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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The tale of the two fates

"Aaand this is where our blood gets splattered all over the white walls." She said jokingly.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"...who knows that might be it"
"I hope not, wait, idea." She says and looks at the walls carefully and looks for something out of place. She finds a dot and pokes her finger with a pin that was in her pocket, and she puts the blood perfectly on that dot. She hears gears moving, and something appears in the center of the room.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"huh..."he looks at the thing that just appeared
"I guess I'm not so dumb after all."
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

((the rewards of the temple? thats in its own room...but I can make the chest work))
He opens up the chest"...a key?"He says pulling it out"do you remember seeing a keyhole earlier?"
"No." She shakes her head.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"...lets look around"he starts heading back through the temple keeping an eye out, and when they reached the staircase room and he started going down the handrail he was looking at the wall"you have got to be kidding"
"You have longer eyes than I do." She said, also because she didn't want to do it.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"no right there"he points towards a keyhole in the wall in a patch of aquamarine and ruby stairs
He walked into the inn, mostly healed. He sighed and looked around wearily before plopping into a chair with a thud.
Verla put her hands on her hips "we better get something good for this."
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"How should we get over to the keyhole..."
She got an idea and used her magic to put the key in the keyhole and then turned it. "Ta-da." She said in a plain tone.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

"magic huh?"He said as a hidden door swung open
"You go first." She says, getting off the rail and standing in front of the hidden door.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

He jumps off the hand guards and landing not very gracefully in the doorway. "ow..." He stands up and brushes himself off looking around the room.

In the room there were a lot of items, books, boxes with puzzles on them, and other stuff((tell me what kind of item your char looks for, and I'll tell you what you see))
She looked around for a magical orb that could help her extend her power and then keep it forever. Every once in a while, she had to use her power to make sure she still had it, otherwise it would go away. This orb would help her keep it without having to do it and extend her magic knowledge.
Aleem Skyla (played by Sarlic) Topic Starter

You see some orbs scattered around the room, but one with strange writing on it sticks out to you

Aleem goes over and looks at the books
He sighed and headed to a nearby smithy, hoping to get some new armor before attempting to take on the tower.

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