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Forums » General Roleplay » !HIRING! Cutie Cafe - All characters welcome!

Gustav Ahr (played by okAlex)

Gustav laughed a little, "Dont worry about it." He said smiling, "I was just running from a few photographers.." He said looking back, shrugging a little, he continued "It was kinda a big crowd, and it made me uncomfortable, so I decided to just run to the closest place I could find."
All Other Characters (played by LunLun) Topic Starter

"Photographers?" Skylar asked loudly, almost jumping and falling off of her seat on the counter, the short young woman yelped as Pianto quickly caught her with the greatest of ease, preventing her fall. Her magenta eyes seemed to hold a spark that went away quickly as her face became cherry red, knowing she had just embarrassed herself.
Other Charters (played by jake_smol_english)

Coco had came out at the wrong time because when she had heard the word photographer she flipout and her ears and tail spiked out like a cat and hissed non-stop at the person. She had slowly caught her self and tucked everything back into place, "I-I'm sorry, that you had to see that happen..." she said almost about to pout because she know better.
All Other Characters (played by LunLun) Topic Starter

Pianto looked to Coco with a chuckle and smile, approaching her to pat her head, "for the last time, it's totally fine." his dusted cheeks glowed softly.
Aihara Kasumi (played by Kuroki)

((On second thought, nevermind) )
Gustav Ahr (played by okAlex)

He laughed a little, "Mhm." He replied, "I'm not really used to having a random crowd taking pictures of me, so I felt a little strange, it was mainly just instinct to run." He said laughing.
Other Charters (played by jake_smol_english)

Coco kind smile but her anger was still inside because the crowed of people could have found out that she was a neko. "N-no it not...." She told Pianto as he started to purr.
All Other Characters (played by LunLun) Topic Starter

Pianto smiled softly again, "yes it is, come on, let's go in the back." he said and lead her into the backroom, taking his hand off of her head for a moment. "The one who yelled was only Sky, now we both know how she is. She is our boss."

Skylar stared at him, "are you...famous or something?" she asked curiously, hoping not to offend him as her voice was softer this time.
Other Charters (played by jake_smol_english)

Coco just look at him and let out her ears out and her tail and pet it and said "Yea, I know" she said stopping for a couple moments "but she knows it startles me." she said ending her statement and butting her ears and tail back into place"
All Other Characters (played by LunLun) Topic Starter

Pianto smiled gently at Coco, "She does but she forgets, too, along with the fact that you're so silent sometimes that we don't know that you're in the room." he stammered out quietly, he had very quickly let his small tail and ears pop out, the dog yokai sighing in relief for a moment.
Gustav Ahr (played by okAlex)

"Well, I wouldn't say exactly famous.." He said rubbing the back of his head, "I guess more well known?" He didn't want to seem cocky, so he decided this was the best approach.
Other Charters (played by jake_smol_english)

Coco giggle and smiled kiss Pianto on the cheek. "I am quite, because loud noise scare me and it also startle me." Coco said fixing her dress and looking at his ears and smiling brightly.
Aislinn (played by DancingDawn)

(Would it be okay if she worked there? Or would you prefer it if she was a customer?)
All Other Characters (played by LunLun) Topic Starter

Skylar nodded, swinging her legs on the counter before hopping off, "well, I assume you'll be here for a while, assuming that the crowd would be out there for a while." she smiled.

Pianto chuckled lightly and hesitantly, placing his hand to his side, "I know, I know. Are you ready to get back to work?" he said, "How about you handle the cash register, Sky's helping out there. I can do the waiting gig for a little."
Other Charters (played by jake_smol_english)

Coco had look at Pianto for just a little bit and turn away, "No, I would like to say waiting tables, because it is what I know how to do best." Coco had said and walk out the kitchen door fixing her dress one last time, grabbing her ordering book for under the conor and on the shelf and her pens and putting them in her pouch.

Than she had when to the person that had ran into the door make huge noise when he ran in. "What would you like to drink?" Coco had said to the man grabbing out her ordering book and a hot pink pen from her pouch, "Would you like some coffee, green tea, or water?" she had ask him looking at him in the eyes and she was ready to write.
Aislinn (played by DancingDawn)

Aislinn corrected the bag hanging off her shoulder, and grabbed the doorknob, entering the little cute café. She walked over to the counter. "Sorry if I'm a bit late. I had some errands to run before I could get here." She looked at the clock over the counter. She was thankfully only a few minutes late, nothing to worry about. She went to the back to set down her stuff and came back shortly after, setting her hair in a slightly spiky ponytail. She was quite beautiful. She had pale skin and crystalblue eyes, that were like ice. It appeared as though she dyed her hair an unnatural color as it was some sort of blueish white. She had amazing clear skin, but a rather cold appearance. She stood out a little from ordinary people. She greeted her co-workers again. "Anything I can help with?"
Nira (played by SpearOfJustice)

Nira: The bell rings. School's out. I just don't feel like going home right now. I start walking. I need somewhere to go. Anywhere. I cross the street and see a cafe. Well, at least I could sit down in there. I open the door and walk in. There's a lot of people here...maybe I should go. I turn to leave and bump into someone. (It can be anyone that she bumps into)
*Miles is a regular customer who comes by everyday after school and talks to the staff for he is only 15 years old) Heya guys he said as he took his seat near the window
Aislinn (played by DancingDawn)

"Hey Miles. Back again?" She asked Miles Ramirez. A regular costumer here at this cute café. Her tone was kind and her voice smooth and soft. Just a bit chilly, but she usually was. She stood behind the desk, ready to take his order with her hair in a spiky ponytail and a smile on her face. She walked over to his table from the desk, every move elegant and determined. "I suppose you'll have the usual?" She asked again, though it being more of a statement than a question. She had a tiny notebook ready and a pen in her right hand to write down his order.
Nick Lus (played by KylieWaterfall)

Could I join? This sounds very fun.

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