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Forums » Looking for RP » Murder, they Roleplayed (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Bryn Torres (played by Khallas)

If you are still accepting people, I am totally up for this! I created Bryn to play in a mystery RP a while back that fell apart, and I never really got to enjoy her. I really love murder mysteries, though I will admit I have never actually roleplayed one before.

Please let me know if I can join and any other pertinent information I should know. I look forward to it!

Thank you.
Loren Topic Starter

Hey, Khallas! Well, the roleplay already actually started, sort of, but only three people have posted so far so I guess we could fit you in! I gotta ask, though, how could Bryn be in England (well, the Isles)?

(By the way, Okkomuri? XD)
Loren Topic Starter

Hmm, if Okkumuri doesn't show up soon maybe we'll have to skip her >.>
Caleb Pearson (played anonymously)

Has anyone tried contacting her? And do we want to look for someone to fill her spot, or ...?
Hey! This looks interesting roleplay to join in--but my activity is limited to, like, one reply every other day or so. I'd say Matt was best for this one
Loren Topic Starter

Me and Crimson have already sent her PMs, but to no avail. I guess if she returns she can post afterwards?

That's fine. Yeah, Matt would probably be best for the roleplay, what with being human and all. If you're interested maybe we can talk about his murder motives in PM? >:)
Yes, of course! I'll PM shortly.

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