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Forums » Smalltalk » Funny typos?

Today in biology we were studying root systems in a plant, and one of the handouts my teacher passed out had a typo on it.

Instead of ROOT HAIR it said FOOT HAIR.

My friends and I laughed like idiots for the next five minutes. If you rp with me and I randomly say something about foot hair, that's why.

Anyways, has anyone else encountered any funny typos?

I was once talking to someone on a messenger and had to go do something so I said "brb for a sec" so I left, a min later I returned. However when I came back, I noticed them laughing like an idiot, and they said to me "That was the fast! it might even be a world record!" I then noticed I had actually typed "brb for a sex" -.- ....after that we both had a good laugh.
It's quite interesting how one little typo can change the entire meaning of a message. While back my husband and I were living apart, I was texting him to see when he would be back from work and picking up our son. e gave a reply along the lines of 30 mins. When I replied I said "Kool, R.J. can't wait to see you" well the autocorrect on my new phone changed my Kool, to Look. Which entirely changed the tone of the message, and had the potential of starting an argument -.- however it was cleared up quickly enough and I made sure I added Kool to my phones memory.


Ed thats hilarious!

nikina wrote:
Ed thats hilarious!
Yeah I tend to get a few funny typos every now and then, its a curse. lol
Lol =P

This is mine when I was talking with a friend in facebook. I told her I was replying slow because I was wathing Snowhite and the Huntsman

Wathing- More intense then just regular watching. Like really watching. It's a whole new level of concentration.
I once texted 'hold on sex' to my girlfriend of the time, when I meant 'hold on sec.'

It took quite some time to get her to calm down.
Funny typo's hmm..... some how got zasrkw while wanting castle ended up with some wears search O_o like penut better covered pickles weird
Elea (played anonymously)

I send 'screenshits' to people all of the time.
SOS!!! .... LOL there's a typo now!! XD random

It's not so much a typo as an embarrassing spelling error.

I'm in a class my friend teaches. She asked me to write something on the board. Instead of writing that another type of thing you could find was "insects" I wrote in BIG letters so the whole 150 students in the class could read "INCEST" - Best part is my friend didn't notice and left it up there for about five minutes before I realized why people were laughing at me.
Elea (played anonymously)

If only I could visibly 'like' that post, I would. <3
I was texting with a Furcadia friend I've had for about 7 years. He agreed to make a character that could play with mine and I attempted to type, "Eee excited!"

My phone corrected it to, "Eww excrement!"
One time playing as my shape shifter I wrote *shifts into a cat* without the f in shifts.
MadRatBird wrote:
I was texting with a Furcadia friend I've had for about 7 years. He agreed to make a character that could play with mine and I attempted to type, "Eee excited!"

My phone corrected it to, "Eww excrement!"

Which, actually, is rather fitting for the topic matter. Lol.

One of my more hilarious ones isn't suitable for typing openly for this board. But it is similar to the word 'clock'.

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