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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

A man screamed into space. But in space, nobody can hear you scream. Even when you are freaking out over the off-world homerun your league was able to pull.

"Yo saw that, Camille?!"

Baris was a man that have seen the insanity that space had to offer for a lone patrolleer. Curiously, none of those came from any distress calls he answered. Often, it were his own delusions and paranoia about the dangers of a vacuum environment.

"Yeah. I did. Sixteen hours ago."

One of these 'insanities' was watching a late pre-recording of a Low-G Baseball round and unable to enjoy it with some company. That already hadn't seen the game weeks, days or luckily, hours ago. Turned off by the lack of excitement from his partner, stationed on a temporary outer solar system mothership, Baris increased his velocity to full thrust, listening again to the distress signals the Elsworth had picked just some time ago.

"Starving rogue raid? Petty terrorism? A prank?" - Camille said, doubting the credibility of the desperate appeals of the victims of an unseen destruction. "Prank?? No surprise you were almost 'outta your job!" - Baris tried to argue, but... - "You don't need to be a genius to notice that. Isolated world, no previous history of communication whatsoever and just some passing-by signals of smaller spacecraft. Beers on you if it's a prank."

Grunting at his radio partner, Baris was glad his ship had already reached low-orbit. Without anything to wait, he started to gear up: A synthetic fabric skin lining, his typical STA as always, a clear-green tinted helmet with high-power headlights and an emergency communication device and a light titanium plating vest for any added dangers. Said vest, consequently, came with a backpack with every supply needed for long term survival, food procurement and, most importantly, an advanced medic kit enabling even local surgery from pesty alien parasite removals to the more common bullet wounds and heat burns.

"Baris." - Camille voice came in again, sounding scoffy. - "Alright, alright..." - His vest already had a emergency low-caliber small pistol but for apparently riskier operations, the Elsworth personnel were always instructed to bring a common battle rifle, coupled with an under barrel slugthrower for close encounters. - "Common procedure, buddy. Elsworth can go take in their asses, but I can't lose you."
"Just so you could pester me more?" - Both chuckled into their radios before a rescue pod launched from the small, twenty personnel white ship in geostationary orbit. Inside, a well-prepared Emergency Search & Rescue Reconnaissance Responder.

It wouldn't take too long for it to drop into a nearby clearing. Reflective orange stripes and a white lining making sure it drew attention from any eyes nearby. After all, it was a rescue operation.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Keep in mind that ember activated a special field so that radio communications wont leave)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Recent post,But in universe.So it applies)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(The jammer was already there)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(So we got a problem here)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Nevermind,Just continue)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember would walk over to the radar to see a ship in atmosphere "Looks like we got some visitors, said ember as he quickly walked over to the gun control,He would press a button as a green glow would emit from a gun on the side of the building,A large screen would flicker on,Showing a white ship,Ember would press a button as if confirming something,He also saw two smaller objects on the radar,Most likely asteroids,Ember would walk out of the building,Completely ignoring the bright green light that flashed off of it
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(I am assuming that an asteroid fell at the same time)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Credit to subnautica for the idea)
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

"Tyhan, I just need you to not move. I know it hurts, but I need you to calm down." Her scales shimmered, softening and liquefying as she placed her hands gently around the metal piece embedded in the woman's stomach. Maneuvering her tail to Tyhans's mouth, Charlotte's watery hands slowly pulled the piece from her, the blood beginning to flow as soon as it came free. The pressure increased only enough to keep the blood inside the woman's wound, preventing it from leaking out. "There, it's out," she said, not noticing the escape pod falling through the atmosphere. The inhabitants could most likely see the smoke, but if they had locked into the coordinates of the signal for the brief moment it broadcasted before being snuffed out, then they wouldn't need a visual guide.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(The ship is about to get shot down,not the pods but what they launched from,You should be able to see a green glow from a distance)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Sorry,I joined like 3 days ago so i am pretty Confused)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Are we ready to continue?)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Right,Lets just not waste any more slots and get on with it,Is anyone online?)
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

((Ill wait for tyhan and the others in before posting next))

The airlock to the pod hissed open, equalizing its internal pressure to the planet's atmosphere. Baris finished screwing the loose ports of his helmet when he was welcomed by a tall smoke column not more than a kilometer nearby. Luckily for the victims of whatever that have unfolded, their coordinates were caught by the Elsworth ships and an agent was hastily (but not eagerly) making its way towards them.

Battle rifle on his back, Baris didn't worry too much about it. Perhaps an exploration expedition gone wrong. The possibilities were many.
"Baris, there seems to be some sort of interference in there. Your signal looks choppy." - Even though there was some signal disruption nearby, the signal amplifies both Baris pod, his main vessel and Camille's base were made to withstand far worst scenarios, like violent nebulatic plasma storms and gas giant clouds. "So?"
"What are you, daft? There's something down there, I don't know. Keep your eyes open, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah!" - The man giggle, turning on his communicator to all frequencies and relaying far and wide:
"Attention! This is an Emergency Responder Unit of the Elsworth Search & Rescue Company. If you can hear this, please relay your coordinates immediately! We are here to help!" - Recording the message, Baris made his way towards the smoke, while the recorded message kept repeating.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I was on the ground in pian I heard a radio in the burning ship "I think someone try to rescue us" I said trying to move but felt a handhold me down
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember would review the message from his superior,He was to prevent the rescuers from leaving,He would hop on a light speeder bike,It was modified to make no noise,He would inspect his rifle and switch it to sniper mode,Riding it to where the rescuers went,His HUD calculating the landing site,The laser would fire soon and take down the white ship in orbit as well

(I will be gone tomorrow morning,I will not be able to be on for about 2 weeks maybe longer,Could you stretch it out so I am not removed?)
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((Sorry for balking, guys.))

Looking up toward her ship as Tyhan mentioned hearing a message from the radio, Charlotte picked the girl up, her arms solidifying again. "Let's get you inside, I can bandage you up, and then..." She looked around, spotting Nick. "Then I'll get him, I suppose." Carrying Tyhan up inside the ship, the dragoness got her bandaged up, then went out to get Nick, making sure the woman inside the ship wasn't in any danger of being suffocated or caught in a collapse.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I moan in pain I try to get to cockpit to get radio there was.sparks still going
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick brushes the glass off of his hands and extendeds it. "Help me up." He says through his teeth.

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