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Forums » General Roleplay » Hormones

Alex (played anonymously)

(anyways when is zion gonna appear?! XD)
Hayden Elwell (played by Lone_Otaku)

((I don't know, but I do know one thing, you guys are too damn active...))
Alex (played anonymously)

((hahaha got that right))
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

( X3 )
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

((Sorry! I keep missing so much lmao))
Vidia smiles back at Miles, and slightly smiles at Alex before turning away.
Zion (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Zion finally came to class late, as usual, he was walking more slow this time, he seemed kind of tired. He lazily set his stuff down and sat in a random desk. Once again, not his assigned seat, as he forgot.
Alex (played anonymously)

I only take a really quick glance and I look straight ahead.
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Vidia stares to the floor, sighing a little, just thinking.
Tired, she rests her eyes for a moment.
Alex (played anonymously)

Alex only wants to keep things cool today so he stays silent.
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

(hEY check ur Pms)
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

( your mean Alex you know that :( )
Luna looked at the ceiling sadly no one was really talking to her
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

Vidia went over to Luna, noticing shes upset.
"Is everything okay?" She asked with a little worried expression. She didn't want her to be upset.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

"y-yea" she said softly looking at Vidia
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

"You don't look okay." She said, before taking a seat, "Is it okay if I sit here?" She asked.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

she nodded her head
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

She rested her head in her palm, looking at Luna, "Tell me whats wrong." She said with a frown.
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna shrugged her shoulders and looked around "it's just that everyone has been weird since the fight" she said softly
Vidia (played by UselessCatt) Topic Starter

She looked down, "Yeah..." She replied softly.
Alex (played anonymously)

(I dont mean to be mean im really not like that...its not the normal me) I keep silent and text miles "hey you ok?"
Luna (played by Gothic_Girl)

Luna nodded her head

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