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Forums » Epic Week 2018 » Puzzle10 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Dragonfire Moderator

871796068 also isn't it.
Dragonfire Moderator

It does say it's a cipher, though. Hrrrm.
"A cipher hidden with smoke and mirrors"

Tricky one, there is no smoke /mirrors in the comic or the video
The Space Cow's first clue is: A glimpse back in time

. . .

Maybe this has something to do with the video on the history of Epic week? Or maybe somewhere among the history of the Doubutt game??

Just a curious little idea...
Dragonfire Moderator

For what it's worth, the number that I found earlier is present on the poster here: - Which is about the Epic Week documentary, which is 'a glimpse back in time'.

It's in the smoke at the bottom, which makes me think it's definitely related to this.
Moki wrote:
You pull the cork out of the Message in a Bottle and gently fish the paper out of it. Unrolling it, you see that it reads:

Use your smokey numbers to count out the nearby letters

Interesting new bottle message
Dragonfire Moderator

*counts against the words to the left of the poster*


Noun - a distinctive area at the upper part of a stern, curving upward toward the center and giving the name and port of the vessel within a carved and painted frame; escutcheon.

I suppose that fits!
Dragonfire Moderator

And that was that! Blue ship is cleared~

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2018 » Puzzle10 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus