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Forums » General Roleplay » Fall In To The Dark Side ✝️ (Open) ✝️

"Thank you!" she giggeld "Bye!" Liliath waved to Sarah and to the weird bug creature

"How old are you Landon?" she asked
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"So you still think that recalling the same event over and over, will help you at all?" Nivar pointed out again, proving a strong one as well. Then he shook his head slowly in disappointment. "You really are simple minded." Then he noticed wolfy Sarah over there, glancing at her and flashing a smile quick to go away. But that one meant to say 'trust me' in fact. He wasn't going to cause violence, and she knew that. But if Alan wanted to cause it, that's his fault.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

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Sarah let out a small sigh, tugging on Alan's sleeve. Alan looked down at her still with a deadly gaze, waiting for her to speak. Which, she did, "N'ei h'ieo. V'oi'ei n'ei." Her words made Alan hesitate before he lowered his gun. He gave her a strange look before she continued to say something rapidly, which wasn't able to be understood at all. Alan sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"You trust too easily. This is on you." Alan said, to which Sarah quickly shook her head and her hands.

"Sa? N'ei!" She quickly said, not wanting that responsibility dumped onto her.

"If you trust him so much, he's your duty." Alan seemed to smirk before he lowered his shotgun fully to his side, "H'oei l'ai'oe." He then laughed as he walked off, Sarah stomping her foot as she yelled something at him as he left. She then glanced at Nivar before letting out an annoyed huff, her ear twitching.

Landon looked down at Liliath and smiled. "In human years, I am 18. However, in my time, I am 9."
After getting what they deemed to be far enough into the woods, the unit of Tsk-tak'clk began to construct their temporary home, made from their own silks. Over the next fifteen to twenty minutes, the large tent-like structure, strung amongst and between trees, takes shape. Once completed, the heavily armoured one passes over most of the surface with what amounts to a wrist mounted blowtorch, hardening the silk into a more solid material.

True to their word, though the structure is added into the forest, no part of the forest is harmed or removed.
"Then you are young, if i would have a brother he would have the same age as you! Liliath laughed "i don't mind having a brother." Liliath then realized she had lost his jacket "I lost your jacket oh no!
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

Nivar looked at the two chatting, which he didn't really mind honestly. He already showed her that he meant not to bring violence. But that sudden move by Alan, made him wonder a small bit. Did she said something to Alan about Nivar? He wasn't going to find out since she liked to speak on her language.

Not really hearing most of it, being caught on his own mind, he did however hear the last bits before Alan walked off. Nivar shaking his head a little in confusion, but shrugging it off after. Then when Sarah glanced at him, he glanced back at her before glancing over at Alan. He took a couple steps, then stood by her still glancing over at Alan.

"...What you told him?" He asked her, legit curious.
Sarah Da'naou (played by nightmqre) Topic Starter

"Not your business." She huffed, turning away from him completely. "Says I have to show around," She didn't seem too excited at this fact. "Where want to go first." It was clearly a question, even if it didn't really sound like she was asking; she was.

Landon chuckled. "It is alright small one, I can get a new one."
"No i will get it back wait here! she walked back to the jacket . she noticed Nivar and Sarah .Liliath looked to them but as she noticed no danger , she walked back."I am back!" she yelled , she had al forgotten over her book. Ï still don't get what this place is , its very diffrent then home."
Vincent Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Kazira looked around the Village when they arrived, he seemed to lick his paw and try to fix his fur. The buildings seemed to be quite nice, although Kazira noted their lack of Technology "So.... Am I the only one to arrive here?" asked Kazira, he seemed to admire the Village "Pretty nice place you've got here...."
Nivar (played by JustAPlayer)

"Rude much." He said under his breath as he looked away, but clearly not minding. Then when she asked the question, he thought for a bit. "Hm... do not know. Where you think should go?" He asked back, glancing around at the trees, not really paying attention to Liliath. He also went back to try talking in her broken English, also thinking if... it could be fixable later. Surely.

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