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My Answers and a New Question

Favorite Food? Fresh seafood. My brother, Victor, makes some terrific concoctions

Favorite Drink? On the ship, the salt of the ocean dehydrates you so bad you have to drink lots of water. On land, bring me your best bourbon.

Favorite Color? I am a blue guy.

Favorite Season? Any season that isn’t hurricane season. I have to find a safe harbor to ride them out and that cuts into my business.

Favorite Place To Visit? Bermuda. Great place to ambush other ships.

Favorite Person? That’s a hard one. My brother, Victor, is my bet friend and blood. Then there is Jax, who is like a brother and I never go anywhere without him. Then there is my mate, Serenity, who is the another half of my soul. How do you choose from that?

Any Special Nicknames? Captain, Big brother, Sir, Black Bones

Favorite Book? I mostly study maps and shipping charts.

What would you wish to be remembered most by? I may be a cutthroat pirate, but I loved my crew and treated them well.

Favorite Song? Jolly Sailor Bold

Something you are NOT proud of? I killed my mate, Serenity’s father. He did attack first, mind you.

One super power you wished you never had? Super power I never had? Ummm…this question worded correctly? I am no superhero, nor do I wish to be cursed with such a thing.

Favorite TV Show? TV? I am not familiar with this term.

What is something you use to do that you love, that you fell out of or just seemed to stop doing? I used to compete with Jax on who could be the first to score a girl when we got to port. I no longer need to play that game.

What is love to you? Passion. Connection. Fulfillment. Respect. Unwavering loyalty. Willingness to trade my life for theirs.

Favorite memory from the past? When my big brother, Victor, got on us on a pirate ship for the first time, The Fairest Maiden. That moment changed my life.

What was your highest moment in life? The moment I realized I had tamed a hunter.

Favorite animal? I am partial to wolves.

Do you prefer to lead or follow? I am the Alpha of a pack of werewolf pirates and Captain of one of the most infamous pirate ships. What do you think?

Mustard or mayo? Neither

“What is your greeting joy in life?” Greeting joy? I am not sure I know what a greeting joy is. I can tell you my greatest joy is having so many around me that I love and who love me back.

New Question! Do you think you have what it takes to sail the seven seas as a ruthless pirate?
Favorite Food? I LOVE sushi and sashimi, when I couldn't eat it during pregnancy it was a torture... such cravings! X'D Nigiri are my personal favorites, but all sushi - when done properly! - is awesome. At the risk of ripping a page off Ant's book, though, I'll say this - stay away from synthesized sushi, it couldn't be MORE different from the real deal

Favorite Drink? Coffee and tea are my two go-tos and lifesavers! I've tried energy drinks but they don't power me up enough to compensate for lack of sleep, I need caffeine in my system. Tea on the other hand helps me relax and is good for when I need to calm down my thinking too, my personal favorites are green tea and jasmine tea, though a good classic Earl Grey is like black, it goes with everything. *slaps mouth* Yikes I'm starting to speak in fashion terms like my aunt Laudomia! DX

Favorite Color? I'm a colorphile, I love all colors and picking one is real difficult! Does "rainbow" count? :P

Favorite Season? *hums absently* It'll be the fox when the winter comes, it'll be...

Favorite Place To Visit? It used to be Lake Braies, wjhere my family lived for a while... but I don't associate good memories to it now :( It's taken a lot of work on my fears to return there and I'd probably not have found the courage to do so if Badzooka hadn't been at my side all along. It's a place that will forever be 'home' to me, but... it's complicated. I want to return to visit it, of course, it's just.. *sigh* I wish it could be easier to just wipe away bad memories as if they never were... But other than Braies, I'd say theme parks whjere I can take the kids, they love it and seeing them happy makes my day.

Favorite Person? My children, I've loved them from the moment I learned they were tiny sparks of life and waited anxiously for the day I could hold them. They are my life, I love them beyond words. And of course Badzooka, I - don't need to explain why, do I? He's been my 'no matter what' friend ever since I was a bumbling pirate rookie and never, ever, gave up on me since then. He can make me laugh with nothing and... there's just so much we share with each other, what goes through our heads and in our lives...

Any Special Nicknames? *briefly holds breath as if she's going to say something that starts with H* ... well yes, do codenames count? I've had two! When I was an agent for the Defiant Citizen, I was called Pasionaria for my dedication to our cause, it's not a code name I chose but I liked it and it stuck. Then, after I had to run and became a pirate, I needed a new name for the trade and the pick fell on Light Raygun. Why? Because it means business, yet is not what you'd expect from a pirate or *smirks* vigilante, so there's that momentary 'huh?' upon hearing it and *that's* when you get your opponent with the guard down! Hah!

(She was originally gonna say Hikari, the nickname her ex-husband called her with)

Favorite Book? "Fantastic Mr. Fox", it was... *blushes* I taught my ex-husband to read in italian on my old copy of it, and he taught me to read it in Japanese, and it was also my nickname for him. So yeah... it's a pretty meaningful book for me.

What would you wish to be remembered most by? *shrugs* A loving parent, a friend - I hope good? - and by both my vigilante deeds and the non-human embassy I'm working to establish on a large scale. *smiles wryly* But I won't deny I still get a good laugh, and no small amount of pride, whenever my ol' pirate stunts are brought up... heh, the good ol' times!

Favorite Song? Ah, many! But one that's really stuck with me is "Speechless" by Naomi Scott from some Aladdin movie. I didn't think I'd enjoy a remake, I have a kind of knee-jerk reaction because when I was a teen I burned myself out some pretty awful remakes with the robot actor Clark Fairbanks, so I wasn't expecting much, but that song really touched chords and it was worth all the film, because the lyrics reasonated with me so much and she did a great job singing it. *sheepishly* But I must also admit after three kids I've become partial to nursery rhymes, lullabies, and cartoon themes songs... I have listened and sang them so often, they grew on me X'D

Something you are NOT proud of? *darkens* Oh, there have been things alright... things I've done and that I regret to date. But the one thing I'm not proud of is my... temper, my instinct to fight. It's something I've been told is wrong about me and I should be trying to suppress it, but at the same time... it's so much 'me', it's sometimes painful to hold back... When I took up vigilante duties, I agonized for days over my choice, even if it was what I wanted, even if it mattered so much for me... it's just not in me to lay low and hide until the danger goes away, but - I've been told so often that's wrong and dangerous and foolish, I started believing it... and part of me still feels guilty when I listen to the truest voice in my heart, that of a protector, a fighter. *sighs* But I guess everyone's wished they were different from what they are, at some point or other of their life... no?

One super power you wished you never had? JHm... regeneration / healing? In my field of duty it would be a nice perk, and something for which most opponents would be unprepared. Or failing that, flight...

Favorite TV Show? *bursts out laughing incontrollably* I know, it's terrible, but... the cartoons of SuperTonino, the rottweiler superhero! It's my children's favorite show and I cannot help it - I know it's for kids and all but I like it too! It's a rottweiler and a superhero with the cutest lil face, how can you not love him?

What is something you use to do that you love, that you fell out of or just seemed to stop doing? Oh, I said before - watching those Clark Fairbanks remakes, like.... it's so much cringy nowadays to even just think about them! They were hours of closeup on his eyescreen and voiceover narration - and those were at least the amusing ones! I really don't understand why I liked them so much, I guess it was the novelty and 'rebelliousness' of watching something with a robot actor, but... come on, it was trash! No offense for Clark Fairbanks, he was a groundbreaker in his own way, and probably a nice enough guy - he replied to one of my fan letters, if I recall correctly? Or was it an autograph? Bah, I don't remember, it's been so many years since! - but he just had a talent for lending his image to Z-movies...

What is love to you? Love is... when your heart beats faster not because you see another person or they smile at you, but because *you* made them smile, and they mean so much to you, it's as if you had conquered the world. Because knowing they are happy warms your heart beyond words and beyond reason.

Favorite memory from the past? *smiles fondly* The birth of my children, and my pirate years. I know it might sound weird from a vigilante but... the absolute freedom of pirate life is something that's very difficult to explain if you haven't lived it first hand.

What was your highest moment in life? I'm thinking a recent one... when I first submitted the proposal for the non-human embassy. It's something that means so much to me, the goal of a lifetime, and from that moment on it was no longer just vague conjectures in my head but it was out on the paper and slowly taking form. Luckily I had my mask, so no one could see, but my mouth was dry and my hands sweaty for all the importance those papers held!

Favorite animal? Foxes... but there isn't an animal I don't like! They are all unique and special in their own way!

Do you prefer to lead or follow? *folds arms* I was done with following when I resigned from Captain's crew... and stars know even before then I wasn't exactly the kind to jump whenever Capt'n said 'frog'! Sometimes I still wonder how I survived for so long without being thrown overboard, heh! XD What can I say... I'm a rebel! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!

Mustard or mayo? Hmm... I'd say mayo, but only because I don't much like mustard. But in small dosage or it gets a bit sickening...

“What is your greeting joy in life?” If you mean my dog when she greets me after work - yes, she's called Joy! :P

Do you think you have what it takes to sail the seven seas as a ruthless pirate? *blinks, reads the question again, screenshots it to make sure she didn't imagine it, reads it again, starts chuckling and finally bursts into uncontrollable fits of laugh* ... IF I have? Ohhhh well, I wouldn't know about the seven seas, but I sailed the seven skies, it counts?...

Now for my question! Favorite element - air, water, fire or earth?

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