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Forums » Smalltalk » Getting so bored you...


Make a facebook timeline for your character at like 3 AM.

What ridiculous things have you done in the wee hours while bored out of your mind?
Minerva wrote:
Make a facebook timeline for your character at like 3 AM.

What ridiculous things have you done in the wee hours while bored out of your mind?

Depends on the day.

Most of the time I'm usually sleeping; if it's on a weekend at 3 AM, chances are good that my son is awake for some reason or another.
Minerva Topic Starter

Well yeah, everyone has different ideas of 'the wee hours.' I tend to be up till around 5 AM because Derek works night shift and gets home around then, and I've automatically synced to his schedule since him coming in the door used to wake me up no matter how quietly he tried to do it. But you seriously have -nothing- you do when you're at the late hours winding down?
Well I tend to get on here and chat to help kill some time. Also, I read fanfics constantly to kill time. The "wee hours" tend to vary for me from day to day what with me being a truck driver and all. That's really about all I do out on the road.
I get so bored i hang out on Imvu all day lol

I make characters. A lot of them. A lot of them get thrown out. Or I kill one or two of them to make myself cry.
Lately, I've been making videos of my fishtanks. :D
Liberius (played by Yuka)

Normally if I am bored, I read one of the many books that I currently have started and simply not completed yet. Either that, or I do some Photoshop practice.
Minerva Topic Starter

CaptainCassie wrote:
Lately, I've been making videos of my fishtanks. :D

...I think that one beats my facebook time burning. o_o
I hit the random button in Brows Characters, and then imagine how my characters would interact and clash with the highlighted fellow/fellowess~ Oh, and check on my application~

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