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Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Her voice was extremely shaky as her body also began to tremble a little viciously. "O'oila." Her voice as broken, her pitch slightly higher and her volume almost whisper low. "Touch is bad. All touch hurts." It was clear that the hug wasn't hurting her, but she was instead refering to something else in her past. "R'ei'al. R'ei'al." she held back her tears still, her attempts at pushing him away only continuing to get weaker and weaker.

"Chance...Chance..." her legs almost gave way again as her head drooped enough to rest her forehead on his shoulder, even though she hadn't meant to. "R'ei'al..."
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent's ears perked up "That explains a lot.... How long have you been here?" Vincent questioned, he slowly sat down on his furred rear. He began to patch up his wounds, making sure to disinfect them. "I.... I come from a different Universe, the Alpha Universe..." explained the Wolvan, it seemed that Vincent was from a different Dimension or Alternate Universe.

The wolf seemed to have a few bandage sin him, covering his bloody wounds that were now starting to heal up. Kazira had gotten shot before, a few cuts and scrapes were nothing, especially due to his Good Health.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

The trembles only made Nivar hold her slightly more loose, but not enough to be noticeable. It really was a pain for him, that he could not really tell what she was saying. But he began to question why his touch... hurts? Even though he's being as gentle as he can be, he was still in the assumption that it was all about her past events. Though he began to feel her attempts of pushing him away getting more weaker as she continued. Sooner or later going to a full stop.

He glanced back at her when she placed her forehead on his shoulder, though seeming that he was looking at that nearby bush. But he could see her in the corner of his eye, wondering what she meant about 'Chance.'
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"R'ei'al....R'ei'al..." Sarah continued to repeat the word several times, tears beginning to slowly slip down her delicate cheeks as her hee shoulders jolted roughly. "R'ei'al...Chance...bad man... R'ei'al..." Her fists were still pressed against Nivar's chest, her knuckles still white as her fists stayed clenched.

Vinni smiled at him. "Were born here. Alan is oldest; he is....42 in...human time. Human years. He 21 in our time. Time pass slow. Time is two times slower than human time. Normal time." She giggled, her ear twitching.

Meanwhile, Alan, Jacob and Landon were on their way. Jacob, the blonde boy from before, had reported them and how they had attacked Vinni. Jacob had his staff, and Alan had a large shotgun looking weapon. Landon had a large longsword. It wouldn't be long before they got to where everyone was located.
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent seemed to be a little bit suprised, although he was sure that other Dimensions had different rules of reality, he had read a lot of books about that when he was younger. "So... Dies that apply to me?" he asked, slowly checking his Gear to see if he had any Food Supplements on him. "If I leave you both untouched, will the rest of you leave me alone as well?" he asked, the wolf would eventually hear some movements nearby due to his hearing.

Assuming that anyone came near him, he would duck behind a rock and prepare for a Gunfight, trying to get a look at his opponent before they were in range.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Nivar slowly moved his left hand from her back, finding her right hand and gently holding it. Maybe thst way her hands wouldn't be on fists for long. "Who... is Chance?" he asked quietly, his right arm gently around her torso, keeping her close.

He was too focused on keeping her safe and giving her comfort. Though if any of them found the two, they would probably leave the two alone considering she was their leader. If they didn't, Nivar knew what was going to happen next.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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Her right hand did loosen slightly, but not by much. Her shoulders roughly jolted again as she continued to try and hold back any and all tears that threatened to escape, which wasn't working well. "Bad man... He bad man... L'oah'ei. Family. Uncle Chance..." She let out a sob at the name, her legs finally giving way beneath her.

Vinni smiled. "Should do. We do not attack unless you threaten us or our land. Then we attack. Respect us people and our land, and we leave alone." She giggled as her tail swished behind her happily and excitedly.

The three others stayed hidden in the trees, not approaching anyone. They were unable to be seen, observing the two situations with the two only female members of the five of them. They didn't start up any commotion, therefore leaving them unnoticed for the time being.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Uncle... bad man...?" Nivar said in wonder. Then he felt a sudden change in weight, meaning that she wasn't keeping her weight anymore. So he gently took her right hand and arm, wrapped it around his neck, took his right arm collecting her legs in a quick motion, and carried her bridal style. Of course everything happened a little fast, but she was safely on his hands. Plus, at this point, she wasn't going to try to push him away as he stood back up, looking down at her.

"Why uncle bad man...?" He asked, then shot a glare around the area as the atmosphere felt... different. As if they were being watched, specifically above on the trees. They were a pretty good scouting point after all. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he opened them back up, already making a body count. "One... wait, three? Reinforcements..." He thought, then looked back down at Sarah showing a smile if she replied to his question.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"R'ei'al....R'ei'al..." she repeated again, as if it was an answer to his question; which it was, even if he didn't understand what she had just told him in her language. She rested her head against his chest again. "R'ei'al..." She sniffled, trying to curl up despite being held.

The three made no moves still, quietly continuing to observe. Alan, the edlest, looked pissed beyond believe that someone was that close to Sarah, and that close to Vinni. He thought of the two younger girls more or so as daughters, and knew they were either physically or emotionally weak. He was also the only one to know what Sarah had fallen victim to; and he hated the fact someone was touching her.
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent didn't really know that anyone was out there with them, so he seemed to act normally. The wolf would scan his surroundings "So... Maybe you could tell me your name?" he asked kindly, seeming to be relatively calm. The wolf would look back to her again "Do you promise to stick up for me? I'd rather not be falsely accused..." said the wolf, holding out his paw in a kind manner. "Oh... I'm Vincent Kazira, but you can just call me Vincent." he wasn't even sure if they understood what a Handshake was, but it was clearly a friendly sign.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Good grief..." He said quietly as he glanced away. Still mad at himself for not understanding what she was saying. But he assumed that word she kept repeating was the word she was trying to tell him. Then he looked back at her, helping her try to curl up as he shifted his arms a bit too. "Can you... tell me in English?" He asked, likely for her to say no, or nod as a 'no' as well, but he wouldn't mind. Though he was thinking of a way to provoke the ones watching so he could reveal them and make things easier. But nothing came up in mind.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

She went to say it, only for a broken sob to escape her lips instead of actual English words. She then shook her head as a no, unable to bring herself to say it. She closed her eyes as they were beginning to get sore from being open and crying.

Vinni smiled and giggled. "Vinni. Name is Vinni." she didn't really understand his gesture, until she remembered what the only human on their land had taught them before she had died. So, she took his hand and gently shook it. "Me will make sure you is not falsely accused. You are....nice man." She smiled softly to him.

The three continued to lurk, waiting for any kind of sign that indicated them as hostile or a threat.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Alright." He replied softly, not really going to force it out of her or anything. Then he sighed quietly, thinking of a way for her to say it later on. He looked down at the floor, seeing her bow n' arrow laying there. He began to wonder if they had any other weapons besides that blonde boy with the wand earlier. "Did he, do bad things, to you?" He asked her slowly as he stared at the bow, taking a single step back to get a better look.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Her breathing was shallow and uneven, with the occasional large intake of air which almost sounded like a small gasp. She tried to calm herself down so she could speak, but in doing so she only made herself more anxious as her hands shook and her brow furrowed. She nodded in response, before she muttered, "R'ei'al..." yet again.

Her bow looked to be made of some sort of steel. It was painted white with deep black runes painted over it. The string looked to be handmade and slightly withering. The bow was quite large in comparison to her small height; at least half 3/4 of her height, or even taller than her. The arrow that accompanied it had a white painted steel tip and a hand-carved wooden stem.
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

The wolf didn't appear to be hostile, not in the slightest. "So... Is there anyone else with you guys? Why were you out here?" asked Kazira, he ate a bit of his Food Supplement, he would try to preserve his food but... He had to preserve his Body Fat as well, the wolf wanting to make sure that he wouldn't get too Thin or Fat, a healthy miz of both.

He perked his ears up, listening for anything nearby. His hearing wasn't able to hear everything, but he was Very Difficult to sneak up on.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Aside from the five people said, no. We all that's left. We out here because we do daily patrol to keep island safe and happy. Protected." Vinni smiled. Every word she spoke was truthful, and her tone made this clear. She saw no reason in lying to anybody at all.

The other three were staying completely still. Being half wolves themselves, they knew how good their hearing was and how still they had to be to keep their silence.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Right..." All he could say after hearing that exact word again. At that point he figured she wasn't going to say what it meant anytime soon. So he refrained from asking about it, or him, anymore and maybe that way her mind could escape those thoughts. Though looking at that bow, it seemed pretty durable, but just a little too high for her. Maybe later he could adjust it to be her best fit.

"Say..." He said as he looked back down at her. "you have anyone else living here?" Despite already knowing the three that were up on the trees, and the girl, assuming she's still over there.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

She stayed silent for a while, calming herself down. She closed her eyes again as she steadied her breathing slowly, her fists slowly unclenching as her trembling soon stopped. She let out a deep sigh as she opened her eyes again. She completely ignored her question when she realised the position they were in. Her face went slightly red as she she pushed against his chest again despite being held in a bridal style.

"Put down," she hissed quietly, avoiding any eyecontact.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

He hesitated a little as he looked at her with a questionable look. But noticing those red cheeks, he guessed it was best to place her down, assuming she was good to stand. Though she was sorta about to fall due to that sudden push as well, but he wasn't going to let her fall. He slowly crouched down, placing her feet on the floor.

"Why put down?" He asked genuinely curious, but sorta already knowing the answer to it.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Strange man," she stated, bending down and picking up her bow. Instead of aiming it this time though, she slipped it over her head and onto her back, along with tying her arrow bag around her waist, it having fallen off when she had collided with him in the first place. "Not know you well."

Her ears twitched slightly as her tail uncoiled from around her thigh.

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