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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » High school for humans and non-humans.

Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Spots jumped down and left. "She does that" she said. "Well better get going" she said as she left to
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

"okay" she said "come on fofo and tilly" she said leading fofo to roses dorm and dropping him off and taking tilly to hers and opened the door
Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Sunflower walked around looking for her dorm
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

she pulled out her book and read it lost into the poems
Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Sunflower walked into a wall and laughed then she kept walking
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

Tilly jumped at the end of jupiters bed jupiter ended up falling asleep holding the book
Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Sunflower walked around and came to a dorm that was empty and saw it was like a human dorm so she walked in and put her stuff up
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

she cuddled up to the book and pillows
Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Sunflower fell asleep
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

tilly grabbed jupiters sketchbook and went to look for johnny
Sunflower and johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Johnny was either alseep or being Johnny more of Johnny was in the garden
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

Tilly ran to the garden barking at johnny and dropped Jupiters sketch book in at his feet
Johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Johnny picked it up. "Tilly you not supposed to bring jupiters stuff to me" he says as he pets tilly
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

Tilly barked telling johnny to look at it Tilly wanted people to see Jupiters art
Johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Johnny opened it and looked at it
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

he saw tons of beautiful pieces of art work tilly jumped up and down barking softly
Johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Johnny closed it. "Show this to rose" he said
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

Tilly nodded and grabbed the book running to look for rose
Ares and rose (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Rose was in her dorm asleep
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

Tilly scratched at the dorms door

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