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Forums » General Roleplay » The Secret Revolution (Open to all)

Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Finally Eli got tired of pretending nothing had changed, and walked out to find Lonnie he waved,blushing sheepishly," Sorry that was... childish."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie looked up. She moved over so Eli could sit.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli nodded his gratitude,sitting next to her," So, what's next?"
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie huged her knees (if you know what I mean) and shrugged.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli tapped her on the knee rhythmically in a set of beats that they had made into a secret language years ago. He smiled sadly at her," You remember don't you?" He asked in .reminiscence
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie nodded and looked at him.

(We're going to say what it means right?)
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

(( yep, I was just trying to so something to remind her of their childhood when they were happy. Like in the movie onward where they tap on the dad's shoes.))

He smiled warmly. He tapped again saying that maybe they could dig tunnels from the playground to somewhere safe.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie tapped. You know that's not gonna work, right?
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli tapped back yeah, but atleast it's a start. Plus it gave us a way to start talking.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie sighed. She tapped yeah, I guess...
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" So, any ideas on what your next drawings gonna be?" He asked, trying to seem less suspicious to the caretakers that might be watching. He tapped," So so you have any other great ideas?"
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

She tapped for drawing or for an escape?
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" For eacape the drawing is just a cover up, although you might want to answer so they don't get suspicious. He tapped quickly
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I don't know, I mean, you know I don't like sharing my art." Lonnie tapped We could sneak out in the middle of the night? But it would leave everyone else in danger.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Oh come on!" He whined, meanwhile he tapped," if rather not leave the younger ones, you know how they look up to us.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I'm sorry Eli!" While she said that she tapped yeah same. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we left them. They're so innocent.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli pouted as he tapped,"So we need a way to get them free and then follow them to freedom. We'll also have to find a way to feed them.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Sorry!" She said as she tapped yes, got any ideas?
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli let his lower lip drop into a pouting face," Lonnie!" meanwhile his fingers tapped out a quick reply,"as far as feeding them is concerned we could probably teach them archery and steal some of the practice bow and arrows. Getting free of here is a different matter.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Eli!" She said mocking him. She tapped maybe...

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