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Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy/Adventure Group RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Selekir Terindal (played by BossMcFloss)

Id like to join this rp
Devi (played by Vermilion) Topic Starter

Selekir Terindal wrote:
Id like to join this rp

Sure! You're in.
Devi wrote:
You live in, or are visiting, a rural village. One morning, though, you awake to shouting, and you realize that the village has been drastically changed overnight. The crops are all dead, a few buildings have been burned, and many have been afflicted with a strange, debilitating sickness. Who - or what - could have done something like this? With disease and famine running rampant and winter in just a few months, you and a small group of adventurers set off to find help and save your home.


Hi there! I'm thinking of starting up a fantasy/adventure group RP. I'll take anywhere from 3-10 players, depending on how much interest there is. I've come up with a potential plot and setting, but am still very open to ideas. I'm looking for characters that would fit well into a semi-medieval-style fantasy world - they don't necessarily need to be human, magic is allowed, all ages are fine.

I was planning on setting it on a very cold and mountainous world, heavily covered in coniferous forests. A few towns of varying size are scattered about, often in clusters that bind together to form small kingdoms. Technology is fairly basic, but is advancing quickly. Spears, swords, and other melee weapons are common, but cannons and firearms are slowly coming into development. There's also magic (fairly common), and it can be used as a weapon as well. Combat will likely be a decent-sized element in this RP. Romance is allowed, but should be kept PG-13.

Any and all RP experience levels are welcome - whether you've been writing for years or are just starting off. For the latter, this will (hopefully!) be a good place for you to get a feel for group RP and make some friends. And enemies. It'll likely take place on a thread. I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions or criticism.

If you're interested, PM me or post here! I look forward to writing with you.

Karai Outway at your service....
My character is not finished yet, so I probably won't be able to join :(
Wow! This seems really cool! Can I join?
Damon (played by Staticblast1)

Is it too late for Damon to join?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy/Adventure Group RP (closed)

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