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Forums » Looking for RP » Searching For The Stars (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Melody (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

I'm here and ready to start whenever
Melody (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Same! I have to work in about a hour though so I won't be on that long.
That's fine
Is the other person on
Hey, is it to late to jump in?
Shouldn't be id imagine
I got A number of different characters, but I think I'd like playing Xero in this if it's alright.
He's actually made for a similar storyline to this as well.
Nick (played by XxRilu)

Melody how are we starting this?
Melody (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

No you can jump in! And I dunno, I can make a forum? I'm not good at starting:/
Nick (played by XxRilu)

Xero (played by Novarion)

Melody (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Its up
Nick (played by XxRilu)

Cool what's the link
Xero (played by Novarion)

Xero (played by Novarion)

Melody (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

I'm not good at links, hang on

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Searching For The Stars (closed)

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