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Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Yea, but they know why you can," Mia answered. "Maybe they're just jealous. I come here once s month or so and we all understand each other in our own way, but none can understand me."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan hesitated briefly. "Well, is there anything you'd like to tell them? I can translate for you, if you'd like." It was worth a shot, and he could sympathize with the communication barrier. He often felt that way travelling just with Bella; but equally so he felt they had strengthened their bonds simply by learning each other's body language.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"That had been my idea too, but I can't think of anything. Some of these people have known me since they were young, some since they were as old as me, and I was even here for one of their births. I think we all communicate rather well," Mia mused. The griffin slipped the chain over her head and look down at it. The silver and emerald was a stark contrast against her fur and feathers and she liked how it stood out.
"Thanks again," she nuzzled the man's chest. "I actually have a nest here, so I might stay for a while too."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"A nest? Do you have a mate too?" He asked, then realized belatedly that it might be considered a private matter.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"What? No!" Mia was surprised. "It'll take another fifty years until I can find a mate. I need places to sleep though, so I make nests in places I go often."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"Oh, sorry." And then because he couldn't help it. "Another fifty years? Why so long?" Although given that Mia was the first griffin he'd encountered, he figured it might be to the rarity of the kind. Then again, this was Nathan; he was curious about animals and their behaviors--the only difference here was that he could talk to Mia, as opposed to merely observing.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(I'm making this up as I go, just FYI)

"It's because we can't reproduce until we're 200. Until then, there's no point in finding a mate. These last few decades are supposed to be used searching for possible candidates, but I'll probably be spending at least another 1000 years with whoever it is, and it will take more than 50 years to find someone like that, at least for me. I've already been approached several times because among griffins, my fur and feathers are oddly colored and it seems to be a likable trait in my case," Mia stopped herself. "I bet this is boring you. Anyways, I'm sure there'll be a job opening for you somewhere. My nest is at the river behind a shield of rocks, just that way if you need anything," Mia pointed with an extended wing.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"Actually, I was rather engrossed," Nathan replied, fascinated by the subject. "200 years...and yet you've been approached... I wonder if the males do more seeking than the females?" He shrugged and looked where Mia pointed.

"Ah, I'll remember that." He smiled. "And thanks; I'm sure I'll find something. Lots of people are always looking for a hunter or marksman." He ran a hand along his bow and smiled. "I should probably practice though first. Would you like to help me with that before we part ways, Mia?"
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"A lot of males search for griffins that are younger just so they know their choices or so that they aren't searching later," Mia answered. "As long as it's not me you had in mind for target practice I'd be glad to. What exactly were you thinking of?" Mia's tone was more light hearted than her thoughts. She had really only just met this man so she really wasn't sure. A griffin pelt was worth a lot of money, especially to elves. She cautiously eyed the wicked points of the arrows. He had just bought her that necklace though, and you don't kill people you just gave something, right? She glanced down at it and relaxed.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Surprise crossed Nathan's face. "Use you... I wouldn't do that. It'd be the same as using Bella; you're a friend."

He pulled a square of red fabric from his belt and held it up. It was about the size of his hand. "If you could put this somewhere high and far, I'll try to shoot it. But I promise I won't shoot until you're clear."

Grinning, he warmed the bowstring between his hands.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Alright," Mia looked around and spotted the church steeple, which was pretty far off and rather high. She flew up to it, cloth in hand and stuck it to the top. The griffin flew to the roof of the building and waited so she could more easily retrieve the cloth.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

It was as good a target as he could hope for. Of course, the only drawback was that if he missed, the arrow would have to land somewhere.

The bowstring warmed, Nathan pulled it a few times to loosen his muscles. Only then did he notch an arrow to the string. He aimed and drew back--before loosing.

The arrow hit a hand's width just below the cloth, lodging into the steeple. But Nathan had already drawn another arrow, nocked it, and had sent it on its way. This one flew true and struck the cloth. As did the third. He stopped at three arrows and rolled his shoulders. The bow was stronger than his last one; but he was pleased.

"Alright, I'm done." Nathan lowered the bow, impressed in spite of himself.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Mia watched Nathan the whole time and grabbed the arrows in her talons as well as the cloth when he finished.
"You've got scary good aim," she complimented, "Well, you know where I'll be. Good luck finding some work," the griffin took off and flew away.

When she landed at her nest, shielded by large boulders, it was just as she left it: feathers around the inside, made of thick tree branches and filled with all sorts of human odds, ends and trinkets. She moved it all around so she could lay down and curled into a large ball.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan grinned at her compliment. "Thanks, comes from years of practice." He didn't mention that he had to have exceptional aim out he'd have been eaten by wolves long ago. "I'll catch you later."

He headed back into the village to seek work and pay.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Mia quietly watched the river. She had put some broken pieces of stained glass on the bottom of the river bed, and the sun always made it light up the water in beautiful hues of green, blue, red and yellow. The griffin's eyes soon started to droop and the quiet rattle of the river soon knocked her out cold.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

The archery contest went off without a hitch, but Nathan made a few of the villagers upset in the process.

"Look, guys, it's a new bow...I swear. I'm just a really good archer. Um, if you want, I'll go hunt or track or something...Is there anything in particular that threatens you all?"

It seemed though with a Griffin around, there would be few to no predators around. He sighed. He'd made enough to at least grab some new supplies though.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Mia woke about two hours later to a low, loud roar. The griffin rose her head tiredly and looked around. A large silhouette passed over her head, blocking out the sun for a brief moment. At first, she thought it was a large bird, but that didn't explain the roar or the next thing she felt: a blast wave of heat. With the heat came recognition; a dragon was attacking the village. She quickly took off and let out a shrill cry, hopefully warning the dragon off. He wasn't too much bigger than she, but he was a fire breathing, armor plated dragon. Mia's only possible advantage was speed, and that might not be a factor. The dragon turned towards and let loose a fireball which Mia deftly avoided.
"Leave!" she cried out in dragon-tongue, but he didn't reply. Rather, he dove straight down and flee through the church, knocking the building flat. Mia dove for the dragon, talons extended and sharp beak ready to tear. Her speed was enough to knock the dragon to the ground since he was so low, but he quickly regained his senses and slashed at Mia, tearing a gash in her side. She reared up and brought her talons down on the beasts head. By this time, town guards were firing arrows, trying to hit it's soft underbelly, but a stray one caught Mia in the leg, poking out the other side, but she kept fighting.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

The loud roar alerted Nathan immediately to danger. He had an arrow to his bow before he'd even recalled what the creature was.

"Don't shoot!" he told the guards, even as they fired at the entangled griffin and dragon. He winced and realized they might have the reach and the strength, but their accuracy was fairly lacking.

He nocked an arrow to the bow, and then tracked the erratic movement of Griffin and dragon. He loosed, once he saw Mia lifting just a little free of the dragon.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The arrow whizzed past Mia and struck the dragon in the throat. He roared out and gave another slash at Mia, knocking her into the remains of the church. The griffin struggled to stand and spread her wings, then took off. She circled the dragon twice, letting out as loud a battle cry as she could given her condition and lunged at him. Her hind paws, with the sharp claws of a lion managed to pierce his neck, and her talons dug into his eyes, but the dragons sharp horns pierced her chest. Mia's hits were in vital places too, and the dragon reared up, then collapsed with Mia still on his head, one hanging limply, her breathing forced and raspy.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"Mia!" Nathan yelled upon seeing her injuries. And those were just what he saw. "Are you..." He couldn't even bring himself to ask, because it was obvious that she was injured. "You're bleeding."

And his healing ability didn't work on animals. He scowled and then fired an arrow into the dragon's muzzle for good measure.

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