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Forums » General Roleplay » The Resonance 1x1 (taken)

Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

At this question, and perhaps understandably, the entire room seemed to immediately and without tact stare at Kai wordlessly. Jeremy was unsure how to take this question, and since it was directed at Garric he turned back to his gun, promptly confused. Rekka scoffed at pressed her face against her palm in a manner suggesting slight frustration.

"Great," she muttered,"you brought back someone who's been under a rock their entire lives."

Garric, however, was less annoyed and more interested. He was watched her with a perplexed expression. "The Marine Corps...Its a branch of the United States military...they're looked upon in admiration for their toughness and ability to do any mission...'first in, last out'...Good God, you know nothing of world events, do you? Do you even know the specifics of the conflict between the Resonance and Kalamity?"
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

"I know of Kalamity's attempt to oppress non-humans... by any means they can think of. I know, that in that pursuit, they have seem to have forgotten the importance of all life. And from my time out in the world... I learned, a little, of a resistance against them," she said, keeping her gaze on him, ignoring all other looks or awkward stance from the others as she did.

"I was told only what they wanted to tell me. They tried to make themselves sound great... almost righteous. The ones that watched me felt that they were doing the right thing for the world." She was heavily implying that she came from a Kalamity lab, and if one didn't pick up on it before, surely they would now.

"I understood though. They had no respect for non-humans... and even less for me. That's why I fled them. But I won't join the resistance. Kalamity is a virus, but the Resonance is not the cure; just the world's antibody that is slowly being snuffed out. At least for now. Maybe one day you can grow again, and become the fighting force you need to be. And please don't get me wrong... I admire your efforts -- your cause.

"But that isn't what you asked, is it? I know very little of the events between Kalamity and the Resonance, learning little by little from what I overhear. I get by well enough with what I know, though." She closed her eyes again, seeming to sink into thought after all that talk. Or maybe she felt she had broken her usual habit of keeping her words short, and was annoyed that she had spoke for much longer than she would.
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Garric openly laughed, and Jeremy looked back again for a second, not having found anything funny about what she said. Rekka could hear the bitterness in his laughter, and gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Let me tell you guys something that I hope you'll do well to remember. This war is over. It was over since it began. Do you realize that the capture of nonhumans was, while inhumane, done for research alone? You guys went about this all wrong. After Alan started this fight, nonhumans were dying for NOTHING," he was calm until his last word, where he drew his knife and jammed it into the concrete wall in sudden rage. "The Resonance is a loose connection of bunkers with no organization, no political foothold, no control of the media, and a severe lacking of firepower and numbers. I want you to know that you've already lost, so that you can prepare for the aftermath. Humans that took part in the Resonance covertly will be safe, but one of these days Alan is going to have to draw the line and say that they can't fight anymore-"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Jeremy finally lost his control and turned around to face Garric. "We know we're losing you prick!" He walked over to Garric, grabbing his shirt and slinging him up off the cot so they were both standing face to face. Jeremy was physically weaker than Garric, but in his sudden rage he found some extra strength. "'They'? 'You'? What the fuck do you mean? YOU ARE PART OF THIS TOO, FUCKER!"

"I AM NO PART OF THIS, you bastard. I'm just a fucking grunt for hire, YOU'RE the one stuck in this god damn-OW!"

Rekka had been rummaging in her bag for some time, and had drawn two hypodermic needles from her medical pack. The two men were preoccupied, and didn't notice her walk up to them. They did, however, both recoil when she jammed them both in the neck with the needles. Jeremy and Garric let go of each other, looked at one another, and then at Rekka. Jeremy had the smaller body, and his rushing heart rate sped the drug along. She grabbed Jeremy's shoulders, walked him to the cot, and sat him down. She then did the same with Garric. Before they were completely out of it, Rekka spoke to them. "I just shot you both up with a hundred milligrams of diazepam. I hope you're not allergic or something, because it might kill you, but you were starting to give me a headache. Nighty night." Jeremy laid down after this and fell into what appeared to be a deep unconsciousness rather than sleep. Garric leaned against the wall, and would for the next 30 minutes appear to be in a trance-like state before also falling "asleep".

"Idiots," Rekka muttered, walking over to the table and finished Jeremy's gun for him. She reassembled it and put it away, then grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. She sat back down at the desk and rubbed her eyes for a while.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

Kai had been surprised by the suddenness of the events that would take place between the two. She understood Garric's words, but didn't quite feel as strongly as he did. There might be a chance for the Resonance, if they could just pull together into unity. But, only time would tell, and she knew that. She looked over to Rekka, as the anthro rubbed her eyes.

"My intentions were not to get a rise out of either of them. I did not intend to instigate anything," she said, looking away to another wall. She didn't feel fully to blame though. She knew, from other experiences, what stress and pent up emotions could do to people.

She slid down the wall into a sitting position. "I'll wait here, until we are to move." She closed her eyes, and would only engage into conversation if she needed to.
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

At this, Rekka peeked at Kai. "Shut up, will you? Its obvious you weren't to blame. Garric is an insensitive prick, and Jeremy is young and passionate about this fight. Although if I had to guess, its also part guilt for being human on the nonhuman side of the conflict. I don't really care much about their motives, I just wanted them to shut up. Their voices bounce off these walls. I really hope that doesn't kill them...Oh Dee levels vary from person to person, and 100 milligrams was excessive. We need their skills to reach Pepper safety." Though the first few sentences were directed to Kai, by the end of her words, she was just mumbling to herself. What energy she possessed had drained considerably. For a while, she seriously considered shooting up adrenaline, but that would be a waste. She dozed on and off for hours, paying attention to the computer when she could.

There was only sweet silence for a long time.

"So where you from? What lab?" Rekka said, her words shattering the thick veil of stillness.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

Kai looked up to Rekka, seeming iritated that the female had asked. She gave a little sigh, but felt it wouldn't hurt much to tell a little of her story.

"As far as I know, I was born in Kalamity's clutches. Or maybe my memory was wiped of all of my life before, but as far as I can remember, I only knew of that lab. Just an experimentation lab. And I didn't even know where it was located. They had several of us testing varies 'viruses'. Some test subjects died, but they were lucky. I may have survived... but it wasn't living. I moved only between two different rooms the whole time I was there, never seeing anything other than that. I lived in my cell most the time. And all of this was so they could try and create a controllable vampire that could hunt the real thing; not to kill, just hunt them down so they could be taken in."

She shook her head. "I'm sure you've run across similiar methods used by Kalamity."
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Rekka laughed bitterly and looked at Kai. "Nah, you're least you still have free will. A choice on who to side with...sort of. You must've escaped before they reinstated project Lost. The way you talk, it seems you've never met one of the Enhanced. In that're even more lucky."

Her eyes glanced downward for a second in some fragment of sadness, but her attention once again returned to Kai. "Well, I guess I should let you know now, Gin is a vampire. He works for us though, and even one on one, I don't doubt he could whup your ass, so don't jump him or anything. Alan would have a shit-fit. They're best friends, from what I hear."
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

"I've fed recently, so I should be able to control myself," Kai said, now resting one of her hands on her head. "Unfortunately, when I get hungry, I tend to lose myself if I go too long." She knew better than to state the fact that she hated vampires. It was an unprovoked hatred; more there because she was meant to become like them. But she felt that admitting that would be the least intelligent thing she could do at the moment, being in the company of members of the Resonance.

"How soon? Til we leave, then?"
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Thirty minutes..." Rekka said, walking over to the two unconscious men and pulling them off the cots. She laid them completely out, then pulled two more smaller needles. She shot Garric with it first, and his body convulsed in pain before he gasped deeply, his eyes shooting open. "Garbage bin," Rekka said, pointing towards it, and Garric crawled to the bin, vomiting for about five minutes straight.

"Ugh...what the-....fuck!" He leaned back against the concrete wall, sweating bullets and breathing raggedly, but most certainly awake. Rekka repeated the process with Jeremy, who reacted in a similar way, though he only dry-heaved and shook vigorously.

"Now that I have your strict attention... Garric, we're leaving soon. You're squad-leader. Jeremy, point man. look like you can handle yourself, so do whatever, so long as you don't blow what little cover we have. In case we need to split up, Garric will come with me, and Kai go with Jeremy. If you two cause me a headache ONE more time, let me warn you, I'm one of the few people in the world who can boil you from the inside out and leave no forensic evidence."

Garric recovered rather quickly, and his eyes flashed the slightest glint of fear, because he knew she was perfectly correct. Jeremy was simply shaking on the floor, trying desperately to listen as his heartrate touched 140 easily. Despite the fact that Rekka was the youngest of the group, her ice-cube attitude had her barking orders at the older ones as if they were small children. Being nearly 8 feet tall and 600 lbs. of toned, pure-animal muscle made the idea a near reality. Garric was the first to recover his composure. He stood up, jittery from the adrenaline injection, and began to organize his gear. Jeremy just stared at Rekka in awe, his view from the floor superimposing Rekka's size.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

Kai stood, dusting herself off, hardly paying attention to the two males. She, in fact, was ready to head out. Being in this type of room did make her rather uncomfortable after all. "I'll follow, for as long as I feel the need to. Since I don't have any place I need to be at the moment."

She took out her guns, looking them over to make sure they weren't scratched, or in any other way harmed. Satisfied, she returned them to their place and looked to the others. And as she did, a concern came over her.

"How far are we going again? And how much is underground?" It had been nighttime, six hours ago, and she had failed to know the time of day then. If it had been in the early morning, there was more than likely sunlight now. And that might hinder her travel. "What time of day is it?"
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Rekka bent down, grabbing Jeremy by the shoulders and lifting him like a rag doll to set him on his feet. Garric was the one that answered Kai's question as he checked his handgun and grabbed a little extra ammunition from the locker. "Two hours to daylight, given the time we were um...woken up."

Jeremy walked over to the table, fixing together his pistol and putting his vest back on. He looked at Rekka, "Could those drugs have killed us?"
"Most certainly," was Rekka's stoic answer.
"What would you've done if we-"
"Dumped your body in the sewer and went on with my life with a smile on my face. Good enough for you?"
"Well, sort of..."

Garric turned around and walked towards the door, rotating the heavy bolt lock and pulling it open with a grunt. The heavy iron door squeaked loudly, but no one topside would've heard it anyway. "All right, ladies - I think - and gentleman...lets go." Jeremy glanced at Kai, the drugs having a far more negative effect on him than Garric. He was fatigued and dragging, and hoped desperately that it would pass. Rekka rubbed his back in silent apology as he walked by her and out the door. Rekka looked at Kai and rolled her head subtly towards the door before walking out of it. With Kai out of the room, Garric pulled the door shut once more, bolting it tightly. He jerked his hand across his neck to signal that silence was the new policy, then held two fingers up as Jeremy took a deep breath and shook his head.

Garric opened a bottle of water and splashed a little on Jeremy's face. He gasped a little at the freezing water and seemed far more alert. After a short drink, Garric moved his raised fingers in a circle motion to move out. So they did: Jeremy out front, Garric behind him, and Rekka behind Garric.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

Kai, reluctantly, did as she was instructed, following them out the door. She watched Garric make his hand signals, vaguely understanding what he meant. Thought she had a strong urge to let out a loud cough, or some other disruptive noise when he did. But she, again, resisted. She glanced at Jeremy, and thought how much fun it would be if they did have to split up. She hoped she wouldn't have to support him if another wave of fatigue hit him.

She followed, taking her place behind everyone else and hieghtening her senses. She didn't want anymore surprises... especially ones that led her to more situations like this. And she honestly hoped that this trek wouldn't take long. The sewers were starting to agitate her.
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Garric held up a fist after about twenty minutes of half-jogging, and Jeremy and Rekka stopped immediately, watching him as he pointing to the ceiling high above. There was a drain there. "Jeremy, Kai...go through that tunnel. Head for the Sylmar-San Fernando station. We'll meet you there, and Rekka will guide us to the rendezvous. Kai, don't do anything out-of-human character unless absolutely required. Kalamity is likely alert after last night." Jeremy nodded and took a step back, quietly jumping off of the wall and grabbing the edge of the dried drain. He held his hand out for Kai, and Rekka and Garric left into the darkness, though their footsteps could be heard for some time.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

She still didn't like the idea of being told what to do, but nodded her head anyway and watched them leave. She then turned looking up at Jeremy, and then to his hand. She frowned. "I don't need your help," she said, rejecting it by looking away. She would wait for him to continue on, before she would jump into the air, with almost a wieghtless look, and land in the tunnel without a sound. She looked behind them, and then ahead.

"Would you believe I was just about to leave this city..." she said with a sigh, before starting down the tunnel. She guessed she would still be roaming the city for a bit longer.
Garric Vault (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Jeremy frowned in annoyance at her flippant rejection, despite the fact that she was right. He felt compelled to return the favor with sarcasm. "You were going to leave? Great job. Real low key. Feel free to walk off in any direction you want once we reach the surface. Just don't be surprised when you end up in a stasis cell by nightfall."

After that, Jeremy fell quiet, seeing that if his words had any effect, she wasn't showing it. Because of this, he was sure she was plotting an escape as soon as they hit open air. It would take only five minutes to find a ladder to the top. Jeremy took a minute to put his kevlar vest on under his t-shirt, and concealed his pistol before moving up the ladder first. He moved the manhole cover aside slowly and peeked out. Considering that he wasn't dead, it seemed that there were no gunmen watching the streets...for now. "Let's go. Play it calm and act natural, and they won't immediately pick us up. If we meet an Enhanced, we run and hope to God we get away." He didn't wait for a response, climbing out of the pit and nearly offering help where it obviously wasn't needed. He retracted his hand nonchalantly and closed the cover after her.

He took a deep breath, put his hands in his pockets, and started to stroll down the street at a comfortable pace.
Kai (played by kuroi_neko)

Sarcasm, how cute... At least that's what she wanted to say to him, letting him know that she didn't care. But silence was good enough. When they came to the ladder, she waited while he readied himself, and felt somewhat glad that he had volunteered to peer out onto the street. At least if he got shot, she wouldn't have to deal with him. But after thinking that, she felt somewhat bad. That was a pretty horrible thought, even for someone like her; especially when it was very likely to happen.

When he called the all clear, she followed behind him, and then dusted herself off as she looked along the street. Act causal, he said. What was casual? Just walking, and pretending not to care that someone, somewhere was probably watching you closely? She would have to try her best with that. She followed behind him, trying to be as non-chalant as possible.

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