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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Azure...I guess it fits, she thought to herself. "Hey yourself," she said. "The kids... they aren't doing the best. We'll get through it though." The passive question actually seemed to put a damper on her mood, and she sat down on the ramp again after taking her hand from Nick's arm. "Coincidence, it seems... Thank you, though. Now I know that we actually have a chance of getting off this planet... I guess a lot has changed since I was last here." She had remembered not that there were hostile individuals here, but that it was supposedly a sort of quarantine planet, but not anymore. She looked up as the laser propelled itself into the sky, sparking as it traveled through the atmosphere.

She turned her gaze back to Baris and Tyhan as the medical scientist began attending to her. Waiting until Tyhan had finished, she interjected her own explanation. "Well, I suppose we should start from the beginning... I'm the pilot of this... wreck, and I picked Tyhan up form a prison compound. For the record, I didn't know that she was a convict, I just responded to the signal. Long story short, I picked her up, almost got blasted on takeoff, and then flew out here with a minor complication en route. After we landed, I told Tyhan to stay here, and jumped on my hoverbike to go meet someone. I heard an explosion, turned around, and came back to find the back part of my ship destroyed."
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I listen to this and smirk "just need to escape this planet get away from bounty's " I said to them
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

Baris didn't figure how shady this whole group was until he saw the orange jumpsuit Tyhan was wearing. Though he knew that he needed to announce that Elsworth worked alongside the Galactic Police Force, Baris felt it wasn't the best time for that.

"Oh, I see." - He turned to Charlotte, trying to fake a smirk. - "Grades, right? Oh, man, kida these... Days." - Tyhan, however, wasn't going so far, specially with a hunk of metal lodges into her. - "According to Space Law..." - Baris tried to distract Tyhan, while he careful incisions with a diamond scalpel to remove the object. - "... A hunter cannot legally engage a target with a bounty to it if said target who is incapacitated. Plus, endangering an Emergency Responder, be it from Elsworth or any private or governamental entity, is considered to be a war crime, punished by capital pynishment."

By the time Baris finished speaking, a 'clink' made evident that Tyhan was free from her torment, as the metal piece fell on the floor beside her. The anticoagulants in the anesthesic shot Baris gave immediately closed any bleeding from the removal.

"Whoever did this to you all ain't gonna roam free any sooner. Now lets get out of here before another psycho comes around. I have a drop pod ready for take off not far from here."
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick looks over to Baris with a questioning look. "I'm staying here. I can't really leave." And besides, I need to find the person who did this." He nods to the now smoking ship. "The bounty hunters are the least of our problem, they're nothing I can't take care of."
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

The dragoness let out a small chuckle, a half-hearted expulsion f air that showed the obvious disinterest in the subject. "Sure, let's call it that. Let's... just try to get off this planet and out..." Shaking her head quickly, she stood and retreated inside the ship. Pushing her way through the smoke, sparks, and leaking fluids, she made the rounds to each room of the ship, salvaging what supplies she thought they needed for the trip. "He said he had a pod...It should be big enough to fit all of us, shouldn't it?" She mumbled to herself. "We shouldn't need these supplies..."

Setting them in a pile on the floor of the cockpit, she walked back to the exit hatch, liquefying herself and flowing down the ramp. She didn't stop when she reached the ground, rather passing the group and heading off into the forest, the stream of water leaving no trail as it departed. If any one of the three watched her go, they would notice that she was headed towards the landing ship. She figured that she would see who it was before jumping to any conclusions.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I Hubble out to flat lands in pain and saw her doing work I walk over to Nick and grin "you think you can beat up some bounty's " I said to him smiling grabbing a small gun from pack.
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

"Then don't waste rescuer's time by sending these distress signals if you don't even want help." - Baris scoffed at Nick. - "... Look, you're just throwing yourself at the grinder if you look for whatever did this. You are undergeared and possibly outnumbered so why risk your life like this? Eitherway, it's your choice." - Baris said, finishing patching Tyhan up and standing up. - "I will inform the authorities about this whole ordeal. That person will surely come into custody."

"Anyway, let's go. I have all the necessary supplies in my drop pod to keep us alive for four years in the void. More than enough to a trip to civilization." - He said as he started walking back towards his ship, waiting for everyone.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at baris and smiled "thanks just they just want the bounty money and be happy though" I siad getting up and follow him over I was weak and in pain from wound still and kinda fell behind the pack
Nick (played anonymously)

"You think I started all this? I was having a nice relaxing time on my planet without all this." Nick squints his eyes at Baris. "And bounty hunters are nothing new to me. You all can go jump in the drop pod and get shot down or captured in space. Maybe I won't just help you with the hunters." Nick picks up his rifle and chambers a round. This could've all been avoided. He walks off towards his nest.
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Hearing the commotion of arguments behind her, Charlotte decided that she was better off not engaging the hunters. Solidifying again, she jogged to where Baris and Tyhan were, watching as Nick strode off into the trees. Noticing that Tyhan was lagging behind a bit, the dragoness came up next to her, sliding an arm around her shoulders. "I won't let them get you," she said. "And Baris... thank you," she called forward. "I'm not sure how long we would have lasted with what supplies we had left in my ship." They had left one working hoverbike, maybe Nick would take it. She didn't really care what happened to it, it couldn't really be modified to be dangerous. The power core wasn't advanced enough to hook weapons to, and it was maxed out on speed as it was.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I smiled at her and walk down with here help we got to a ship I help myself inside and sit down sore in pain
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick sits in his nest, looking to the direction the new ship is, making sure his scope is centered with his laser pointer on a nearby tree. His breathing slowed as he tried to relax. It's been too long since I've shot a real person. He struggled to relax and slow his heart rate.
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

"Why would bounty hunters even bother kidnapping rescuers? Hmf, you're full of it. Don't expect us to answer an SOS message." - He didn't meant any of this, of course. It was the company's directive to answer all calls. "I don't need help. Not from you." - He went his way as well.

While they trekked back to his ship, Baris couldn't help but let his mind wander about the fate of that sniper, who he didn't get the name. Sure, the man got businesses of his own but whatever had blown up the dragon's ship was going to be a menace for him. "O-Oh. Yeah, just another day in the office." - He was snapped out of the daydream by Charlotte, who he too didn't got a name until now.

The drop pod was cramped but very convenient, with all assortments of medical equipment and even an small weapons locker in the cockpit. It had room for more than 6 people, from the amount of bunker beds it had. Baris pressed a button in the wall and the machine came to life again. "Are you two sure he's going to be fine? Eitherway, an investigation team should be heading here by now to check what happened. I'll get us away."

Then, with a loud roar, the engines came to light and the drop pod started to ascend into the atmosphere.
Kyle Willis (played by Snuugie)

Realizing if he didn't act fast and risk being stranded on the planet with who knows what, he reacted quickly and faded into a fog of shadows before teleporting himself into the pod as it accelerated away.

He'd end up slamming into the floor due to momentum out of the shadowy fog knocking himself unconscious with a grunt. His breathing became low and shallow and he began to ever so slightly drool what appeared to be liquid shadows.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sat down in seat kinda trying to calm down
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Reaching the pod, Charlotte waited until Baris had entered, helping Tyhan inside. "Don't worry, we'll get you fixed up properly in no time," she said. Setting her down in one of the ascent seats, the dragoness made her way to Baris's side, watching as he pressed the button to activate the pod's engines. Bracing herself against the wall as the engines fired, she looked over as Kyle seemingly teleported into the ship. After a moment, she turned back to Baris.

"So, you obviously don't know my name," she said, the roar of the engines covering her voice. "I'm Charlotte, and the dragon on the floor is Kyle. He's the one I was going to meet when my ship was attacked. Tyhan is the one in the orange jumper." She gestured to each in turn, making sure that the medical officer knew who they all were. "So... about Tyhan. You're working alongside... some government, so what's your plan with her?"
Rozovsky Roma (played anonymously)

"Landing complete, thrusters disengaged" Rozovsky unlatched himself from the command seat as an alert flashed on his screen. "Pod class Vessel leaving atmosphere" The deep AI voice responded. He scrambled to get his belt back on, and began to start up the engines again.

"You are not stealing my pay Blyat!" He flipped a few switches and the Corvette rumbled violently as it lurched off the ground hovering for a moment and then engaging its rear thrusters, propelling it forward and angling up into the sky turning violently to the pod in the far distance.

"Scan for other ships in its trajectory."
The AI responded within a few seconds of calculating. "One rescue class vessel in orbit"
"Good, they are probably the ones who called. I need my Vodka Money..."
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I watch everyone looks around everyone was tierd I moan and I go lye on bed my side was super sore
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick watches as the corvette enters the atmosphere. "Maybe I will help them a little." He swiftly jumps down his tree and digs up the 50 cal sniper anti material rifle case hidden underneath the dirt. I won't ever leave you behinde though. He sprints to the crashed ship, being careful not to shake the case too much and hops on the bike. I really hope this thing goes fast. He speeds off towards the spot where the corvette is seeming to land.

As Nick approaches the clearing he sees the ship readying to take off. He picks up his case off the back of the bike and speeds towards the landing gear of the ship. As soon as he gets within about 15 feet he jumps off the bike catching on to the extruded gears with one hand, steadying the case with his other.

Nick holds on for his life as the gear retracts into the corvette, bringing him with it.
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

Luckily for Baris tiny drop pod and the rest of the rescued, the dragon appeared to materialize very after they reached low-gravity, because his massive weight pretty much sent all overmass alarms blaring into the pod. Baris eyes widened as he saw the creature take all of his ship's space, but just in time for Charlotte to start explaining everything. "Wish we had met on better circumstances, Charlotte. I think you've heard me on the radio, but if not, I'm Baris Abdullah. And, well... I'm still coming up with a plan for your friend, but the company's policy with inmates are--"

Suddenly, another alarm went off. The radar had detected a heat signature coming at high speeds from the planet: It was the same ship that had just landed. - "Dammit, what is it now?" - Baris turned on his radio transmitter, relaying a message to the armed spacecraft: "Attention, this is a Search & Rescue Unit for the Elsworth Company. You are in direct collision route with this Galactic Police Force protected vessel and in direct violation of the Wounded and In-Need Aid laws. State your business immediately." - Of course, that meant that Tyhan overheard what Baris was really working for. Though a higher risk of being sent to custody beats being killed, right?

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