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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Powerful enough to destroy or cripple most capital ships,but useless against fighters,So how are we going to introduce this without railroading?Also we should have an ooc forum))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Anyone on?))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((So you wanna continue?))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

(( I forget where I am :p))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Go back and read so we can continue))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Changing it up a little,The darkwolves are not an immediate threat but they are a good plot point))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((Oops didnt mean to post that as Jack -_-))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((I'm here))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((ello' m8))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((We could somehow do a 2 person rp :| ))
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((Hey, I'm here, I think we're waiting for Baris and the Russian guy.))
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

((I'll reply in a while, was busy with some stuff. Anyhow, for anyone who might have missed the recent events: Baris rescued Tyhan and Charlotte, he tried to convince Nick but he followed his own way. Baris led the two towards his drop pod, that now is enroute to his ship so they may leave to the outer solar system, where Baris' colleagues are. But they were accosted by a bounty hunter, looking for Tyhan, I think. Nick, in the meantime, attached a smaller ship into the bounty hunter's. Meanwhile, Kyle teletransported into Baris' drop pod. Since Rozovsky, the russian bounty hunter, said he no longer can participate, I'll assume that Baris either outmaneuvered his ship's magnetic tether or that the magnetic tether failed into bringing the pod further.))
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

((But, yeah, you can always invite another player to do something in other part of the RP))
Nick (played anonymously)

((I'm back. Sorry, I haven't been getting notifications.))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((rip. Can we all got back to RP))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Yes,Should I make my attack or something?))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((I am going to start my attack now,I changed it to where ember just wants to cover up knowelage of the planet rather than outright dominate the universe,))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Want some exact numbers/Size measurements of the main ship?))

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