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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Runa looks up at Ren. "I'm Runa!" She sticks out her hand. "Nice to meet you!"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren nodded. A vine came down and shook her hand.
Flint (played by jackson111)

so ren how are you?"
Runa's legs swing under the table. She then notices the vine. "Woah!"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren shrugged.”I’m alright. You?”
Flint (played by jackson111)

"im ok"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

“Did you sleep good?”
Flint (played by jackson111)

"not really but thats fine"he says
Flint (played by jackson111)

"I went to sleep at 8:30, so I was wide awake this morning."
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

“Well could be better.” She said.
Flint (played by jackson111)

howmanny hours did you sleep?"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

“I don’t remember.” She said.
Flint (played by jackson111)

Runa finishes her lollipop, then pulls out another one from her pocket.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

“Are you sure you should be eating so many?” She asked Runa.
"I'll be fine!" She says reassuringly.
Flint (played by jackson111)

are you sure kid?"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

“Ok... so... Flint you still haven’t shown me around.” She said.
Flint (played by jackson111)

oh we can go now if you would like

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