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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Magical Quests and other Adventures (18+ Only)

Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

When Getsurei had returned a dagger was strapped next to waist. With the exception of the night life and Kara practicing, everything was quiet and calm. Being bare foot allowed him to mosey to the fireside without disturbing the others. He stretched out on his side and let the melody of the night lull him to sleep.

His own dreams were a combination of the goblin battle and the war he fought long ago. Fingers clawed at the floor as the nightmare played out before him, making the regret of his mistakes far worse. An edge of defense held him on a dangerous brink yet sleep cradled him enough to keep him unaware of Rypa's approach.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara nodded at Rypa's comment. She was tired and ready for sleep. Since Rypa had gone to wake the others, Kara went ahead and grabbed her things and quietly went into the cabin. She found a spot in a corner to settle down and got comfortable. Even though she was tired from the day, she found it hard to quiet her mind to sleep. There had been a few comments regarding the goblins and everyone had seemed quite on edge about them. The gnome was less worried than the others, but she wasn't sure if that was just because she was so used to hiding from danger instead of attacking. The advantage of being so small and used to the forest was that she could disappear pretty quickly and could be hard to find if she tried. Her magical abilities made that even stronger. Kara was concerned over the concern of her travelling companions. She thought about it and wondered if maybe the fact they were all still barely acquaintances was fueling the unease around them. She wasn't quite sure how to help alleviate that, but she would think on it more in the morning. Now was time for sleep. Kara stretched and yawned before rolling onto her side in a little ball and going to sleep.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa woke the dwarf and the wolf then watched as the boys got up for their turn on watch. Once the gnome settled in for the night she sat next to her charge. crossing her legs she took a deep breath and drifted into a deep trance thinking on her plan for the next day putting concerns about the mercurial moon and the savage goblins.
Tonaf shrugged himself in discomfort as he greeted the empty sky above, with only the moon and stars as far flung lanterns in the night. He sauntered by the laid logs to see how his wood axe had felt. Save the cold greeting smothered across his palm, it's pole was as hefty and it's blade as sharp as ever. A smile curled over his lips, like sudden nostalgia over the happenings of an old friend. Tonaf's woodaxe was the only lasting companion the Dwarf indeed had.

He sat the pole of his tool down and watched the fire dance infront of his still tired eyes, awaiting the company of Getsurei.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

A fog loomed over the shifter's mind when he opened his eyes. Shadows of the mind danced before him, mixing dream and reality. It was when he realized that the shadows faded from his mind. He got up and watched her settle in before heading outside.

It was no surprise to see that Tonaf was already outside. Human 'paws' were left in the soil as he wandered around the logs, noting the dwarfs reaction. He sat down nearby on a sideways log. " Your cart is safe"
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara slept heavily. It had been a long day and she was worn out. There had been many strange happenings and although she did not normally dream, tonight she did. Had anyone been watching her, they would have seen her toss and turn in her corner with a frown creasing her forehead. They were not good dreams. She would not remember much of them when she woke up except that there were goblins and fire and someone screaming about a cart.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa sprang to wakefulness like a loosed bow. Her eyes snapped open. Scanning the room she could tell the sun was crawling its way over the horizon. Soon the fire was lit and breakfast was warming.
"Time to get up sleepy head." Said Rypa as she shook the gnome awake. "We should be able to get to the stones before noon."
Ton forced a smile toward Getsurei, alongside a large yawn that accompanied his feeble nod of thanks. He wiped away the moisture from his eye, taking large breathes to wake himself in front of the embering fire outside. "Thanks again." He mumbled, saying little else after that. There wasn't much conversation the Wood Dwarf could think of. Though he could've asked about Getsurei's past, he felt it too soon. Not much what he could've said about himself either, he thought. The life and tale of Tonaf the Wood Dwarf had been revealed the moment he'd introduced himself.

It wasn't so bad after a few hours. Soon the shade of the sky turned from maroon to bronze as the sun soon lifted through the clouds. The fire burned out in front of them both shortly after, the last dancing flames crumbling into dying embers at least an hour before. Tonaf stood up from his log, stretching limbs with an audible crack. The scent of breakfast alone was enough to bring him back around.

"I'm famished." An elated Ton mentioned, looking back to the open windows of the cabin.

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