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Forums » General Roleplay » The Secret Revolution (Open to all)

Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli stuck out his tongue as he tapped,"maybe what?
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Stop being so immature Eli!" Lonnie said annoyed. I don't know, I was saying maybe to your suggestion
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli raised his eyebrow," Imature, that's what you think of me?" He turned his head away with his nose high in the air," Women!" He muttered just loud enough for her to hear. He tapped,"Sorry was the best reply I could think of before the caretakers figured it out. So, how do we get out of here?
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"I'm sorry Eli! You know I don't like sharing my art!" She tapped its okay. I'm not sure
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

" Oh fine." He drew out the vowels." come on I've had to think up everything, you must have some kind of ideas. Don't sell yourself short." He tapped.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie rolled her eyes at the comment. She tapped I'm just not sure how we're going to get everyone out of here unseen.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

"maybe... maybe we don't have to be unseen. Maybe we knock out the caretakers.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

yeah? And what’s gonna happen when they wake up? Or are you suggesting we kill them. That would make us just as bad as them.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

His expression nearly gave everything away.Kill them!no! I mean if we knock them out we can run off and get far enough away that they can't find us, and by the time they awake we'll be gone.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

They could call the cops to find us though
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

But how else are we going to get out of here? They're little kids they don't sneak.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

I don't know! Just then, they called everyone in for dinner. Lonnie tapped Look, we'll talk about this later. She got up and headed inside.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

He smiled when he heard the dinner call," Yes," He said rubbing his hands in anticipation,"Food."
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie laughed as they walked into the dining room. She grabbed some steak, mashed potatos, and salad and sat down.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli grabbed steak, and looked around for some more meat. His shoulders slumped when he found none. He grabbed a second bit of steak digging in with all of him.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie took a bite of her potatos and asked jokingly "Whoa, got enough meat there Eli?"
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

He smiled,"No, I dont." He joked.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

Lonnie laughed. After dinner she started to draw again because she had nothing better to do.
Eli Black (played by Tugboattom)

Eli tried to look over at the drawing sneakily but failed giving it away.
Lonnie (played by jfo7) Topic Starter

"Eli!" Lonnie said flipping over the paper to the blank side.

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