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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Lycans of Faerûn (Closed RP)

Allon (played by Netherweave)

Spirits of the older gentleman seemed to have been dashed rather abruptly, as he was informed that all rooms were occupied, except for the one. While it was generously offered by the Catfolk, the gentleman provided a weak smile before rubbing the bristles of his unshaven chin.

"Thank you.. for the offer.. I'll be spending my time out here, while I can," the older gent replied.

Not entirely brushing off the good graces of the young adventurers when a warm bed was offered. Though he seemed more interested in sharing his evening businesses with no one. As the Catfolk turned in rather quickly, and the short glimpse of the unusual being making an exit, the older gentleman turned back to a vacant table.

It appeared the tavern was slowly beginning to calm for the night, which allowed him the time to find a quality drink for the night. Perhaps even catching up on some reading material while enjoying a good smoke. But the older gentleman knew that despite the Catfolk's hospitality, he was not too keen on hastily accepting their offer. For now.
Tinnalia 'Nalia' Jhet (played by FreeJayFly) Topic Starter


The Sunken Flagon | Cosy & Quieted | 23:14 | Sleepy Atmosphere

Tinnalia had left Sylvia hanging as she had left before there was a chance to ask her a question. The tiefling had not been one for words, and Duncan could have only offered the scholar a coy smile regarding everything. Clearing his throat, Duncan had said to the young woman, "she hasn't been the most talkative of individuals. Though to answer your question, for the right coin, one would be able to hire her. She frequents here often in the mid-evenings, but when she's not here, she does some business close to the docks not too far from here."

From here on, patrons had retired to their rooms, and Duncan had been left to help clean up with the other two employed individuals there. The other two employees had looked rather tired and worn -- it was evident that just about everyone that worked at the Sunken Flagon had not gotten a good night's sleep in a while, though Duncan had allowed them to head to their own quarters within the Sunken Flagon and get the sleep they needed.

City of Neverwinter - City Core | Autumn | 7:15 | Cold & Cloudy

The chirping of birds had sounded through the morning and continued on for the first couple hours as the first signs of sunlight peaked from the horizon. Few people had been up at this time -- the only people that had been up were definitely the guards that helped keep Neverwinter's streets safe, and there was some activity in some of the shops that had to prepare their goods before the afternoon was upon them. Other than that, however, much of Neverwinter's denizens had still slept, awaiting the afternoon.

One such person that had been awake, however, had been the tiefling that had been present at the Sunken Flagon the night prior. With the hood of her cloak pulled up over her head, and her tail wrapped rather tightly around her waist, Tinnalia had made her way through the Docks district and more toward the City Core. There was a certain haste to her step at present, though she had made the attempt not to really interact with anyone else that might have been awake at these hours as well.

Passing through the gates that had been opened, Tinnalia had started for her way toward the Hall of Justice. Of course, there were some people in the morning that had shot glances her way, or did their best to avoid her as well. Even with the fact that the Tiefling did what she could to be less conspicuous, there were those that had keener senses than most and had been able to discern the fact that she was, indeed, half-demon.

With a deep breath and heavy anticipation, Tinnalia had passed through the gates that lead to the Hall of Justice. Her heart felt like it had been lodged within her throat at this time just due to the fact that there was little to no want of having to deal with any of the authority figures in the area.

City of Neverwinter - Docks | Autumn | 7:15 | Cold with Light Fog

In the docks area, one or two shops had opened within the last quarter, and one of these shops happened to have been Fion's shop that had been located across from the Sunken Flagon. Other shops that would have been open included some smaller shops that provided wares and materials for any of the folk that had come through town recently. With a lot of the mercenaries, sellswords, or those just simply interested in eradicating the lycan problem, many residents that lived or worked in the Docks district had felt a little safer with getting an earlier start on the day.

Ship hands and traders were also working from the docks, making sure that imports were getting delivered to certain shops, or brought to the Core's market, and there were those that were making early deliveries so as to get their wares and goods exported to places like Waterdeep, Luskan, Baldur's Gate, or even as far as Velen.

Overall, however, if people were to get closer to the docks, the more they would have been presented with less than tolerable and sometimes even hostile company.

((EDIT: For everyone that is still keeping to date with this thread, I have posted a topic concerning mine and my fiancé's situation. Sorry for the inconvenience!))

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