Well this question that harbors itself within the confines of the rp ran and operated thing known as my brain is something character based so I shall presume this is the correct thread. First one to give me an accurate answer gets a cookie. Of a magical rock if it's Kim's snail. Heh. But yes. There's this site I'm sure some of you heard of called playlist.com . Formerly <a href="http://projectplaylist.com">projectplaylist.com</a> . But is there a way i could Take one of my playlists from that site and put it on my characters page? I would try it myself and answer my own question but alas that is one of the few things my smart phone isn't smart enough to achieve.
There's a section in the FAQ for that site about embedding playlists onto other sites but from the looks of things, it gives you HTML code. Sadly, for security reasons, being able to post HTML has been disabled here, so I'm not sure it's going to work.
If you want to try it anyway, here's the guide, just scroll down to where it says Sharing and Embedding Playlists.
As an alternative, you could list the songs manually or provide a link to your playlist.
If you want to try it anyway, here's the guide, just scroll down to where it says Sharing and Embedding Playlists.
As an alternative, you could list the songs manually or provide a link to your playlist.
Unfortunately darth is correct, you are unable to embed the playlist. I had a peek at the site and it's pure HTML, so the page will automatically strip the HTML tags and not display it.
What you can do as alternative besides what darth suggested is also embed Youtube videos. Kim made a special tag that will allow you to add it. You can also resize the video quite small so it won't take up too much space, or post multiple videos at once.
How to embed youtube videos on RPR.
If the songs you pick are available on youtube, then that might be a nice solution.
What you can do as alternative besides what darth suggested is also embed Youtube videos. Kim made a special tag that will allow you to add it. You can also resize the video quite small so it won't take up too much space, or post multiple videos at once.
How to embed youtube videos on RPR.
If the songs you pick are available on youtube, then that might be a nice solution.

Thanks fOr the assist there guys. YouTube videos won't be necessary. Just need the songs themselves as they are for character "Theme songs' per say. Heh.
If Sanne's suggestion of Youtube videos isn't going to work, according to that FAQ, you can link to individual songs. While you might not be able to embed it directly into the page, you could at least put a comment along the lines of "This song is the theme for..." and include the link to it.
Lance2011 wrote:
Thanks fOr the assist there guys. YouTube videos won't be necessary. Just need the songs themselves as they are for character "Theme songs' per say. Heh.
A lot of people use youtube videos to showcase themesongs too! It's not always about the video after all.

It's understandable if you don't want that though!
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