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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The tale of the two fates

She looked around and caught up with the guy and jumped when the doors she entered slammed shut. "You'd think I'd be used to that by now." She said and looked at her surroundings.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

Once she entered the temple the door at the other end of the room shut, and the lever reset, blocking off view of the boys

Aleem takes a step onto a ruby step and a burst of fire shoots up, and he falls down in shock
"Dammit." She said and pushed the lever with her magic, showing the room the man was in as he was about to enter the next.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

Aleem jumps up to the aqua marine step and a geyser of water pushes him back to the bottom of the staircase
"W-wait!" She calls after him, hoping he heard her. Then he got pushed to the bottom, and he landed in front of her. She raised a brow and looked down at him with her hands on her hips "are you okay?"
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

" know what screw this staircase"He climbs onto the arm railing and starts to climb up that
She shook her head, but followed him. Not really wanting to say anything.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

((im just gonna pretend the wolf guy is following us)) They make it to the top of the staircase"so ma'am whats your name?"
"Verla, at yer service." She said in her accent, she curtsied when they made it to the top of the stair case.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"well I'm aleem"He looks around the room. there was lettering on the floor that looked a little like "Match wrong and you will suffer" and there were 4 empty tile slots next to the door, one that had an empty space behind it, one with fire, one with water, and one with dirt, and on the floor there were 4 tiles with trianges on them

((those are the alchemy symbols for fire earth air and water))
"Oh great." She said and had no idea what to do. She probably wasn't nearly as smart as Aleem was, and she didn't know if she could figure this out.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

He picks two up"I know these symbols but there is one problem...the fire can be turned upside down to make water, and vice versa, just like the air and earth...but I dont know how that will effect the puzzle"
"You know" she activated her power "I could always make a shield." She said.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"ok"He put them in how he though they were and a fire burst and water geyser shot out
She put a shield over them and he activated them.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"oookay"He pulls out the fire and water one, turns them over and tries again, this time the door opens
She relaxed her hands and the shield disappeared.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"thanks"He looks in the next room and its an empty room but a desk and three chairs which are on the opposite side of the table and as the group enters a figure appears in each of them((i got this riddle straight from the internet...xD))

"Three gods, A, B, and C, are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is completely random. You must determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-or-no questions, and each question must be posed to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language. In their unknown language, the words for “yes” and “no” are “da” and “ja,” in some order. You do not know which word means which.” A voice is heard
She began to think "this'll be interesting." She said and put her hands on her hips again.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"so we need to ask them questions?"He asks verla((its supposedly the hardest riddle out there))

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