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Forums » Looking for RP » Sci Fi RP, anyone? LETS SAVE LE WORLD! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

This was an RP I had a long time ago, on a different forum. It was actually pretty popular and I'd like to give it new life here with serious RPers-
Oh, hush Jason. It's not that bad.
Says you...
Go on, Jase. Tell the little readers about it.
Ugh, fine...
Basically, the year is 2012 (it'll probably get bumped up a bit now that's it outdated). Technology is highly advanced in our eyes and everything is going smoothly... Then they came out of the farthest reaches of space.
We thought the aliens came in peace and we could learn from each other, share technology...
We were wrong.
It's been a year now since the initial invasion. Billions of lives have been lost and survivors are few. The military is practically helpless against these aliens- their technology is too powerful for normal humans to get close without being slaughtered... Do I have to keep going, Lucy?

Yes, Jason. You're almost done now.
Oh, thank God. Anyways, I was a survivor who managed to travel to the Scientific Research Center in Redwood Nt. Park. As I was there I developed a theory: if humans can't do anything to stop these things, how about we get things that aren't human instead?
With that idea in mind, I built a machine of sorts, designed to suck common video game characters out of their universe and deposit them in ours, as real life beings. I amassed a small army of them and sent them out to help us win this war. They are the Heroes, and they are truly the last hope for this world. They too, however, are mortal. They are simply more powerful than a normal human. They can still be killed, and if they are then I must send them back to their game universe where they left off.
Am I done now?

Yes you are, Jason. You did a nice job. You can go back to your chair now.
So, what do you think? Would it work here? Because there were three groups you could join: the Heroes (the video game characters), the Scientists (people like Jason over there), and the Aliens (you go around and get to kill stuff, basically).
I know this is mostly a character driven site and I don't know if you can be characters without a character profile.
So- how about it? Anyone want to try it?
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

... No one wants to save the world?
It's your fault, Jason. You were the one who made it sound so bad.
That's because it is bad!
Well, you don't sell it like that.
Shush, Nerdy Boy. I'm RPing with myself O.o' That's not a good sign.
>.>' Friggin Jason. You drive me insane, you know that?
I know that very well.



Just pull chuck noris out of a movie!

While this doesn't sound like my kinda rp I do give you props for it sounding really cool! Nice job thinking this up
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

@Oaky: Lolwut
@Gamers: thanks ^3^ BUT I HATE CHUCK NORRIS! I'm so glad his butt got kicked in the Ultimate Showdown... But that's beside the point. Tell them why it won't work, Jason.
Technically, in a video game, the program of that character is that character. There are no changes to it; it will always be that character and will never change. However, a movie character or book character would just be a carbon copy of the actor or the words, so Chuck Norris would just be a copy of himself without any weird powers or training, if that makes any sense. He'd get hammered.
Thanks, Jase.
No problem. It's fun being a computer geek.
This sounds really fascinating. * u*
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Thanks Rememberance! So you'd be interested in joining?
*punches Jason* Sorry about that, he's a bit... Overdramatic, you could say.
Interesting. :3 World saving.
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Sounds like fun, eh?
*a little weaker now* Don't do it-
Shush, before I snap your glasses again.
>:P Besides, I never really killed you in the old HOTF. Just... Maimed you a couple of times...
Such a good creator -.-'
I'm just about as nice to my own creations. I think Jason has it good that he is even able to talk in public. :P
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Yay, a fellow charrie abuser! *highfives*
-.-' *straightens glasses* That hurt when I almost got assassinated...
Don't worry Jase, I still love you. *hugglesquish*
*sighs* Odd little schizo.
Very few of my characters have not been abused. I mean. I have a couple that I'm uber nice to... but mostly... I'm a horrible person.

I let Hanzo get run over by cars... and Godzilla stomped on him... and a car was thrown at him... Quite frankly, im suprised he hasnt ran away yet...
I ahve a character that continuesly lives abusive lives, dies, and is reborn to do it all again. :D
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

I try to beat everyone up fairly so I'm not playing favorites.
*counts on fingers* Let's see... First, I got shot and fell out of a tree at the same time-
Neither were fatal.
Then there was the grocery store incident-
Lemon was there to help.
Speaking of Lemon, you know how many times that girl electrocuted me?
Roughly five times a day.
Roughly. Then I almost got slashed to pieces-
I think Nick saved your butt there.
And then I got reslashed after the SRC evac, and I broke my hand-
That was your own fault. Never shoot a shotgun with one hand, dummy.
And then you finally tried to kill me and I was in a coma for the rest of the RP.
And that's nothing compared to Nick!
*facepalms* Dear God...
Flynn (played anonymously)

Whoakay, as much as I looove watching you two banter back and forth, I think it's time we got an RP goi-GLUK

What are you doing jacking my account! OUT.

Okay. Looks like we've got four people including myself, five if you count Lucy over here.


Or maybe not. We could just sit here and have our characters be mad at us. Which is cool too.

Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Lol. I'll go make ze page, then.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Aight, let me make a character and then I'll be good to go!
Jason McRan (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Oh boy.
I love the enthusiasm, Jason.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Sci Fi RP, anyone? LETS SAVE LE WORLD! (closed)

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