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Forums » General Roleplay » Fall In To The Dark Side ✝️ (Open) ✝️

Liliath looked to the other new strangers. this was Liliath her change to show Sarah how good she was in protecting her . But first she needed to ask if Sarah was fine with the fact that Liliath wanted to protect her "Ggg.. girl can i protect you? Not for long , after i teached the white haired man a lesson i will stop doing it
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Vincent listened for a moment, seemingly intrested in their story. He seemed to also like learning their history "I'm not the only one to come here?" Vincent asked, he heard the engines of a ship in the distance, although he would rather not look for it until much later.

He was a little nervous about following them back to their home, but he figured he would be fine since he was freindly to the Natives. Kazira turned to talk to them again "How often do people come here?"
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah looked down at Liliath. "Quiet," was all she said, before she looked back at the alien-like creatures.

Vinni shook her head at him. "You are first person in many years. But only one human female came here long ago. Married one of us. She was nice girl. Sweet and kind. Help us learn." She nodded as she giggled. Jacob let out a soft sigh as he continued to lead the way to the village.
She pasued for a moment, her antenae twitching for a moment as she looked them over.

"You are not to be assimilated. Our directive is to watch. It is customary to offer aid when watching a place in chaos. If you reject our aid, that is acceptable, if unwise. We will begin looking for a place to establish ourselves as soon as your weapons are lowered. If you would have a preferred location for us to establish ourselves, please indicate so at once," comes the flow of thoughts and emotional undertones.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Sarah once again muttered something in her language before Landon spoke once again. "You may set up anywhere within the forest as long as you do not destroy nor harm any of the environment. This counts for cutting trees and things of the sort." It was clear Sarah was not happy with this decision as her expression looked unimpressed and annoyed at the same time.
Liliath looked a little angry "Only tried to help you." then she walked over to the new strange creature "Hello." she said , but then she fastly walked away and hide behind Landon his back. "Where where you?"
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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"Don't worry little one, I was just here. I thought I would let you rest up, you see. You seemed very tired when you feel asleep in my arms," Landon pet the small girl's head as he lowered his guns from the strange creatures in front of them. "I see you like my jacket."

"Lei!" Sarah suddenly snapped at Landon, glaring at him. Landon rolled his eyes at her, unimpressed by her unwillingness to communicate with anybody else.

"Speak English to them, Sa. They can't understand you."
"This is acceptable. We will do so. Our kind respect the duties of ecological stewardship, and will accept them as requested. Please understand that any others who attack us will be slain. Inform those whom you would see remain alive not to interfere. Lower your weapons, and we shall proceed," she communicates, still staring them down while the others continue to keep their weapons aimed at Sarah and Landon. One of the smaller ones shifts its attention and takes a lock on Liliath as she approaches. It rattles at her when she speaks.
"Her thoughts are clear to us, language is irrelevant for now," the insectoid creature clarrifies, "My male knows neither of your languages. Your minds speak more clearly, the thoughts open as you form them into words. Do not be concerned, only the thoughts you are about to speak are open to me."
Liliath smiled"She doesn't let me protect her." she said pointing to Sarah . Liliath then walked away to sit down , she grabbed out of the pockets of her dress a small tiny notebook. On the first page she had written ; 'liliath's book , nobody can read it besides me if you do read i get you' the book was old. She had written her whole past in it and some other silly things She grabbed a pen out of her pockets and write down

'i made 1 friend , and i try to make a new friend but she doesn't like me. My friend thinks my name is Bella' Liliath stood up and walked to Sarah she wanted to try it again . She had already forgotten that she had leaved her book there and jacket.

"I only wanna help you."she said to Sarah
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Lei," Sarah hissed to Landon again. "These strange. Not human. Not safe. Make leave." She tried to convince him to try and force these creatures to leave. Landon didn't listen and rolled his eyes.

"Do not be rude. They have already clarified they do not mean harm to us, and therefore are not a threat." He tried to explain to her.

"Have not seen before. They are threat." She sneered again. Landon rolled his eyes as Liliath approached Sarah again and she looked down at the girl. "Do not need help."
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

The wolf seemed to look around the forest "So... How far Is this place?" asked Vincent, his paws were getting a little tired now. There was a lot of sand falling off his clothes due to being on the beach so long, he really wanted to take a short shower to get the sand off... Kazira looked at the wildlife, being out here had a Calming Effect on the wolf. "Hm... Ever had a visitor like me?" asked Vincent, they must have been in contact with a more intellogent race at some point.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"It is not far now." Jacob finally spoke, glancing back at Vincent before looking straight ahead.

Vinni giggled and shook her head. "Have not! Only have contact with humans. We not think anyone else knew of home. Forgotten in time. " Vinni smiled happily at him as she clapped excitedly, having a childish bounce in her step as she continued to walk.
"We are a hazard, not a threat," the arthropod replies with a sense of indignance, "Were we a threat I would not still be waiting for you to lower your weapon, archer. I would have had you killed for your disrespect."

Her eyes narrow into a glare, and she slowly taps one set of clawed finger against its opposite arm, showing her quiet impatience with the "tiktiktik...... tiktiktik" sound it produces.
"But maybe the white haired man will do something again! Liliath sighed irritated and walked back to Landon "Why doesn't she let me help her ." "What does lei mean?"Liliath asked to Landon "Why doesn't she speak english?"
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Same thing." Sarah spat bitterly. However, after moments of consideration, she slowly lowered her bow to the floor but she continued to glare at the creatures. She clearly didn't trust them in the slightest, and was still hesitant to let them house themselves on her home.

"She is not comfortable speaking English- she is not very well educated in the language. She prefers to speak our native tongue as for us, it's easier on the throat." Landon explained to Liliath.
"I can learn her english , that would be fun!"Liliath looked around to all those new people and it made her feel uncomfortable "Ca i go somewhere inside with you , i don't wanna stay with all these people outside."
Once the bow is no longer in tension, the bug-like creatures begind to walk off, the largest three moving with long slow strides which carry them surprisingly quickly, while the three smallest return to all eight limbs, scurrying along in front, just as watchful as before.
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Nivar glanced over at Landon over there who seemed to be protecting Sarah. He flashed a small smile which was quick to disappear into a blank stare back at Alan. At least he knew that she was going to be safe. "Here we go again, speaking like you know what you're even talking about." He chuckled sinisterly. "If you already knew that we don't know anything, then why immediately assume I was going to do something to ridiculous to her, old man?" He pointed out, a strong point.

Shortly after, Nivar noticed Landon looking over here in the corner of his eye. He didn't appear to make an ambush or anything, but... who was that individual next to him? Surely she was a new one, but he focused his attention on Alan again. But it wasn't even a couple seconds before Liliath would casually storm to him and try to intimidate him for some reason. He still kept his gaze on Alan, knowing that Landon would pull her away eventually.

When that did happen, Nivar sighed quietly. "No violence... huh...?" He said to himself in a low tone, remembering what Sarah had said to him about violence not being a good thing. Then he huffed softly, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands on his pockets. "I'll make sure not to hurt him... just a little. Not guaranteed... if he wants to play dirty..." He smiled a bit at the thought.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

Alan stayed silent, knowing he was right. But he wasn't about to give in that easily, especially due to his stubborn nature. "Whatever. You've made a sexual advance and that doesn't go unnoticed here," he said bitterly, his gaze still hard. "Whether you knew or not, it was still inappropriate. And the fact that the thought of even touching something you do not have crossed your mind is ridiculous." He growled.

Once the bug like creatures had scurried off, Sarah shuffled back over to where the two of them were and stood beside and slightly behind Alan, her eyes darting all over to make sure nothing else suspicious had begun to happen.

Landon chuckled and scooped Liliath up again, nodding at her question. "I'll take you somewhere safe."

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