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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Do you Seek Power? (Open to all)

Delilah Pheonix (played by Ambrosia)

Delilah smiled and helped him up onto a nearby bench "Anything with fire" she said exited for her new abilities.

She turned her attention to Reggie "Are you from NASA?" she was suspicious, today, craziness seemed to be the highlight. Fantasy and sci-fi were being plucked out of books...
Crystie (played by Crystie78)

"What about you?!" She pointed over at ten.

"Where are you from? Ive definitely never seen anything like you before...just what were you two doing in this park?" Crystie asked Delilah and Ten, placing her hands on her hips. She noticed the briefcase and the gold coin on the ground, and thoight about a drug deal once more. She really didn't need to be sucked into any kind of trouble like that.
Tenoji Tails (played by CactusBat) Topic Starter

Ten looked up, his abdomen still ached with a dull thrumming pain. He fixed eyes on Crystie and chuffed lightly under his breath. "What about me? I will be fine. Things will heal in time. The flesh always does." He looked down at the open case, then to the two. Hrrmm, such an odd clandestine turn of events. No point of being obtuse, the lady had asked him a direct question, "Auria. I am from Auria. A city you've never heard of. Never will encounter. But that will nonetheless affect your life tonight. But I assume you mean more what I am, because obviously, you thought the furry face was just an well made costume, right? Such is human nature, skepticism before belief? Or was it belief before skepticism? Hard to tell these strange nights. But I digress, rambling to myself for the pleasure of my own voice, I feel no need to tell you what I am for that has to bearing in this narrative. What we are doing, is granting this woman here an object that will open her eyes and change her life for such a time, for better or worse by her discretion. Stick around, you'll see what I mean."

But first, Delilah's enthusiasm prompted him to stoop down and pick back up the attache case. He ran his fingers over the coins, making them clink together as he pulled out a section of them, their golden faces ringed by a band of reddish gold. Each held on the front the face of a smiling fox, but the backs where all different. He set them on the bench between himself and Delilah, he flared them wide in a simple semi-circular arch. "Each person may recieve only one coin, and even if you somehow obtain another, I do not recommend using two at once. It is...untested, and potentially dangerous. The effects of each coin last two hours of continuous use, at which point their energies are depleted and you will have to wait for them to recharge from magic trickling through them from my city, which will take somewhere in the range of six hours. However, using too much of the magic in a burst or large effect can drain the coin earlier than that, so be careful. To use it, simply press it into your skin at any point."

He ran his fingers over the coins, flipping the six coins to their heads face...each was decorated with some iconography of a mythical creature of flame; a Rampant drake, a wing-spread phoenix, a coiled salamander, the strong Jinn shrouded in flame, A chimera's three fire breathing heads, and a stooped man smoking a cigar. "Their powers vary based on the aspect of fire they represent, but of course, their is some bleed over. Feel free, I will answer any questions from here."

Ten looked over to Crystie once more, "And I realize how this looks. You are free to make whatever judgments you wish."

Then it was over to the shouting spacefarer, "OY! You! Loud alien man. Silence yourself before you wake the neighborhood!" He stood, and flicked his wrist, between his index and middle finger appeared a silver coin. It wasn't as elegant as the ones in the box. But nonetheless, he tossed it heavily at the wreck of a spaceship. The moment it touched the large vessel, there was that unmistakable clinking of a coin entering a coin-op slot. A wash of blue flame spread from the impact point of Ten's coin, and as it spread over the vessel, it faded from sight.

Oh, it was still there, attempts to approach it would reveal that the mischievous outsider had merely cloaked the ship in illusion to cloak it from wandering eyes. Ten shouted out, "Now come on over, take a seat, chill your mind and everything will work out I am sure."
Reggie the Space Vik (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I think I already did wake up the neighborhood!"Reggie said before the coin hit the ship and it vanished. "WHAT THE HELL! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SHIP?!"Reggie called in surprise, not having the sense to try and feel for the ship.
Tenoji Tails (played by CactusBat) Topic Starter

Tenoji just gave a deep shrug and a sigh, "Take a breath, space man. It's still there." He stooped and picked up a small piece of brown sandstone that had been unearthed in the crash. He tossed it idly a couple times to get a sense of it's weight. Then he threw it hard at where the ship had been. It impacted solid, invisible metal with a ping that destroyed the little stone. Ten let a long yawn out, and flopped back down onto the bench. "See? We all just one nice happy group here. And we don't need the men in the black suits and the tinted window suburbans coming around to haul us all to the secret base with the sterile green room housing the dissection scapels, aye?" Ten gave a soft chuckle, as he watched carefully of Delilah, then looked to Crystie, "Hey, you..." He crooked a finger in her direction, "What's your name?"
Crystie (played by Crystie78)

Crystie eyed the man curiously. He still hadn't been given a reason to trust him...mostly since he was speaking such nonsense! It was almost too much to wrap her brain around. She took her time starring over Deliah before she looked over Ten. They didn't seem to act too close. So it was unlikely that they knew each other previously.. Just what was he intent of their relationship?

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," she told him mysteriously.
Logan Wortham (played by lunan)

Well, of course Logan was going to go investigate the giant metal disk that had gone flying out of the sky, partly because he was curious, partly because he was going to cut someone with a broken shard of the very expensive bottle of bourbon that had crashed to the floor when it had thunked to the ground. There were supposed to be already other human resources heading to the site, but Logan doubted it; most of them were probably dealing with crimes old, balding men committed simply by paying money, and crimes that young teenagers were committing with shady alleyways and plastic bags. There were far too little police for the area, and it was one of the main reasons Logan had settled there.

He walked down his shabby stairs in the shabby apartment building of the shabby part of town he was in. He walked down the cracked concrete beside the cracked asphalt, passing by alleyways where he heard muttering, and he could feel his annoyance growing at the noises. His temper was a very fragile thing--about as fragile as his ego, to be frank, despite both's equally massive size. The place where it had landed, the place where a plume of smoke was rising into the sky, wasn't far off. He could actually jog there and be there in under five minutes. Logan decided this was the best course of action to be taken in his transportation and did so, arriving on the scene, but not making his presence known. He wasn't trying excruciatingly hard--humans seemed to be able to miss broad, seven foot tall men quite easily--but he didn't like not knowing what was happening before it was happening to him.

From what he saw, there was a man. In a trenchcoat. He most likely had weapons--and he moved with a fluidity Logan immediately pinned as not natural. It was a fluidity one of Logan used to have when he was a werewolf, when he wasn't used to having a human body. There was one excited girl receiving something from him, what he pins as a coin, and one that was asking questions during the exchange. The 'ship' that had crashed was no where to be seen, but there was evidence of it crashing. Namely, the giant trees that were bent out of their original erect station in the ground. He saw a man--boy? man? he couldn't actually tell--who seemed to be cosplaying a steampunk character waving his arms around, angry. Everyone seemed to be in different places in one scene, and it was almost amusing to him.

It wasn't until he kept watching him that he realized that is it really tonight? He thought he'd never have to deal with another night like this, not after the stunt he pulled on one a while back, but this all chalked up to being hallucinations anytime else but now. He tilted his head back and had a complaintative face on, one that would be accompanied by a groan if he wasn't hidden.
Tenoji Tails (played by CactusBat) Topic Starter

Tenoji gave Crystie a sideways look, curiously gazing at her. His green eyes focused on something far beyond her, straight through her body and into the distance. For a moment, his introspective stare was a million miles away. Only to have it snap back to the present scene, his lips curled into an even wider smile, "My name is Tenoji. But you can just call me Ten." He held up ten fingers splayed and chuckled lightly. "Yes, spelled just like the number. My mother had a sense of humor. Do you get it?" He laughed again at his own joke, playing the fool once more. "So lady of the happenstance occurrence? A question if you care to play at being aloof and mysterious. If you could have one wish, any wish, what would it be?" He spoke coyly, but his voice had a serious edge that belittled the stark amusement on his face.

Meanwhile, Ten's senses roved. He was waiting for Delilah to make her decision of which power to take. And as such held the answers to what each coin did in mind just in case she had questions. Or she might have decided that power was too great a responsibility. And that would be fine too. There was always someone else willing to take up the mantle.

But he did notice Logan. His senses where very sharp, yet he played it casually once again. While talking with Crystie, he gave the fresh new face in the park a look from the corner of his eye. He made sure that it was just long enough to be noticed by whom he was looking, before slipping back to the person whom he was talking to. But every so often, he would let his gaze slip back to Logan and make sideways eye contact, as though to say 'Yes, I see you there. Yes, I am watching you.'

While waiting for Crystie to respond, Ten lifted the tail of his trench-coat and gave it a casual flip like he was adjusting it over the bench. But there was something unusual about the gesture, something about the way Ten had placed his fingers around the fabric. And there was a faint fiery glimmer in his eye as he did so, something wholly unnatural.

Behind Logan, the fog had begun to thicken and obscure sight once more, still once more the misty wall obscured everything outside of the little sphere of the Park and it's inhabitants. Ten wanted some privacy for the moment to resolve current happenings, as it seemed more and more where arriving on the scene. Best let the rabble resolve itself for now.

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