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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Sorry for some reason I didn't recieve a notification.))

"I can promise you that you will feel no pain. Nothing is going to happen to you." Orlando told him comfortingly. "We just want to know more about you and the Eslen. We just have to run a few tests and if you work with us, instead of fighting us, it will be over quickly. We can even help you." He paused for a beat, pulling out another protein bar. He broke it in half, chewing on one half while offering the other out to Wilson. "How do you feel about that?" He asked, smiling reassuringly.

((I'm going to bed, but I will respond in the morning.))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((If someone could please pm them and see. I vote we wait no longer than a week for them. You need to be communicative in a group rp. :/))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((I thought you meant "sure" as in it was still earlier in the day. ))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((What home is he refering to?))
Person (played by dave_pod)

((back in the city where he had been living before he had accidentally gone burnt in a public setting and got captured. there's other Elsen there, and they all prefer to stick together. the 'others' at 'home' will most likely notice that Wilson is missing and grow concerned.))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Which group? :P))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Did you want to just skip to morning?))
Person (played by dave_pod)

((thats when Wilson would be waking up. :) ))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Is everyone in agreement just to skip to morning? Any opposed? :P))
Person (played by dave_pod)

((no opposition.))
Person (played by dave_pod)

((ready. :3))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Sorry. It's late. I lost my temper. ^^; Please ignore this. ))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((For all those who are interested in joining, please post your character and where you feel like your character will be joining in the story on this thread
. Let's try to keep some order here. Once we decide where everyone is coming in (and making sure they are not too op :P) we'll decide a posting order. This will also allow us to keep track of all the characters in play.))
Person (played by dave_pod)

((a quick re-post of some of the more recent RP to help get back on track. :3 ))

{Orlando Apeh} Orlando rubbed his arm as though in a gesture of reassurance. "A hunt and capture, don't worry. Ubless they atrack firat, there wI'll be no conflict at all." He pointed to the dot that had nit moved since the night before. "It seems like he too had stopped to rest last night. We will catch up to him easily." Orlando shut off the heaters in the car, but kept the windows rolled up. The car was quiet with the motors of the heater off allowing Orlando to drive sliently.

{Kadmoss} Behind Orlando's van came a black bati motorbike, the Rider was dressed in black leather suit with black helmet and black tainted visor. The bike matched the vans speed coming up the side, the rider then drew a fully automatic uzi machine pistol and fired at the window aiming for the driver.

{Person} "GEUUUUU-~@=@~!~" *and, Wilson has gone Full burnt, his body becoming covered in thick, burning tar*
*~Bad guns friends guns friends- not guns by bads to friends- guns nots friends- STOP!*
*The Burnt would be quick to push out through the Truck door, likely denting or breaking it along the way, as he goes to try and grab ahold of this 'gun not friend' person with his long tarry talons*

{Orlando Apeh} Orlando swerved the truck as the bullets came peppering in. Fortunately this manuver directed the bullets though the back windows instead of in his face where they were targeted towards. He yelled out a nonsensical cry as the tar monster lept over his lap and broke though the driver's seat door and part of the roof to tackle the motorcyclist. He quickly slowed the truck and turned it around to go back for the Elsen, pausing just long enough to wipe the burning splatters of tar off his clothes and skin before grabbing his tranq gun and heading back towards the duelers.

((looks like next to come up this side of the story is Kadmoss. :3 ))
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Before joining the rp, you must post 1. Your character, and 2. Where you believe your character will come into the story in the topic here. You must then wait for approval by RandomRoleplayer or Anonymous (Orlando Apeh) before posting in the rp. Pointed glare. This is to prevent dangerous individuals from entering the rp without restrictions and to allow us to figure out a posting order. Violations of these rules will be shot on sight and banned from the rp.))

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