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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Party With a She Vampire? {Open}

Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously)

The 'Blue Rose' was a very popular place, filled to the brim with hormonal freaked fist pumping and grinding this way and that. The best place for Valendeer to find a stupid man to take home for a bit of fun~.

She wore a black corset top, showing off her.... BEST features~ and its shortness only made her legs stick out, curvy was he body type. Easy fr her to get anyone there. Her red eyes moved along the crowd, looking for a cuty to snag....~
The music was loud, the people sweaty, and yet, the smell of blood was in the air. Honestly, Kai didn't know what had driven him out to this particular club on this particular night. Except that he'd been skulking around for the last couple of days looking for a good part of town where he could cut loose on a feeding binge.

And by a "good part of town", he meant the downtown, less likely to run into cops, portion. He hated cops; always running towards the scream of a victim. And Kai had had to become better at finding ways to muffle his prey.

As it was, his latest target had entered the dance floor, and he hung back. His prey had been a rather none-too-bright young man who seemed to have more hormones than brain. And the kid hadn't once glanced over his shoulder to check for anyone trailing him.

Kai wished he had plucked him off sooner, as his target wandered over to a scantily clad woman and began to hit on her. Then again--two for the price of one? It was worth hoping for. So he remained against the wall of the club, keeping an eye on his target as he tried to pretend he wasn't a stranger. Though his faded jeans and perhaps none-too-fashionable dark red shirt might have given that away to begin with.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

A prickle down Vals back made her more aware. 'Another vampire?' She thought as she eyed the people around her. It had to be close, in the club with her. Val sniffed the air, pin pointing the other.

Val eyed the man in the red shirt, that was him. A male vampire~ She was already getting excited. A male vampire hadnt been near her in a long time~ Fun was in her mind as she made her way to him. "I see you like a binge drink? Hmm~?" She cooed in his ear as she came up to him.
So focused on blending in and keeping an eye on his target, Kai didn't sense the other person on him until she spoke in his ear. Not that he would have heard otherwise.

He flinched and turned, remembering just barely to keep from baring his teeth. Beyond the scent of alcohol was another, more familiar scent, and he took a step back, his green eyes flickering.

He smiled carefully. "I like a drink as much as the next guy, but my tastes might be a little...unique."
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Unique? How?" Val leaned to the wall beside him, her red eyes on his pretty green ones. She felt a stangeness about this male. But what? This was her chance to get in with another vampire, something she almost longed for.

Music pulsed through the club, washing over her, making her skin prickle. Blood pumped through everyone in the club, hard and fresh.
Kai looked her up and down; not bothering to be discreet about it. He shrugged and then seeing that no one was within too close range to hear, he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"You know what I mean." He pulled back a little to watch her face; his green eyes meeting her red ones. Was it him, or did the club feel just a little too claustrophobic? He jerked his head towards the door and took a step towards it--indicating she should follow him outside.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

A grin slithered onto her face, nodding in agreement to fallow him. He was an odd vampire indeed, but one she could get use to in a heart beat. She made her way the the door, her hips moving this way and that with each step, her heels clicking on the club floor.
Kai waited until she was clear of the door before grabbing her by the arm and shoving her against the building.

"What do you think you're doing?" he hissed, no longer caring about not revealing his fangs. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Hmm~?" Val cocked her head to the side. "I feed here. Whats it to you? I should be asking you the same damn thing?! I didnt know of any other vamps here?" Val hissed back, showing her bright white fangs.
"There weren't any other vamps here, or so I thought," Kai retorted, backing off. "I just ended up following my meal here and it hasn't come out yet. I presume you're doing the same?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Im Valendeer~ Nice to meet you." val winked and smiled. "Im here to look for a meal, yes. But to be honest?" Val now looked hurt. "I was happy to find another vamp..."
"I'm Kai." But he was a little confused. "Y-you're happy to meet another vampire? Why?" As far as he could tell, they'd have to be rivals for feeding on humans. Then again, there were plenty of humans.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Vampires need companions too..." She whispered. "I get my fill, I dont mind haveing you here..." Val looked like a small teenager, with her shortness and her hair all pulled to the side. Many didnt take her serious.
Kai had never let physical age affect him; the fact she was a vampire pretty much nullified her youthful act.

" you don't mind if I stay?" He asked warily, as though testing shark infested waters by sticking a hand in.
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"No, I dont mind. Just dont kill to many, I dont want to have to up and leave because it gets to obvious." Val smiled and moved form the wall. "It nice to see a new Vampire though
Kai offered a slightly less threatening, almost friendly smile in return. "I'm sorry for my assumption earlier. I, ah, tend to either invoke the wrath of other vamps because I'm treading into their territory--or I'm on the run from a Hunter."

He sighed and tugged at the braid of his long black hair. "It's been a while since I last fed, but I try to clean up after myself. Would you rather I feed elsewhere?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"You can feed here. I already ate... or you can fallow me home? I have blood there you can have." Val licked her lips and smiled at the male. He acted like she would turn him down at all costs, but Val really liked other vampires around.
Kai couldn't help it, he perked at the thought that she had blood at home. His timidity seemed to fade once he realized that she wasn't going to attack him or chase him off. "What do you mean you keep blood at home? You have humans there? Or is there another method I'm missing?"
Valendeer Rossa (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I have a feeder, he is my butler, but I use him as a feeder." Val smiled a bit. "He is always so high on my endorphin that he is at me call and whim. Its crul, but he is so addicted he always comes back if I make him leave." Val grabbed his hand. "Fallow me."
Kai's eyes flickered. A feeder. Why hadn't he--oh right. He had considered it, briefly, but his lack of control killed whatever he sank his fangs into, whether he wanted to kill them or not.

"Sure, but...I don't have that kind of control." He closed his hand around hers and followed.

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