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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Holy Horn

Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234)

In the forest of the Kingdom of Tila, a white haired boy walks the path to its Capital lugging a cart full of goods with him. As he walks the path, he sweats and heavily breathes. "Transport these they said, it's easy they rear end" he complained as he huffed his cart cross the pathway. As he pulled his cart, a couple of bandits came down, stopping him in his path, three goes for him and two go for his cart, stealing the goods. Von sighs "Ugh! Not again dammit!" as he make sures his gauntlet is on and goes after one of the bandits to beat to a at a time
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha, being a bounty hunter, was doing her job. She was escorting a man to the drop location where she would receive her payment. They wanted him alive, only problem was he was annoying her so much. Perhaps he thought if he annoyed her enough she would let him go. Unfortunately for him, all she would do is hurt him.

She was escorting him through the same forest Van was in, when she saw the bandits. "Need any help?" She called out. Pulling a rope out of her bag she tied her prisoner to a tree.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

Perhaps it started going the wrong way when he had been forced into a pirate’s crew of gangly men when things began to go awry. If only he didn’t have such a desperate need for money to support himself! Drake had lost his precious airship Squishy and was taken hostage by some random lady who was way too somber for her own good. She should learn to lighten up a bit, he thought to himself. Now he was probably doomed to a life of confinement and isolation. He had been snapped out of his reverie when he realized the tree stopped moving.

“...Wait a minute, trees don’t move…”

The lady had gone to help some lad brutally beat up some bandits. Drake felt a bit sorry for those hoodlums when he realized this was opportunity knocking. Drake fetched a wrench out of his boot with his toes, and somehow managed to wedge it in between himself and the tree. He then began pulling with all his might, trying to separate himself from the wood.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

As he struggles going up against the two bandits as he does a classic one two Puch combo on of them. He looks bald at the woman and says "Sure! Can you take care of the ones rummaging through my cart please?" and then refocus on the bandits ahead of him as he continue to finish off one of them with combos to his gut and face.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha ran over to the bandits at the cart, after a couple attacks she had them both knocked out. She grabbed more rope and tied them up. She looked over at her prisoner to make sure he wasn't getting into any trouble.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

A stray bandit and two had wandered over to Drake, and he was presently conversing with them. It seemed they had muscles for brains, since they didn't seem to care much for anything but money. It took a little negotiation but the bandits and him finally came to a negotiation to free him for a handsome sum of money.

Once they broke his chains with their weapons he swung his wrench into one of their faces with a solid hit, and connected his foot with the other's neck, knocking them out instantly. There was no way he had the money to pay for any of that. It was a good thing they were so stupid.

He looked over to his captor to notice she was staring at him.

Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

After finishing off the last one with a strong upper cut he looks at the woman and says "Thank you! If you hadn't come alnog that would have been more of my stuff be taken away, and I can't make a profit with just two items" he gave a chuckle. "I would pay you but-" he said as he cut himself short seeing that she was looking at the man she tied to a tree who now is broken free from his imprisonment. Von slowly goes for his guns on his side, seeing what the man is going to do.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha narrowed her eyes and grumbled. She charged at him, jumped and landed a solid kick to his chest launching him back into a tree. She grabbed some throwing knifes from her bag and threw them at him, hitting only his clothes to make him stuck. "Remind me how you're supposed to arrive." She said as she walked closer.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

"Go down kicking and screaming bloody hell?"

Drake struggled against the tree, then went limp. Why was he doomed to such a torturous fate with a woman? He damned his chivalric code of moralities and surrendered.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

"Oh nevermind then" he said as he rest his hands on his side. "Well I can't exactly pay you for your help but I think I can at least help you lug one of the sorry persons on the cart since I lost a few pieces of cargo earlier today" he said as he looks at her. "Just to the capital really" he added as he casts a healing spell on himself.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Keep testing me, and you'll lose something precious to you." Sasha removed the knives from the tree and put them away making Drake fall. She pulled a long rope out of her bag and tied his hands together, leaving extra rope. She pulled him up and pushed him toward the bandits. She then repeated the process with each bandit. "No thanks." She said to Von. "They can all walk."
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

He sighed and let himself be tied once again. There was no point fighting back, since that would break his code of honor. Some of the other bandits were still conscious, and they glared at him. They obviously didn't take too kindly on him turning on their comrades. He let out another sigh, and hopped along. Drake noticed a shiny object lying on the ground. He called out to the boy.

"Hey lad, I think ya left somethin in the grass."
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

Von smiles at her response for letting the
walk. He certainly did enjoy the concept of tough justice. As he goes to his cart to check on his goods, he looks at Drake and says "Well I don't know if your friend here would let me" he looks at him with a thought in his eye. He looks at Sasha and asks "Thank you for the help, the name's Voncolonel" and gives a slight bow and smiling at her.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha returned the bow. "I'm Sasha." Everyone who was conscious she made stand and hold up those that were unconscious. "Now, don't even think of trying anything. I have lost all patience."
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

Drake shrugged and slipped it into his boot along with his wrench. If he wasn't going to get it Drake could use it for bartering means. He hadn't ever done anything terribly wrong in his life save for being coerced into joining a pirate fleet, some good karma was bound to come his way eventually. In the distance, a craggy ravine rose up into the sky menacingly.

"I really hope our destination isn't in the direction of that menacing terrain, I do hate soggy places."
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

As he picks up his cart and starts walking, Von looks behind him and says "Well if your destination is the capital then you gonna have to go through it" and then looks forward going a couple of feet forward and then looking behind and says "So Sasha would you like go ahead of me or would you like me to lead the way?"
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"That's exactly where we're going. There's some people there that would love to meet you." She said to Drake. She pushed the line of people after Von. "How about you lead, these idiots follow you, and I follow them."
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

He whistled. He secretly actually knew that area as a place swarming with pirates. These two were definitely formidable, but he could plot an escape there and make off before anything too serious happened. He cheerfully told the boy,

"Lead the way, ya Pied Piper!"
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

"Fine by me, just keep up" he said as he gives them all a smile and starts to run run into the ravine. He looks back and says "The quicker we get out of the here the safer we will be!" And then turned his attention forward. Even though the cart being slightly heavy he kept up a pretty brisk pace ahead, a good jog for the prisoners and assuming from what happen nothing that Sasha shouldn't have trouble doing.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Get moving." Sasha said to her line of prisoners. She pushed them forward as she started walking. She was tired and wanted to get this over with. She had seen Drake pick something up, so she kept an eye on him.

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