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Forums » RP Discussion » Circus Remnants

Have to go will post more later when I get back. Sorry the last post was so short and was mostly Gahua talking to the elephants.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

That is ok. There will be more time later.
Sorry it took a while. Wasn't feeling up to replying for a bit there. I had an idea for the post but not the motivation to type it. Been a long day for me.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

Everyone has their good and bad as well as outstanding days. Occasionally we have writer's block as well. I understand.
I had an idea of possibly having Rose's parents have a staorage place full of odd and end circus items as well as some 'oddities'. Any thoughts?
And my internet connection keeps going away and coming back today. Hopefully it will get fixed or fix itself soon.

Where would the storage place be and what sort of oddities might be inside it? half a monkey + half a fish = mermaid type oddities or magic stuff or what?
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

That is not only not nice but very aggravating for you. I, too hope that it will soon be fixed.
Gahua/Sam is basicly a female Tarzan/Mowgli/etc.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

That is what I assume and why I am repeating myself to her. I am going to try to teach her a few things and maybe she will learn, maybe not.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

As far as oddities, I haven't figured out exactly. Your half a monkey + half a fish = mermaid is a good idea. Any others?
Let's list a few other things besides the posters. Maybe a few circus train cars,calliopes, miniature circus that is animated.
Maybe an clockwork automaton (1700s robot) that can draw a set number of programed pictures or write quotes?
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

That sounds so cool! I want to live in the southern part of US but have the town be a fictional town or unknamed. The weather would be a lot like Oaklahoma combined with Kansas. A lot of flat lands, mostly dry weather, tornado possibly, not sure what else......
The writing robot thing just sounds like an old style circus would have one and charge a fee to have people watch it or to have it write something for them (they can do custom messages if you know how to set them up for it, but that might be too complicated).

So the farm is flat the weather is mostly dry and there may be tornadoes without Rose's influence. Okay.

Sam will hate it but being kidnapped and stuck in a foreign country is not supposed to be fun.

Going from a tropical jungle with hills and stuff to flat and dry not so fun. But she'll adjust. The elephants will use the barn for shade I'm sure and if food is there but I doubt they'd go there to sleep or stay right away or maybe at all.

I assume Brad is unpacking or something and they'll all get their stuff out and put somewhere later.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

I found a lot of different kinds from small hand held ones to large free standing one that could be used as a side show peeny arcade. I will need to keep looking for more oddities that the old circus had.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

Brad is checking out the house which will turn out to be spotless. Rose will insist that they stay inside until she knows that it is safe for them to roam. I doubt more than a day or two because the ghosts will not be around for a few days. Then it would be nice to have a few ghosts that RP. Maybe we should put an interest check in for some ghosts?
Do we want temporary ghosts that will only be around for part of the ro or premanent ghosts?
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

Not sure.
1- Would having ghosts make the RP more appealing to others and they would be enticed to join the RP?
2- would ghosts enhance the RP if they are here in the long run?
3- What would we do with them after the initial plot?

We will need to find the momma cats. Sam should be able to find them better than what I would so could you lead this plot, pleasse?
Busy today. I will reply to the RP later. Gahua will be freaking out over the humans messing with the kittens and why the daddy is so okay with it. (I'm guessing he knows humans well enough to be okay with them messing with his kids).
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

The mothers are missing is why he allowing them to handle the babies. He needs help to find the mommas. I'll be waiting to hear from you! The babies need to eat since mommas have been missing a couple days.
I haven't forgotten the RP I just haven't had the time lately to reply or think up a very good post.
TheCreator7 Topic Starter

That is ok. Everyone has writer's block. I hope that soon Tom will find his mates.

I'll post something and perhaps something will come to your mind when you have time to post.

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