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Forums » RP Discussion » Eerie High

veiledprophet Topic Starter

Me, too. I'm trying to multitask but I've been at it for hours. Bye Vermilion! Thanks for what you contributed, by the way ^_^
veiledprophet Topic Starter

I'll stick around though, I'm almost done with this math homework.
Nice talking to you. I am multi-tasking on another chat. This chat. Two essays. And a rp

Don't worry, I won't leave till another two hours, max.
Damn I love not having to do Hw anymore. But now we r all waiting for Lex to post seeing he was the one pretty much saying we were taking to long


Five para essay, three Rp's and this chat.

veiledprophet Topic Starter

I knooow, I almost had enough when he started swearing at people, but I tried so hard to keep calm
Usually when somebody pops in....they aren't that mature...I mean it is obvious when there are rules to this place

Wait, what? *casually goes back both chats*

If you cant tell him off, I will. With or without swearing. Its my specialty!
Like really if you're gonna make a fuss at least pay attention to posting So you know it's your turn
Also with all honesty, I was afraid coming to forums because new people and new place XD. I came on here for few months now I think?
veiledprophet Topic Starter

I've seen it happen before... people come on, post a crap ton, and then never show up again

I started in late October
veiledprophet Topic Starter

I've only been on for a little over a week, but I really like it here.

Ugh. Should we just kick him?

Wait, srsly? I thought you've been here forever, haha!
6 months now I think
veiledprophet Topic Starter

Yeah, seriously! And I don't know. I feel like we should give him at least one more chance.
veiledprophet Topic Starter

I'm still mega new and getting used to the place.

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