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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion opened his window and sat on the roof. He waited patiently for his enemy to get closer.
"Orian. Get ready."
It had been the scent of blood that drew Kai unwilling to the tavern. It was clear to him that the victim was no longer inside--a trail of blood made it easy to see where he went.

The vampire within awoke and hungered for a meal. Kai tried to fight it off, but it was impossible. He hadn't fed in too long and it was showing. His green eyes faded to a swampy color as he followed the trail--not even needing to see the blood to know where the man had gone.

He found him in an alley not far from the docks; the man was breathing shallowly, face pale from blood loss. The missing arm and improvised tourniquet was responsible for the blood. "You don't know when to give up, do you." Kai grinned toothily before he pounced on his prey.

With a scream, the man fell victim to the vampire. Kai didn't release him until all the blood had been drained--and then finally he straightened. His eyes were bright green and he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "Thanks for that--must have made someone mad." The lingering effects of a spell someone had cast on the man tingled through his body before fading. "And I think I found a new target."
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion knew right away what was bothering him. It was a vampire that had put him off that there was an enemy here to begin with. Orian. We shall go into the secod stage of transformation when he appears. Xion ordered Orian, just to make sure he understood.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean had finally caught the scent of the danger and figured it was a vampire, but she wasn't worried, her kind didn't die. Even if she did it would mean safty for her mother from Satan. Jean went to Xion's room and knocked on the door, she knew he probly already caught the scent as well.
Kai knew he was getting close to the spellcaster. He could feel his skin tingle as he arrived at an inn. He grinned. A buffet sat within if he wished it.

He didn't bother to go in through the front door; that was for idiots and sissies. He found an overhang and jumped up to it. People, he found, rarely looked up. And he liked getting a literal drop on people.

Except he realized that he was closer to the spellcaster. "Come out, come out, wherever you are~" he sang softly as he jumped to land on the roof of the inn.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

He heard the knock but didnt say anything. He opened the door with magic and stayed sitting on the roof just below his window.
Xion never worried about anything. He despised the vampire race though. Except for the few vampires he met that were decent, he despised them all.
Jean. Stay away. This fight will get messy. he sent the thought to Jean.
He stayed sitting as he saw then vampire jumped up to his level. He was already in second form and waiting.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean heard Xion's warning towards her and couldn't believe it. You wanted me to come and help you, weather you like it or not I'm fighting with you. She though, hoping Xion caught it since she was unable to send thoughts to people unless their family or soulbounded together. She looked out the window to find out where he went then caught Xion and the vampire's scent at the roof top and climbed up and stood beside Xion. "You asked for me to join you, so don't think I'm going to sit back and watch you fight a vampire on your own." She smriked as she held Hendia's hilt tightly and got into a fighting pose, glaring at the vampire. She couldn't say she hated vampires but she didn't like them.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Then stay out of my way. I could accidently kill you instead; my second form keeps me from telling the difference.
He stayed sitting, waiting for the vampire to make his move.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"I can't die" Jean whispered in a low and quiet voice so that Xion would only hear it. She sat beside him, waiting for the vampire to strike.
Kai saw the idiots perched on the overhangs below their rooms. Stealthily he crept until he was above them, before making his presence known.

"Funny, I didn't think gargoyles could reek of magic." His green eyes glinted, knowing that it was the one with the scythe that had been the spellcaster. "Did you bring a sacrifice in an attempt to appease me?"
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion's scythe suddenly dissapeared and the whole air around him changed. He was 10 times stronger than before. His pupils dilated and changed form into a four-point star. His eyes changed colors to a gold color. His skin was harder than any metal known to any creature alive.
He calmly waited for the vampire to attack.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean watched the vampires every move and rocioled in diguist when the vampire though she would be a sarfice. "Like I ever let a low-life vampire drink my blood, Satan wouldn't be so happy about that." She hissed at the vampire. Her eyes already shifted to a firey red color and were slits. Her nails were claws, and her own fangs shown. She had a pair of black devil wings and a devil tail. She waited for the vampire to attack one of them.
Kai grinned, his vampire fangs showing. "Actually I came to thank you for the easy meal; that one-armed human was quite the treat. Though I must admit he didn't have quite the strength you two do. With your blood I could cause quite the havoc in town."

He moved over the rooftop casually, priming himself for a jump.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion just sat relaxed waiting for the vampire to make a move. He wasnt going to let the vampire touch Jean, he had made a promise.
Orian hated waiting but Xion was more of the relaxed type.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean shrugged at the vampires comment. "He was stupid enough to take on something he doesn't know anything about it." She murmured to herself. Her tail twitched back and forth, waiting for the vampire to strike, she was wearing thin.
"Ha. Humans are idiots." The vampire calculated its chances: taking on just one would be difficult enough; both at the same time was foolhardy.

Fangs bared, he jumped for Xion, throwing all his strength forward in the hopes of overbalancing him on the ledge. The fall wouldn't kill him, but it might stun his prey just long enough for him to quench his thirst.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion put out his hand and grabbed the vampire by his throat, he tightened his grip, choking the vampire. He had an iron grip and wasnt about to let the vampire escape. Opening his eyes, Xion locked eyes with the vampire. His eyes pierced into the vampire and more than any other creature alive, there was this overwhelming hunger for death.
"You chose the wrong person to fight..vampire," Xion spoke in a cold, steely tone.
Choking, Kai scrambled for purchase, digging his nails into the man's arm. If he could get his grip to loosen just a little...

It was the look of death in the man's eyes that caused a shudder to go through the vampire. He'd faced threats before--but nothing on this scale. A twisted smile flickered over his face. Perhaps he had found the one...
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

The vampires nails scraped against his skin but never went in. Xion skin was as hard as metal now an almost nothing could penetrate this defense. Only one man had ever been able to but that was long ago. Xion kept his grip and tightened down slightly before throwing the vampire away from him and Jean.
The vampire flew several feet before the throw force started to die off.
Kai landed heavily on the ground, raising a fair bit of dust as his body fetched up against some obstacle or other. He didn't move. He hardly seemed conscious. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest indicated he wasn't dead yet.

Motionless, he lay there. Waiting for an attack that may or may not come.

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