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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unloved Demon(1x1)

Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

"I don't want her to know I'm still alive. It's better off that she's thinking I'm dead."
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

"Why would that be better?"
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

"Because I wouldn't put her in danger."
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

"Okay, I guess I really shouldnt be a part of your family buisness."
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Epoch looked up, his eyes flickering black.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

Niran stood up "I-i think I'll go for a walk." Niran walked in the direction of the forest.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

"Gah. Sorry. That didn't mean I was angry with you." Epoch stood up.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

Niran didn't hear him she was to far away already.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nicolas sighed.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

~Night time~

Niran still hadn't returned from her walk.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nicolas looked out. He was worried about Niran.
Nero was just sitting beside a tree near the house.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

Niran was in her demon form and walking through the forest close to the house. She was strangley able to keep control.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nero saw her and decided to say sorry for earlier. He transformed into his demon form and trotted after her.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

Niran sat down and cocked her head to the side.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nero approached her, watching her carefully with his white eyes.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

"Hey Nero" Niran said her voice slightly deeper.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nero nodded his head once."I thought you weren't going to recognize me for a minuet." His voice was deep and resonated with several other voices.
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

"How couldn't I my senses arn;t that bad." Niran huffed.
Nicolas (played by ChaoticDeath3)

Nero made a sound that was supposed to sound like a chuckle but it sounded like the ground was rumbling." Just making sure."
Niran (played by scarheart12) Topic Starter

"yeah, yeah so why are you here."

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