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Forums » RP Discussion » Fearfest

I'm in need of two rps. One being me running my horror themed story, one being my character going insane... Or is he?

Can you scare me? Can I scare you? who's demons will be found, who's skeletons will be unearthed.

Let the Fearfest begin.
What kind of horror are we talking? Bloody or Suspense? (Personally I'm okay with either.) And what kind of insanity? Will it take place in a mental institution? (I have a character who might fit there--well, two possibly--and the second one I could fit in a straight jacket.) xD
Drayle88 Topic Starter

PenGryphon2007 wrote:
What kind of horror are we talking? Bloody or Suspense? (Personally I'm okay with either.) And what kind of insanity? Will it take place in a mental institution? (I have a character who might fit there--well, two possibly--and the second one I could fit in a straight jacket.) xD

A little of both. Yes it will prolly have an insane institution in it. And any other madlibs I can think of
So it's a modern setting right? I'll have nightmares, but what the hey. Why not, count me in
Drayle88 Topic Starter

Oh goodie. No powers, no gods, no demons, no pulling something out to save your skin. Just regular humans.
Awesome. Looks like I'll probably toss in Sarah rather than Cody. Unless you don't mind stray bullets and close calls. On the other hand, Sarah might be victim #1. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

Let me know where you place/name the RP. I'll decide then who to throw in!
Drayle88 Topic Starter

If you have a crazed gunman I'll just take his gun away til I see fit.

Just warning ya, I dont wanna make someone rage.
Would that include any kind of explosive he could jury-rig as well?
Drayle88 Topic Starter

PenGryphon2007 wrote:
Would that include any kind of explosive he could jury-rig as well?

Yiou have to find the materials, and make a success roll. Unless it says in character that he COULD do it, then I might allow it. No 'bag of holding exactly what I need at the moment.'. Minimal gear is allowed, but notthing major. Everything else needs to be scavanged.
Drayle88 Topic Starter

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