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Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"They still shouldnt be calling you that," Mustang replied.
Collins, her brother, stuck out his hand to shake.
"Im Collins. Thanks for saving my sister by the way," Collins said.
His voice was deep and he was tall with a slight muscular build.
"You are very velcome," he set his mug down and shook the mans hand firmly, "You are honored to be in zee presence of a space vizard, like Harry Potter, just more magic."
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Collins looked at him and pulled hsi hand away. "Mustang.. Is he ok?" he whispered to her.
"Oh hes insane is all but he does have this neat trick that he does," she replied with a smile.
Collins nodded slowly then motioned for them to follow him. Leading them down a few more tunnels, he opened a door and led them into a large room. It had two beds in it and a small kitchen space with a table.
"This is my place," he said proudly.
(Reminds me of the Ragged Flagon" in Skyrim...)

"Vhat joy!" Doc laughed and took a sip out of the mug, which he had managed to fill with beer from the tavern counter without anyone looking.

(I can only imagine Doc doing what Captain is in the final frame of this )
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Mustang smiled and walked inside. "Its nice size for what is all available down here," she commented.
Collins smiled and walked in too before sitting on a bed.
"So Doc.. Did my sister force you to come here?" he asked amused.

(Lol thats a great pic for it)
"Yes. Zee day before she attacked zee ship I vas on, I killed mein captein and took control. He vas incompetent. Anyvays, she came in and killed evervun on board, including her first mate and told me to come vith her. I said yes on zee terms zat she vould not hurt my little Keera," he said with a mad laugh as he put a straw into the mug to actually drink the remaining contents.

(Minus the flower of course :P )
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Collins chuckled at his sisters tactics but he was creeped out by Doc's evil laugh. Mustang however was used to it so she sat on the other bed and took off her coat. There was a knock on the door and she got up. Opening it, the man that had been injured stood there except without his mask. He instantly checked her out as he was not used to seeing women dressed like that.
"Well i came to thank you for saving me mam but maybe a date would be better?" he asked and smiled.
She had to admit he was good looking but she wasnt sure by the way he stared at her.
"Well um maybe some other time," she said and gently shut the door.
She wasnt used to guys asking her on a date so she felt a little awkward standing there. Collins grinned.
"Have someone else on your mind sis?" he asked.
Mustang smiled then shook her head no. Looking at Doc, she pet Keera gently.
"Doc i think we will stay here for a day or two ok?" She asked.
"Zat is fine by me," he said and took off his mask, revealing the disfigured face beneath it and set it on the table, "I sink I am going to get more beer."
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Collins winced when he saw Doc's face then quickly looked away when Mustang looked at him. "Dont let them say stuff or push you around Doc," she said then walked out of the room. She went to go find that man they had rescued.
I don't sink zat any of zem vill come near me," he put Keera on the bed and left.
As soon as he went back into the tavern, he refilled his coffee mug with beer.
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Many people stared then quickly looked away. Mustang found him and talked to him for a bit before they went to the tavern. They talked for several hours then he agreed to go back with them. Walking her back, he said bye and hesitated before kissing her cheek.
"Bye Collins. Doc," he said before leaving.
Mustang was blushing and she sat on the other bed.
Doc was laying on the floor, his gas mask back on but the two filters removed and Keera curled up on his chest, sleeping soundly as he pet her.
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Mustang looked at him and smiled. "Whats up Doc?" she asked then laughed a little. Bugs bunny always said that and she thought it was kinda funny.
Collins was dead asleep already and she wasnt very tired. But there was about Aven. Aven was the guy they had rescued from the zombies.
"Zee sky. I vill paint it vith zee organs of zee undead!" he laughed maniacally.
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Mustang raised an eyebrow then threw her pillow at him.
"Your so wierd," she said with a sigh and laid back.
Doc was beggining to feel like a good friend to her.
"You throw your pillow at zee doctor?" the pillow was stuck on the beak of his mask. It was surprisingly sharp and he sat up so suddenly that he almost flipped Keera off of his chest. He pulled the pillow off his mask, "Save zee pillow throwing for zee undead," he lay down again, "I used pillow to kill zee captain on mein ship. It made glorious explosion! He vas all over zee valls and zee floors and even zee cieling!"
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Im sure he was. Gun or explosive?" Mustang asked. Stretching, she put her hands behind her head and closed her eyes.
"I put a pressure mine in his pillow and vhen he lay down, BOOM! No more captein... If I had used only gun, zen zere vould be no explosion like I had said, yah? But if I had used zee wonderwaffe D-G2, zen zere vould have been a short circuit on zee whole ship," he laughed and threw the pillow back at Mustang. He had managed to put few grenades in it without her looking and it hit her chest, "Look inside, I gave you a prescription to deliver."
When she opened the pillow case, there would be four grenades in it, one of them bright yellow with a smiley face on it, the rest were military green. On the yellow one was a post-it not that said "1 grenade on the house, courtesy of the doctor."
Mustang Anna Carver (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"Ah nice touch with your captain. You wouldnt be doing the same to me anytime soon would you?" Mustang asked teasingly.
Opening the pillow case, she smiled at the grenades and kept the in the pillow case. Shifting them over, she put her head on the pillow and one of her guns under it.
Collins looked at them tiredly and groaned.
"You two talk about some sick things man.." he muttered and turned over falling back to sleep.
"Zee blood vas glorious!" he made an explosion with his hands, "And if you vind up being as incompetent as mein previous captein, you might end up vith your head over..." he rubbed his chen and then pointed, "Zeeere, and your arms over zeeere. But so far, your are proving worthy to serve over zee doctor."

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