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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Canary's Roost(Open)

Gabriel (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Gabriel was busy in the kitchen fixing up the hamburger. It wasn't exactly his greatest culinary masterpiece, but it was good. Probably one of the better hamburgers that Roxanne had tasted. He'll bring out her order when it's done, since he's technically the only one working today, and he'll grin, "Let me know what you think. Not the typical type of food I wanted to serve here, but I think it best suits my customer base." He's going to go snag his mug then, which by now had cold tea in it.

"Any luck with the panther?" He'd question Drae, before slipping back into his seat. It seems that the atmosphere was pretty laid back here, hopefully it wouldn't frighten potential customers away.
Reinage (played by Reinage)


Rei titlted her head, confused for a second at this creature that now spoke with her. And really spoke, none of this translating, guessing, memorizing foolery. Leopardess would simply nod eagerly, a rasping meow to say "Cool! Yeah!"
Eyes tried to focus willingly, her gaze offset by a couple inches. She was less focused on where they looked, now, excited and curious. Her tail patted comfortingly against the floor when she heard the other speak and she looked towards him with a certain expression, wondering if he too could speak hers.
Luci (played by Minerva)

Gabriel probably wasn't the only one to recognize the car horn that he announced himself with. The first few notes of Jack Sparrow's "He's a Pirate" finished ringing when the door cracked open. He wore definitive My Angel fashion, with a colorsplashed faux denim jacket sporting sprays of bright feathers as a trim and boa. It cracked open to a navy blue short with some catch line burying itself in the jacket. His white pants were similarly downy along the seams. He flipped his magenta tinted lenses up into his must be dyed blue hair, cut through with matching pink streak. "Gaaabe~" he trilled, face full of typical mirth. He belatedly looked about. "Well.. You're... Busy. What do you feel like making me for lunch? 'everything' is a valid answer."
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Draeval listened to the panther and smiled, "Datz good, I'm Draebal. Ya zeem purdy comfortable bein round 'umanz..." But Gabe caught his attention and he smiled, "Yez actually, anyting ya wun me ta azk?"

And then Luci was there and he only caught a glance from Drae before he returned his attention back to Reinage. He was a bit busy.
Roxanne Aleris Valha (played by Pineapple)

When the owner approached carrying her order Roxy gave him a bright smile, "It looks and smells good to me. But what, if I may ask, is the typical type of food you serve." She was asking so she could learn a little about the establishment. Then As Gabriel turned to fetch his mug, the young woman lifted the burger and took a bite. It tasted as good as it looked and smelled, Roxy knew where she was dragging her elder brother the next time they went out to eat.

The young woman perked a brow, never in her life had she heard a car horn like that. Her piercing blue eyes traveled to the door, curious as to who the owner of the car who the horn emitted from. When he entered she couldn't help but smile, he looked like an interesting character.
Gabriel (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Gabriel had been about to reply to Drae, when a car horn interrupted him. He only knew one person with that distinctive of a horn and his suspicious were proven correct when Luci walked in. "Hey Luci." He'd move and get a menu, doing the seating himself since he hadn't called in his waitress for the soft opening. "You can't have all the food." He'd stick his tongue out, "I still need some for other people." He'd seat Luci and he'd offer him the menu, "What do you feel like having?" His face fell some, "No dragon though..." His supplier kind of kicked the bucket.

He'd finally turn his attention back to Draeval, "Yeah, ask her where she was trying to go. Maybe one of us can help her get there so she doesn't get hurt." Wandering around in traffic wasn't a good place for any blind animal. Once that was taken care of, he could then turn his attention to Roxie, "Oh honestly, just whatever catches my fancy when I go to order food. I enjoy cooking a lot of things. I'll probably just eventually do away with these menus and have a board that I write on. Is there something you really like?" He did want to get the opinion of people in the area, to see what would sell. "No seafood though." For whatever reason. Maybe he was allergic.
Luci (played by Minerva)

"Mm...? Dah, something italian maybe?" he touched a finger thoughtfully to his chin. "Dragon?" he looked even more thoughtful. That might be concerning. "I should go see if he had any buried for detox." Gabe probably knew who he was speaking about. "How did he keep the raptors from eating it? Sheer powers of awesome?" regardless, he once overed the place. "Oh, there's my favorite wolf!" he trilled, though ascertained himself a seat at the counter. He fished out his smartphone from his pocket, absently dragging his finger through menus and messages while sustaining conversation, "Um, aside from babysitting I'm mostly free now. The only part left to me is find a few truly lost. Lode is particularly frustrating. I keep finding... Pieces. That laser got him good." even spiritually, apparently. "Mostly just My Angel and Olympian to worry about in business for now."
Reinage (played by Reinage)

Rei tried to stay focused on who she could speak with, though with the silly car horns and the else-wise chatter in an environment she had not been in for quite some time. Her attention was pulled in different directions constantly. Before she held attention on busy sidewalks..
"Yeah.." Eyes lolled toward this new figure, ears propped forward, her tail flopping upon the ground. She turned back to Drae excitedly. "Nice to meet you- I am called Reinage."
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Drae watched the cat carefully and grinned he was just as distractable as Reinage on more than one occasion. Okay on every occasion but he'd had a lot of time to improve on that. He was still busy so Luci was altogether ignored, it wasn't like he didn't see him whenever he stopped into the temple. But this cat he never saw and could speak to her unlike many in the restaurant.

He nodded to Gabe and offered a smile to Reinage, 'Nice ta meet ya Reinage. Mai friend zaid 'e found ya in da ztreet. Were ya tryin ta go zumplace? Da ya need any 'elp?' He thought about what else she might need and offered a bigger grin, 'Ya 'ungry or t'irzty? Mai friend an I can get ya zumtin if ya are.'
Roxanne Aleris Valha (played by Pineapple)

When Gabriel answered her, her piercing eyes traveled back to him and she smiled, "Ahhh, variety is good. It just means you gotta pay close attention to the customers comments on the food. But as for suggestions I can't really think of anything off the top of my head. I'll have to get back to you on that." she set her burger down to tackle some of the fries, and get a drink.

As she went about finishing her meal, her eyes traveled around again and she smiled. Well perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to leave the owner with a resume. If he called great, but if he didn't oh well. When she was finished her burger she looked around, debating on whether or not she should stick around.
((likely going to have roxy leave in her next post. Moving next weekend and I wont have net for a bit, so I don't want to hold anyone up. ^^))
Gabriel (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Gabriel didn't really care if Lode was never found, so instead he decided to focus on food. "How about fettuccine Alfredo? With grilled chicken on top?" That was Italian right? As for the babysitting, "You shouldn't be too bogged down with babysitting soon. Chiara's making a schedule to divvy up the babysitting duties." He's giving getting Luci a drink, probably some type of soda. "And I wouldn't just go poking around on the isle if I were you. Someone still lives there. You might upset you look somewhat similar." He'd set the drink down and he'd look up at Roxie, "Well if you think of anything definitely let me know." He was always wanting opinions!

Then, as long as Luci had no objections, he was heading off to the kitchen to make Luci's lunch, leaving Draeval to man the front again. He knew the wolf could handle it!
Luci (played by Minerva)

"Works for me." all of it. The fettuccini, the babysitting duties, it's all good. Even sitting down (on a chair, for once), he flipped through his phone contents and messages, which responded to touch. "Mm. I need someone to take on a vacation." he murmered. There was always En, but variety was always nice. He glanced aside to the woman, half tempted to ask her; but, y'know, asking Gabe first was probably due. So instead he just... waved and smiled.
Reinage (played by Reinage)

Rei's attention was pulled back easily- "The street?!" Eyes would blink, focused just past Drae's head. Not that she was forgetful or anything.. "Well I- Not going anywhere, exactly, but somewhere. I don't know where." Her ears pulled back a little, momentarily, noting to herself to be more careful were she ended up walking.
"Some water would be nice, I guess." Her head bowed slightly in thought. It was strange to be able to talk like this, and she couldn't think up any questions to ask.
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Draeval was manning the front! Or should he say wolfing the front? No that sounds bad...anyway he was pretty good at trying to do the job anyway. He watched Rei though when she said the street and he frowned,'Yez, ya were in da ztreet. I'm zure it waz probably a lil dizorientin wit all da litez fram da carz an da zound. Glad yar alrite.' He straightened as she continued to talk, 'W'elp I'll 'elp ya find w'ere yar goin if ya wun, I'm purdy good at findin placez.'

He gave a broad smile and nodded at her order, 'Alrite lemme grab ya a bowl of wader an I'll be rite back.' He'd dip behind the drink counter and then grab a bowl from the back before popping back to the drink area and filling it with water. Then he'd bring it back to her, 'It mite be bubbly, 'umanz like ta put air in da wader far zum reazon.'
Roxanne Aleris Valha (played by Pineapple)

The young woman nodded to Gabriel, and when the Flamboyant man waved to her, Roxy smiled brightly and returned the wave. She had been about to greet him when her phone started making noise. After fishing it from her purse she frowned to the message on the screen, then after typing a fast reply she tucked it back into her purse. "Sorry to interrupt, but I gotta run. What do I owe for the killer burger?" She gave Gabriel a smile. When he told her she paid him, with tip of course. Then she quickly gathered up her purse, guitar and left the restaurant at a quick pace. (Sorry for the delay there I=fail lately -_-')
Gabriel (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Gabriel is generally oblivious to the goings on in the front of the restaurant because he was in the back cooking Luci lunch. It's going to take a few minutes, but he'll eventually come out with fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken on top, double portions. He's even got some bread to go with it. "Here you go!" He'd set that down in front of Luci, and he went to take payment from Roxie. He'll look at the money, just grinning stupidly at it for a moment.

"I feel like I should have this's the first money I've ever made with my restaurant!" Of course, he may have been talking to himself at that point, but he didn't care.
Micheala (played by fromtofrom)

Micheala rolled her neck, and cracked her fingers. She held her arms, it was a chilly Febuary day, and the short skirt she was wearing allowed the chill to hit her legs, wasn't helping. She groaned, and took a shortcut through the beach shops. She looked over at restraunt, the cloest thing to get her out of the cold.
Hybrid Elder (played by Kyra45)

Elder walked down the silent sidewalk, tail dragging behind, scraping loudly. He took notice of the restraunt, and looked at it, mumbling about buildings. He then just stood there, looking at it, thinking. But hesitant to enter at that moment.
Ervaina Roka (played by Rosewood)

Sliding along the sidewalk on her heels and spinning like a top, Ervaina yawned, staring up at the sky. A voice trilled occasionally from the orange thing riding in the front pocket of her apron, telling her either left or right and she casually shifted direction to avoid anything or one she would have plowed into otherwise. "Oh Brie, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so bored. Are you sure there's not a kitchen around here?"

"Not the kind you're thinking of, Ch- left!" The cheese fairy shouted, and Ervaina barely curved in time to dodge a fire hydrant. "You may be bored, Chef, but you're about giving me a heart attack down here!"

"Don't be silly, Brie. You're made out of cheddar, you don't have a heart." Ervaina stated blandly. This was bad. How could she not have anything to do? It was unthinkable! How was she ever going to advance her skills being idle like this!? "Unacceptable!" She shouted, stomping her foot and jerking to a sudden stop that almost threw Brie from her pocket. Scanning the buildings around, her eyes settled on the only restaurant in sight.

"Uh, Chef? What are you-" Brie squeaked in surprise, falling further into the pocket at Ervaina took off down the sidewalk at a speed to rival one of the Culinomancer's own Milk Magnums. "Do I even want to know what you're doing?" The little fairy asked once it had lifted its head up again.

"I'm gonna get some practice in!" She announced happily, twisting her body and missing some tailed-horned-person by an inch. Orienting herself on the restaurant, she rushed forward and blew through the front door. Thankfully it had been open at the time, or at the speed she was going it might have been a touch more literal. Once inside she looked at the first person she saw that looked like they might work there and pointed at them. "Take me to your leader! I mean... Chef. Lead Chef. No wait, Head Chef? Whoever does the cooking in this joint!"
Reinage (played by Reinage)

[okay] Yes, cars. Rei pulled her lips back, something known as a smile to the two-leggeds, and helped herself to the water. The atmosphere was very pleasant here. "Could I stick around a bit?" She'd ask, then, before paying attention to the ground. The guy who brought her in stood by himself, admiring the 'precious papers' she'd seen so many times before. Just outside the front she could feel something going on, and shifted her position to keep track. The one, more confident female walked in, but she still felt somebody waiting. "Someone else is outside," she'd inform the one two-legged in series of raspy meowing. He seemed to have taken a bit more responsibility and figured it might be a good idea to let him know. She then trotted up to Gabriel to inspect what he held.

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