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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Onstone Shop

Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate)

In the Kingdom that is somewhere from the west, there lives a man named Kino Onstone who is the owner of his Merchant called THe Onstone Shop which was given to him by his late Grandfather. Inside in his shop is filled with different kinds of items that is categorize in each section. First Sections are the herbs and ingredients for alchemy, Second are the food supply like basic ingredients, fresh vegetable and meat. Third and last section are the Armory of your weapon needs like oil, ammunition and fixing tools.

Kino Onstone can do blacksmithing and repairing both your armors and weapons. On day he opened his business but at night he went out to the forest and dungeons to seek items for his shop need. He is open at 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. So how can he served you today on this shop of mine.
Aldwin (played by Tugboattom)

Aldwin walked over to the shop whistling an old tune from somewhere foreign, and it was somehow more beautiful whistling than any ever hear before. It had a certain lilting change in it and it's notes were always completely correct. His pitch was perfect. It's music seemed to mesmerize all around it.
When he stopped whistling the people around Aldwin were able to take in his blue tinted skin and the violin he had strapped on his back. If they studied him they would notice scars on his fingertips. But somehow he held an unearthly beauty about him.
He walked over, although his walking was so fluid it was more like gliding, and set some coins on the table under his hand. " If you could set me up with a weapon I would be more than happy to compensate for your time and reacources" He said smiling warmly. His other hand twitched as if wanting to play hos violin.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

With a stern look but gave a gentle smile as he reply to the customer

"Top of the Morning Sir, So your looking for a weapon ? As a musician like you who is blessed with agility and dexterity, I would recommend to look on this list of weapons in this note for you to choose.

He grab the note on the left side of his counter as he opened the in the category of weapons that is light and sharp.
There are listed in alphabetical order that the price ranges about 50-100 golds on Common type, 150-200 on Grade D-F ( Strong and Sturdy) and 250 -400 on Grade A-C ( Magic and Enhancement).

"Also if there is nothing you like on this note, You can customized your own weapon but each parts are paid separately"
he flip the page and it contains the parts of the weapons like the Hilt or Handle, Blades, Decorations , and lastly desired enhancement (Optional)

Handle or Hilt - 20 gold
Blades, Axehead, Hammerhead - 50 gold

Enhancement:100 gold (+ 50 for extra enhancement)
Green - Agility and Dexterity
Red - Strength and Endurance
Blue - Intelligent and Wisdom.

"So take your time to decide sir"
Corrine (played anonymously)

(may i join in? ive been itching for fantasy rp and i cant find much that'll reply, you can check out this character or my others if you'd like. corrine has a more fleshed out back story at the moment.)
Aldwin (played by Tugboattom)

(( use double parenthesis when not in character. Don't worry I didn't know that when I started either. I'm pretty sure this is open to everybody so come right in.))

Aldwin scanned over the selection of weaponry quickly, not truly understanding the purposes of some, and not knowing which would fit him best. He decided he would ask, after all if he did humiliate himself he could always play well enough that they would accept that everyone has their abilities and disabilities. " Um... I don't really know weapons very well, I've been a player for longer than you would imagine a person befitting my age. Could you guide me through their uses and which ones would be most useful to me. I am very sorry for the inconvenience and I will happily pay extra if it is too much of a bother too you. I think" He said checking his coin purse for coins. then his confidence restored he smiled " Yes I'm sure I could pay you extra"
Corrine (played anonymously)

(ohh ok then, i thought i had to click on a special tab, is it ok to continue without the owner/ blacksmith or should we wait till he comes back. or just introduce our characters as we wait? )

anarock jumps out from the forest dashing around in the clearing, he's in one of those puppy zoom tunnel phases. corrine walks out from the shrub with her arms crossed, completely ignoring the hyper magi wolf. the crystals of her staff chime together as she walks making little belle noises
*tink tink* she glances over at anarock happily munching on his tail, "bad magi wolf! you'll only hurt yourself if you do that...." anarock being the alpha dog playfully ignores his owner and goes back to frolicking. "well alright then! be that way. don't listen to me..." as corrine walks on she see's a smithery with 2 men standing outside. "oh no.." she slows down her pace but approaches regardless knowing she needs her bow worked on.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Allec was little surprise by that that he set aside the note.
"Having a hard time to chose huh? Dont worry 10% of my customers have that same thought. So listen closely sir that I will explain each weapons"

Light Weapons:
A. Short Sword - Short length type, Semi Fast Attack Speed, Good Against Axe-user.
B. Hatchet - Short length, Leather Breaker, Good Against Spear User.
C. Spear - Long Length, Quick Stabbing Impact, Low Mobility, Good Against Sword User.
D. Daggers - Shortest range, Fast and Agile, Critical chance on the back.

Heavy Weapon
GReat Sword - Long Length, Slow but High Swing Damage, Good for Crowd Control.
Axe and Hammers- Medium length, High Blunt Damage, Armor Breakers.
Aldwin (played by Tugboattom)

(( sorry after I told you I realized I has explained poorly. you have to use double parentheses like this (( and then )) to make it OOC. It's ok to continue without him for the most part as long as we don't try to mess up his character or directly interact with JUST him))

Aldwin's head spun, as if on a swivel, and turned to face a magical dog. Hmmm... that's odd he thought to himself. Then as the dogs master walked put into the clearing he smiled cheerfully. He pulled out his violin and began to tune.
" Hey, would you be ok to join us? I'm sure we won't bite. Not too hard atleast." He joked grinning from ear to ear as the final string was tuned. " I would even serenade you with a song if you wished. Or if you didn't. My fingers have just been ITCHING to play a song for the past hour." He said as he placed the instrument under his chin and began to pull the bow over the string in a gentle rhythm that reminded the listeners of the ocean waters, calm and quiet. Never rushing always peaceful. Then he began to quicken his tempo and now it seemed as if the very trees were listening to his music. He played to his hearts content filling the clearing with a song that resembled the current of a fast flowing river. Then he began to sing, adding his lilting voice to the already beautiful song. The lyrics were about him spending his younger years in a river, until he finally left to find adventure. As he ended his song the trees seemed to sigh as they settled back in place and the silence hung heavy around them.
Corrine (played anonymously)

(( oh ok ill try that instead, and it seems the blacksmith is back now ))

anarock wags his tail and sits down, he looks back and fourth between the black smith and bard, anarocks flowers open on his back releasing a sweet floral aroma, he seems very happy to hear the tune and enjoyed the warmth radiating from the smithery. corrine slowly walks by, "it appears you've made some friends huh?" she says with a soft voice and leaning to her side arms folded, she looks off in the distance with a blank stair, her large gold and white bow gleams in the sun, her staff continues to chime.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Allec watch the scene as he kinda enjoyed how the bard played his tune to the Dog master. Even its a No Pets allowed policy in his shop, he decided to slip it through for this time.

"Well Sir, I hope you understand how the weapons work and also Good day to you Ms. and is there any business here in my shop? perhaps looking for anything you need in your hunt or dungeon crawling?"

He cross his arms to wait for her Reply
Corrine (played anonymously)

corrine looks at the black smith quickly with her eyes fixed to his, she grabs her magnificent bow and points to the snapped golden twine string in a desperate manner, "my bow! i need strong string to re thread it" she sets it down on a table careful not to scratch the wood with the unicorn horn stabilizers. "do u have gold twine or maybe something enchanted ?" she looks away from the man back at the forest, anarock looks to his owner and comforts her, she climbs onto of his back and looks back at the black smith.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Kino examined the string on her bow as he stroke his beard
" Gold Twine you say, I do have one but its just an ordinary one...but I do have an enchantment to strengthen its grip. Please excuse me for a moment."

He went out from his counter as he went to his basement as he grab the strings and enchantment powder. THen he went back to the counter to apply the enchantment by pouring it on the strings inside a bowl. It slowly shine and glow for a few second then it went back to normal. He pick it up and pull the string to test and it turns out good.

"Alright Miss, with this string on your bow, I add strengthening powder to double the durability of the string. So May I borrow your bow for a few second."
He carefully tied the string on the bow as he give it a test that its ready for used.

"Now your bow is now fixed, Since I added enchantment to your string, The prize would be 150 gold that 50 gold for the string and 100 gold for enchantment. Also if I can sell the powder to you for only 30 gold each sack."
Corrine (played anonymously)

corrine examines her bow "yes this looks great" she smiles softly at the craftsmanship. "and i'll take you up on that offer for the powder" she hands you the full amount in gold "i'm quite surprised you had these materials , most people didn't have what i needed, it was very agonising traveling from village to village but this bow you see was built by my father and gifted to me. it's very special" she rubs her hands over the bow "how come your so far out in the woods if u mind me asking?" she loosens up and changes her tone to a curious friendly face.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Kino noded as he gave the powder she needs exchange for the amount of gold she gave.
"Well its hard to create a powder like these, especially the ingredients you need with little alchemy work. If your talking about my shop, It was given to me by my late Grandfather that people find everything you need. Also he mastered Blacksmithing, Enchantment and especially Alchemy that he taught me everything I need."

"So Ms. Is that everything you need int his shop of mine."
Corrine (played anonymously)

corrine thinks to herself for a moment, then she cocks her head to her side "that will be all, but do you by any chance know the villages around this area? possibly ones with an elven kingdom close by? i'm trying to find some relatives of mine."
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Kino doesnt know much about nearby Elven Kingdoms but he knows one since he visit there to buy their herbs.

"Well I only know one that Elven Kingdom named...Terrassil...if that is the name. Its located north side of this kingdom. That is about 5kilometers away from here, its always located in Forest area with a Bronze branch gate."
Corrine (played anonymously)

corrine lost her composure at 5 kilometers and her eyes widened "i don't think i'd be able to walk that far before sunset" she shakes her a head a bit and turns to anarock "and you need a break from carrying me." corrine ponders about her surrounding area "i'll be setting up a camp near the clearing in the forest tonight, do u know were any ponds or rivers are?" corrine brings out her staff and lights up the engravings on it, a tiny dragon forms with a large backpack on the ground, it seems to hold tent supplies.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

Kino was impressed on the staff she has and he gave her an answer.
"There is a nearby one, Just outside of this kingdom at west gate and do becareful when you set camp there because deadly creatures lurk there. If I made a suggestion why not stay for anight at the Inn because its more safer and comfy there."
Corrine (played anonymously)

corrine looks back intentivly. "hmm. well i think ill be ok, i havent had to bad of a run just yet." she waves the staff in the air "return lotus" the tiny green dragon poofed out of the air and corrine placed the large backpack on her back, "oh, my name is corrine by the way, whats yours?" anarock sniffs the air around the area there about to head off in readying himself, corrine places her bow on her back and places her staff up to her chest.
Kino Onstone (played by Theyakate) Topic Starter

"Kino Onstone, Also nice to meet you. Please do come again and becareful when you set camp there."

He went back to Aldwin " So Sir, did you pick a weapon you like? ALso you can test them out before purchasing it."

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