't know she had it, well she was happy her father didn't know she had it. Her mother would most likely not care. The outfit was a shiny black color. It would cover alot of herb ody, much more than standard Saurosapien attire, covering her back, some of her neck, some of her tail, legs, and arms.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

As the entered the atmosphere of the planet, several smaller purple ships began circling around. They were leading them onto the planet. The ships were elegantly designed, mostly being curved, as if aerodynamics mattered in space.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx saw one of the elegant purple ships outside her window and headed to the command center. "I assume we'll be landing soon."She asked, having put on the sleek outfit. It very clearly wouldn't work on a humanoid creature, particularly for a female as it left most of the chest and the crotch uncovered. Though for Saraxx's kind that wasn't much of a problem.

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