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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » >>Faray High<<

Zero (played anonymously)

"And no, my full name is Zeron"
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

He did not just- "Your king has no power here and you're encouraging a fight with one of my students, I'd say you're doing a monstrous job." She narrowed her eyes, "You can simply leave by using the legs god blessed you with." she waved, "Goodbye!"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Cami slowly nodded still a bit confused on why he would risk throwing away what he could refer to as currency but she didn't ask about that. "So you're completely...absolutely...One hundred percent fine if one of these people died right now?" She doubted that he would but seeing how casual he already gave her doubts on that.
Zero (played anonymously)

"Once again I can not leave and my job is to keep Moss safe from all dangers, not to stop fights"
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Sir, if Moss is in a fight then he has the potential to get hurt and even die with only one fatal blow. My job is to make sure these children don't end up biting each other's head off and I don't need you to do the opposite." She groaned, this was going to be a very...Very long year.
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

He lost his smile. "Well, obviously I wouldn't be alright with one of them dying. Don't make me seem so twisted! But a fight here and there isn't bad for anyone. Neither is watching one. And I'm sure they'll be stopped before anything gets too serious. I'm deciding the winner on injuries, not death!"
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She couldn't see the fun in that either way but it was already obvious that they didn't see eye to eye on anything about this so she shut her mouth. No point in trying to convince him on anything, "Interesting..."
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

"No, pretty normal. Anyways, can I go back to my tree now? I really liked the spot I had." He looked back up to the tree to find where he was at before he climbed.
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Nope, you're staying here with me now," She smiled and hugged him. This was going to be attempt number one, the goal? Simple. A new friend! "Well- At least it's time to go inside anyways, I have rooms to check out once we do. My sister told me there are tons of secrets in the school if you know how and where to look."
Zero (played anonymously)

"you are right sir, injures is better than death, one of the teachers: Professor S would not agree with this tho, but as the lady is saying, we must stop the fighting" 'Zero looks very calm about this'
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Alright- That's it, Students stay out here for a few more minutes and I'll check in with the headmistress." She tried to smile brightly as she turned and walked away. "Plus we have to get an extra room now.." She mumbled under her breath, obviously talking about Zero.
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

Ekibio jumped when Cami hugged him and did what he could to get away without shoving her, which didn't leave a lot of options, pretty much just pulling away. "I-I'm not gonna hang out with you! But those secrets...." He smiled, deciding to maybe look for them himself, but then his stomach growled. "Uh, I'll go with you if you buy me food."
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She smiled and nodded as he changed his statement as he tried to 'negotiate' with her on this. "I'll buy you whatever you want but if you want to find those secrets it's best to stick with me." She crossed her arms and crossed her legs, all polite like.
Zero (played anonymously)

"Come, Moss, we must eat"
Moss (played anonymously)

"But where Hollow Bugs, we don't eat"
Zero (played anonymously)

"Correction, We do eat" 'Said Zero because he does not want Moss to look different from everyone else'
Ekibiogami (played anonymously)

Ekibio then gave Cami a Cheshire grin and nodded, too. "A pack of those little microwavable apple pies, and I'm coming."
Moss (played anonymously)

"Oh, yes yes, we do eat, let's go eat some...stuff..."
Moss (played anonymously)

"Are you coming princess?"
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She narrowed her eyes and scoffed, "Why the hell not." She was done getting mad over that name, didn't mean she liked it now but she called this taking the high road.

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