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Forums » Smalltalk » Your Must-Read Booklist

Since this is a roleplaying forum, I imagine that many or most of us are avid readers. In the spirit of the voracious reader in me, I'll submit my list of must-reads.

Kraken by China Mieville
The Scar by China Mieville
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Peter Straub
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
The Young Wizard series by Diane Duane
Stranger In a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov
The Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook
*All of Brandon Sanderson's books (not the Wheel of Time ones, though)";
I haven't read any of those, but I think I know what I'll be getting at the local library...

My list:
"Shadow Ops: Contol Point" by Myke Cole -- excellent modern fantasy
"The Blue Sword" and "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley (and the rest of hers--she has amazing fantasy)
"Monster Hunter Intenational" by Larry Correia --again, modern fantasy
"Leviathan" "Behemoth" "Goliath" by Scott Westerfield--steampunk.
"Joust" and "Alta" by Mercedes Lackey.

Other authors I recomment include Tamora Pierce and Orson Scott Card.
Frangod Topic Starter

I like Orson Scott Card quite a bit, and I've read Scott Westerfield's books. Very nice! I forgot to include Anathem by Neil Stephenson on the list. EXCELLENT science fiction!
Enders Game is being made into a movie! It comes out, what, next year I think? Ides of March and all. I can't wait--it looks to be really good. OSC is helping with the script, and one of the producers/directors really loves the story too, so it's bound to be pretty accurate.

Divergent - Veronica Roth (good for fans of Hunger Games)
Any Cathy Glass biography (She's a foster carer in the UK)
Sweep series - Cait Teirnan
Let's Pretend this Never Happened - Jenny Lawson

The list goes on and on, unfortunately, because I work in a book store. I read A LOT.
These are some books that have always standed out to me.

Witch & Wizard by James Patterson
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer
I wanted to read the Vladamir Tod books Kuro, I have a HUGE soft spot for YA books.

Good Omens should definitely be on this list, it's amazing.

For fellow YA-ers, Tamora Pierce is great, and Cassandra Clare. I realize those are people and not books, but if I listed out all their books that I've read I might be here awhile! For books Cinder by Marissa Meyer and DUFF by Kody Keplinger are good as well :D

The Beasts of Barakhai and The Lost Dragons of Barakhai by Mickey Zucker Reichart are very good too. Actually I've read all of her books and they're all amazing :)

Working my way through Ender's Game for the first time currently, it's...interesting. I should probably stop now because I read basically anything and so I've got tons of books. Lily, I'm super jealous that you work in a bookstore XD
Loki wrote:
I wanted to read the Vladamir Tod books Kuro, I have a HUGE soft spot for YA books.
I've already read almost all of the Vladimir Tod books, expect the last one which I need to borrow from a friend at school before summer comes. The Vladimir Tod series is a very intresing one, I've always loved it and I have re-read the books I have it twice but now I have three books I need to finish.

I agree with several of the series listed above, but want to add Rick Riordan. I love almost anything by him. Namely, I started with his Percy Jackson and the Olympians story. I absolutely loathe the movie, it was an atrocity compared to the books.

Like, gee. Let's remove...
- The Main Villain
- This Book's Villain
- The Oracle/Prophecy
- Every unique environment

Let's change...
- Luke into the main villain. And Hades.
- The premise
- The very fundamental story
- A million other things that are unnecessary to change.

...Derek didn't read the book to not spoil the movie and was like THAT WAS A HORRIBLE MOVIE.

So if anyone saw the Percy Jackson movie and put off reading the series because of it, don't let that dissuade you. :) You'll find a very different and fulfilling experience. You won't even think it was the same series. I promise. :x
Frangod Topic Starter

Thanks for all your input, everyone! I've just recently downloaded Michael Swanwick's The Dragons of Babel, which is another story set in the same world as his excellent Iron Dragon's Daughter. Try to imagine a gritty world populated by fae creatures with abundant magic and high technology. It's a bizarre, entrancing mix. Inevitably, his characters are seriously flawed and very very interesting. I'd imagine that most of the people who post on this site would really enjoy Michael Swanwick's work. Think William Gibson meets Lewis Carrol meets the Brothers Grimm.
Minerva--the worst part was I was SO looking forward to seeing Poseidon in a Hawaiian outfit! *sob* But the books were really good. I need to read the last one, and then there's a Roman series as well, which I need to read, by Riordan.

Two books that everyone should read at least once: The Lord of the Rings by J R.R. Tolkien, and The Hobbit. Especially since the latter is going to be in theatres in December. :D

HOW DO YOU REMOVE THE VILLAINS?! I only read one book of his egyptian series, wasnt as big a fan but it was still good. I own but havent read son of neptune. I find his representation of greeks/romans are like eerie similar to mind. Loki actually referenced me to percy jackson cuz his hermes reminded her and sanitycatch of the one i write LOL. I gotta catch up on... All these books i love but havent finished the series of even if i own it. Too much going on in life lately.
Frangod Topic Starter

Okay, I've gotta add the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks to my list. All of 'em. They're all great space opera science fiction and the Culture itself has lit my imagination afire!

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