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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((15,000 Meters/9 miles,I know you didn't want it but it may be needed for rp reasons,Just so you can imagine the sheer size of the flagship))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Youre unlikely to die,the round is aimed at your engines,Your real problem is the emp due to life support,But it only works with what it comes in contact with,If you have a suit or get to one you should be fine))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((Yeah I know he isn't going to die he has a suit and multiple escape pods))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((He was being pulled in by a tractor beam anyways))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((They are assuming there is someone on board when there is not))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((Yeah makes sense))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((You gotta rp what happens to it,Just assume there is catastrophic damage,The railgun is a LOT larger than your average one))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((Smithie i'm not in the ship btw))
Percy Quinn (played by TopKek23)

((The atf is basically a crime syndicate trying to kill him due to his family owning a crime syndicate))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((ok.. ik there's 3 people that's in ship right now))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Your ship wasn't targeted,Percys was,And the Russians ship as well,I didn't kill either off))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((What timezones are you guys in? How much are you on?))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((You people aren't on much are you?))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((You guys alive?,I may start my own RP))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((And I think this rp just died,we had fun,if anyone wanted to join then go over to darkwolf rp))
Remnant (played by Daleks)

((I was gonna join...))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((I may restart rp make it close if you want to join pm me your role I need active people!))
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

((It was bound to happen when someone started to blow everything up. ;/
I'm thinking of making an RP focused on disappeared people throughout the galaxy, but without any destructive characters and no-one liners. Most of you are invited.))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Yep,We are starting a new rp,It has already surpassed the galaxy wide witch at the time was the largest rp on the scifi forum))

You are on: Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus