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Forums » General Roleplay » A High school teen angst RP... Celebrity or Not...

Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
I am outside arriving at my new school for the first time I got kicked out of my last school for smoking. I am hoping not to make the same mistake, walking into the school I knew immediately that I was not gonna be good here so many things I disliked, but some that I did like, upon arriving at the class Jeremy and Sandy were in the teacher looked at me and gestured for me to take a seat. At least the teacher did not call me out like most of my teachers probably would it seemed everyone was taking notice of my late arrival. I didn't care never would.

Jeremy and Sandy saw the girl and they were both smitten by her. Only problem was that the girl looked rather like bad news. Not bad as in like a bad omen. Just bad like a very unpleasant reputation. It was said that from her previous schools... She was caught drinking and smoking. Jeremy didn't know what was coming over him... but he suddenly got a good look at the gjrl and suddenly...

in Jeremy's heart... this played...

"Ey, venus! oh, venus!
Venus if you will
Please send a little girl for me to thrill.
A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
A girl with all the charms of you.
Venus, make her fair
A lovely girl with sunlight in her hair.
And take the brightest stars up in the skies
And place them in her eyes for me.
Venus, goddess of love that you are,
Surely the things i ask
Can't be too great a task.
Venus, if you do
I promise that i always will be true.
I'll give her all the love i have to give
As long as we both shall live.
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things i ask
Can't be too great a task.
Venus if you do
I promise that i always will be true.
I'll give her all the love i have to give
As long as we both shall live.
Hey, venus! oh, venus!
Make my wish come true."

Jeremy: Sandy...

Sandy: Yeah, Jeremy... what?

Jeremy: I don't know if it's just a feeling or if i'm just losing it. But...

Sandy: But... what?

Jeremy: I think that i'm in love. I just saw the most beautiful girl... in the world. *Feeling himself wanting to faint*

Sandy: *Noticing Jeremy starting to faint* Whoa... *Catching him fast* Easy there, big boy... Easy. She's hot... but don't go jonesin' over her before you actually rally up to speak with her. She might not be what you think she is. She might have some bad karma. You don't necessarily need that. Remember some of the obligations we have?

Jeremy: Yeah? i do.

Sandy: Well think... do you think they'll be most tolerant towards your falling at the knees over a dame who possesses a pair of darling goo goo eyes in the flesh?

Jeremy: *Voice-over* What Sandy said made sense... it did... however my personal spot was standing at attention. This girl was like the most exciting and marvelous human being in the world. I didn't know whether i was looking at a girl... or a goddess.

It was not long before class concluded when...

Jeremy: I think that it's time to book it for the next class.

Sandy: You're right. Time to go. *Nods*
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

I stood up hearing the bell getting ready to go to my next class, looking over to Jeremey and Sandy my heart started beating faster. I was thinking about walking over and talking to them but my body was shaking. *Sighs* I started to leave for my next class, I decided to skip I needed a smoke and I needed one bad, So I left and went outside to the bleachers, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and lighter, lighting the smoke and placing it on my lips. *Smoking a cigarette sighing as I say out loud* I need to start changing my ways but not be fully goodie goodie I need to stop smoking.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
I stood up hearing the bell getting ready to go to my next class, looking over to Jeremey and Sandy my heart started beating faster. I was thinking about walking over and talking to them but my body was shaking. *Sighs* I started to leave for my next class, I decided to skip I needed a smoke and I needed one bad, So I left and went outside to the bleachers, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and lighter, lighting the smoke and placing it on my lips. *Smoking a cigarette sighing as I say out loud* I need to start changing my ways but not be fully goodie goodie I need to stop smoking.

it was after the 3rd class that Jeremy and Sandy decided to head for something to eat. Only problem was that they knew plans were gonna be needed to be made for the upcoming week of shows. Which was in 3 weeks. But Jeremy and Sandy immediately shook back to the girl they saw. Jeremy told Sandy to find a spot for them at the cafeteria... That he'd be right there in a moment.


Jeremy: *Voice-over* I didn't need to have Sandy with me for what i was about to do. He was in need of some space too. Although i couldn't just have him tag with me on the idea of looking for the girl. I didn't know who the hell she was. I never met her. Saw her one time and that was all it took to fall for her. No clue as to why... what was so special about her as i was gay. I was a coming out gay boy growing to be a man. I was into boys. Guys. However my personal area was reacting to the thought of the girl. I was in love with this girl i never knew that i could be falling for. I went to go looking for her and of course as i kept looking... i got the feeling of needing the facilities. It was like everything in me was getting tied in knots and made where i didn't know if it was gas... or if it were the sensation that i was really burning in love over the girl. I only barely got to the nearest restroom when i opened it to find...


Jeremy: Gadzooks! W-w-whoa. What are you doing... in the men's restroom?

Jeremy: *Voice-Over* It was the girl. She was in the men's restroom and from what it seemed... she was with a habit. But of all the places to see her. Why the restroom? Was there something going on that i didn't know about? Was she lonesome? Hurt? Was she hiding out? I was in shock but also perplexed. I was unsure what to think. But i knew if the girl was troubled... there had to be a common reason or story behind it.... somewhere.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Oh sorry I just needed a place where I could be alone. I have a bad habit and well my other spot was to exposing I guess you could say.

Why was my heart racing I was bi, yes so I liked guys and girls, but I barely knew this person Jeremy I think was the name or was it passion kiss? I couldn't remember I had overheard some people talking about it earlier. I knew that this person knew about my rough past who couldn't the whole school knew, So much for a good start, I thought. Why did I feel compelled to tell this person I was only just now talking to and seeing for the second time everything. I was clearly skipping class but I did not care, I was supposed to see all my teachers by now but I didn't. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes looking up to Jeremy.

Kimberly: Want one? and do you mind if I light one?
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Oh sorry I just needed a place where I could be alone. I have a bad habit and well my other spot was to exposing I guess you could say.

Why was my heart racing I was bi, yes so I liked guys and girls, but I barely knew this person Jeremy I think was the name or was it passion kiss? I couldn't remember I had overheard some people talking about it earlier. I knew that this person knew about my rough past who couldn't the whole school knew, So much for a good start, I thought. Why did I feel compelled to tell this person I was only just now talking to and seeing for the second time everything. I was clearly skipping class but I did not care, I was supposed to see all my teachers by now but I didn't. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes looking up to Jeremy.

Kimberly: Want one? and do you mind if I light one?

Jeremy: I don't smoke. I never thought of doing so. But why were you looking to be alone? Are you okay? *Seeing the pack* Those are parliament reds 100's. It's shocking that i know what brand it is even though i don't smoke. It's because i have an older sister... Madison... she Smoked. She vaped... but we got her kicked off of that... but didn't mean she didn't still would smoke Cigarettes. She did. Our mom was no happy camper. That is for certain.


Jeremy: *Voice-over* I felt myself wanting to cave. I was watching the girl i first saw not but moments or so ago... with a bad habit. I didn't know what to think. However... i had to ask. I knew i would regret it somehow... doing a habit. But... i couldn't just play the wuss either. Like they say time and time again: "There comes a time when a person's gotta know when to Man-up." So... i walked over to her. I was curious...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I understand my parents don't approve either but they can't blame me not after what happened in my past. It is amazing you know what kind these are since you don't smoke yourself but your sister did so I guess it makes sense. Are you sure you don't want one? *Grabs one placing it on my lips lighting it* *Smoking* I have to be alone for a lot of reasons people don't seem to get that I don't like them talking behind my back. Not only that I'm thinking about my past.

As my lips touched the cigarettes I knew then I was falling for this person sure he or she, I was in no place to assume gender, but he or she had taken my heart and stolen it. It was like I couldn't tell who I was or why I was here all the memories and reasons I needed to be alone had vanished. At my old school, I had been caught smoking and been caught drinking, My family had been forced to move because of it, and apparently, that reputation followed with me so how could anyone like me.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I understand my parents don't approve either but they can't blame me not after what happened in my past. It is amazing you know what kind these are since you don't smoke yourself but your sister did so I guess it makes sense. Are you sure you don't want one? *Grabs one placing it on my lips lighting it* *Smoking* I have to be alone for a lot of reasons people don't seem to get that I don't like them talking behind my back. Not only that I'm thinking about my past.

As my lips touched the cigarettes I knew then I was falling for this person sure he or she, I was in no place to assume gender, but he or she had taken my heart and stolen it. It was like I couldn't tell who I was or why I was here all the memories and reasons I needed to be alone had vanished. At my old school, I had been caught smoking and been caught drinking, My family had been forced to move because of it, and apparently, that reputation followed with me so how could anyone like me.


Jeremy: *Scoffs* Sweet mother of seriously... Are you totally nuts and off your meds... You have a pet peeve about that? Please. You want hard? I'll be sure to tell you. I am 15 years old. I am gay. You want ridicule and to know what it's like? Try going through each day feeling like you're a freak because one... You're a Lightfoot and the gay son to the United States Superstar. Hearing people taunting you because you weren't straight. because you were GAY. You have any idea... what that does to someone... who has a whole mess load of eyes laying upon you... while you're in the public eye? My mom has the most stress because she worries about me due to my coming out with being gay... she's scared that someone will try to kill me because i am gay. People in this world hate those who are not of the right caliber. You're Bi... you know what the hell it's like. Me... i have it worse. I am a Drag Teen. A Gay Teen. A Celebrity. Passion Kiss. My lover is Sandy. He's Rainbow Kiss. We're entwined. As one. But people judge us for what we are. You'd think that Celebs like us would be immune from the bullshit. Turns out... we're not. We're just like all the rest. Ones who get so popular and famous... watching us and all while just waiting for people like me... and others like me... to screw up.

A second later...

Jeremy: *Sighs* Look, Don't get me wrong. I am sure you got your dueling problems and they're just as bad. Going from place to place not knowing who to trust. Not knowing if the second shoe will just drop and you'll be ridiculed and taunted. For what? Smoking. Smoking isn't a crime. You have problems. I don't fault you for that. I get it. You been hurt so many times... you wound up not knowing who to trust and or believe. Not knowing when someone would just come to take you for a ride and just love you for you and not judge for who you're not. I get that too.

Jeremy had to look at the whole picture and yet... he knew that he understood how she was and where she was coming from...

Jeremy: I'm Jeremy, by the way. Jeremy K. Lightfoot. K's for Kelly. *Nods*
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Yes Jeremy I do understand I might not be popular or a Lightfoot by my family has a bad rep as you know. My sister when she was younger was violated and that same night I got caught up in an incident I did not need to. I get it your gay it is hard but for people who are Bi, Smoke, and drink they can't change their reputation even if they wanted to. At least you have a better reputation than me. My sister can't even come to school because of the way she is! I only come because I wanna try to make something of myself but I can't. *sighs* You well your the famous popular person everyone adores if you weren't the way you are me I'm the girl people think off when they think bad to everyone I can't change.

I start to wonder why am I so mad as I keep smoking letting the nicotine hit my brain.

Kimberly: I get it Jeremy I really do. . . but believe me when I say if you think yours is bad mine is 10 times worse.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Yes Jeremy I do understand I might not be popular or a Lightfoot by my family has a bad rep as you know. My sister when she was younger was violated and that same night I got caught up in an incident I did not need to. I get it your gay it is hard but for people who are Bi, Smoke, and drink they can't change their reputation even if they wanted to. At least you have a better reputation than me. My sister can't even come to school because of the way she is! I only come because I wanna try to make something of myself but I can't. *sighs* You well your the famous popular person everyone adores if you weren't the way you are me I'm the girl people think off when they think bad to everyone I can't change.

I start to wonder why am I so mad as I keep smoking letting the nicotine hit my brain.

Kimberly: I get it Jeremy I really do. . . but believe me when I say if you think yours is bad mine is 10 times worse.

Jeremy: It's ten times more than mine? Try me. *Sighs*

Jeremy: *Voice-over* It was then... that i felt my good sense fail and i did something i was never gonna believe that i'd do....

Jeremy: Give me a light. Can i have a smoke?

Jeremy was in shock... he just asked for a cigarette. One question in his mind just then was... "Was i High?" it was right then... "Hi... I'm Jeremy... the gay guy with the whole world watching me. The light in my head may be on... but i don't think anyone's home."
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Sure you can *Passes a cigarette and lights it* Oh ill try you alright It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-sematic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds.

My thoughts quickly drift off wondering why I just told this person this lightwood my entire story.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Sure you can *Passes a cigarette and lights it* Oh ill try you alright It’s been about 8 years ago. I was 8 years old when it happened. My family and I were on a trip up in Vegas. The trip was very extravagant and there were always things to do. Always. You know that Vegas is known so highly as Sin City. It’s always been. To this day… still is. Always will be. But it was also known as a high excitement location for live shows… Gambling. Concerts and the whole shebang. I was there and just walking on my own to our hotel room as the rest of the family was out gambling. My older sister… She was back at our home here in Metropolis and she’d been just at the house. Watching T.V. All of a sudden… She heard a knock at the door and as curious as she was… She wanted to see who was at the door. She went to go check it out. Unfortunately… When she did… a homeless dirty man… well… Maybe not dirty. But he was homeless. He came in and broke in. Grabbed her and ripped off her clothes. Then started to expose himself and before she could escape… he hit her… knocking her down. By the time she came to… He had already penetrated her and violated her. It left her totally broken inside. While she had that happening to her… I was still in Vegas… Walking my way over to see a show that was of a famous magician duo. My parents and i heard about him all during our trip coming to Las Vegas. Figured that... shit. With all the talk... they must be pretty groovy. So we decided to head to see the show. All of a sudden ahead of us... there was this crowd just gathering and it was due to something possibly as stupid as maybe a disagreement. But this fight was about race. Race between Mexican and blacks. Someone was heard spewing some anti-sematic references and things. Calling them the N-word. Jiggaboos... Blacks calling Mexicans Wetbacks and Beaner babies. The whole skit. IT went back and forth. for at least a few minutes till one side got so heated up that it came to blows. My parents were uneased by it and didn't want to be caught in the middle of it all. We tried to go around and avoid it. However, from the time we tried to do that... till the point it got really bad... the gathering grew to a very large crowd. My parents got somehow caught in the group. We tried to escape and before we were able to reach safety from the fight that was breaking out... I nearly got slammed by the fight as I was in between my parents. A couple of the blows came right me... outta nowhere. I got bruised up pretty fairly but not brutally. Thankfully. It was hours later when we finally got back to the hotel room. My parents were rattled by the ordeal and I was so so traumatized that I didn’t speak. I didn’t even make a noise. I couldn’t. But signs of my ordeal were all over me. The scratches… bruises. Marks. Everything. 3 years later… I was 11 when my sister Linda confided in me that she had taken up smoking. Smoked a year ago by that time. It was then when she gave me… my first pack. Parliament reds.

My thoughts quickly drift off wondering why I just told this person this lightwood my entire story.

Jeremy: *Smoking* You really were caught in a fight? Wow. That's tragic. Caught in the middle of a fight and taking some hits for the home team. Leaving it with the memories. Your reward... the scars and marks... plus some bruises to boot. *Taking a puff while smoking and shaking his head* I don't even know your name... but already i feel damn bad for you and so terrible for you. Knowing that you had to go through that type of shit. What about your parents? Didn't they try to do something to help?

Jeremy was wanting to cry now. He didn't even know what to say or tell her. He wanted to help her and just assure her that everything was gonna be alright. But how could he when he now was succumbing to the habit of smoking? What could he even do?

Jeremy: *Wanting to shed a tear*
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: *Taking a puff* They were in the fight as well and the names Kimberly, Kimberly Gillerson. Sure the marks are bad but I've been through worse like I said bad background and bad rep. *Takes another puff*

Thinking maybe this Lightwood isn't like the rest maybe just maybe Jeremy like me. I keep wondering If I should tell Jeremy the rest but deciding not to. Telling about all my exes would not be a good start.

Kimberly: What about you whats with that passion kiss thing is it like a alternate identity or something? *Taking another puff* So how do you like the smoke? *Keeps smoking letting the nicotine hit my brain more eventually finishing the smoke and putting it out*
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: *Taking a puff* They were in the fight as well and the names Kimberly, Kimberly Gillerson. Sure the marks are bad but I've been through worse like I said bad background and bad rep. *Takes another puff*

Thinking maybe this Lightwood isn't like the rest maybe just maybe Jeremy like me. I keep wondering If I should tell Jeremy the rest but deciding not to. Telling about all my exes would not be a good start.

Kimberly: What about you whats with that passion kiss thing is it like a alternate identity or something? *Taking another puff* So how do you like the smoke? *Keeps smoking letting the nicotine hit my brain more eventually finishing the smoke and putting it out*

Jeremy: It's nice to meet you, Kimberly. Would it be okay... if i kissed you?

Jeremy was falling for her and it was clear that he was starting to turn to becoming a bi.

Jeremy: The Alter Identity is just something for me to claim as a stage name. But it kinda took lead of its own. Now it's the name i see to be called by. My sisters Lisa and Nicole... they're known as the Lightfoot Dreams. If i'm with them... the three of us are the Rising Lights.

Jeremy was giving the details on what his name was... why he was with the Alter-Identity.

Seconds later...

Jeremy: The smoke was great. were you in relationships before? You seem to look like you know what i am gonna like to do. I would like to kiss you. Kiss the lips of the most beautiful girl here.

He was smitten.

"I am smitten while playing bat-mitten... Where's my Kitten?"

Jeremy was desperately smitten and it was like the girl had him right by the jewels and the heart strings. He was in love. L.O.V.E!

But what would Sandy think... Whoops!
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: *Smiling and blushing* I like you to Jeremy *leaning in kissing Jeremy*

Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this. I told my self I would change and not date anyway out of fear of getting heartbroken but yet here I am kissing a person I've just met. I was falling and I was falling hard hell I was thinking of asking this person to be in a relationship with me.

Kimberly: *Leaning away from the kiss* T-that w-was the best kiss ever! *Blushing more* But what about Sandy isn't he supposed to be the love of your life

I couldn't hide it I was in love and that love and that passion could end badly for me and my family.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: *Smiling and blushing* I like you to Jeremy *leaning in kissing Jeremy*

Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this. I told my self I would change and not date anyway out of fear of getting heartbroken but yet here I am kissing a person I've just met. I was falling and I was falling hard hell I was thinking of asking this person to be in a relationship with me.

Kimberly: *Leaning away from the kiss* T-that w-was the best kiss ever! *Blushing more* But what about Sandy isn't he supposed to be the love of your life

I couldn't hide it I was in love and that love and that passion could end badly for me and my family.

Jeremy shook his head yes....

Jeremy: Yes. he is. But i think that if anyone should break the news to him... it's both you and Me. Kimberly... I love you. I know that we just met. but you are like the most amazing girl i ever met. You're very sweet. I get that you have your troubles... i have them too. But i truly do love you.

Jeremy was being sincere. He felt the love come to him and it was right then where he believed that maybe he too... was gonna be Bi as well.

Jeremy: Kimberly... Let's have one more light... together and then we'll go and tell Sandy the news.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: *Passing Jeremy another lit cigarette* I agree that we should both tell him but how are you gonna smoke if your parents don't like it. What about sandy if he finds out your smoking won't he be mad?

I suddenly felt a protective thing kicking it Jeremy was a lightwood after all the Lightwoods were famous so they had a reputation to maintain. *Grabbing a cigarette and placing it on my lips taking a puff*

Kimberly: Jeremy you do know smoking can pull you in quick right? I don't want to see you become addicted to cigarettes like me it could get you in trouble.

My thoughts kept drifting off to how Jeremy's fans and friends would react if this got out that would not be a good thing. Was my protectiveness a bad thing? Or was it a good thing? I couldn't tell, I have never felt any emotion this powerful.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: *Passing Jeremy another lit cigarette* I agree that we should both tell him but how are you gonna smoke if your parents don't like it. What about sandy if he finds out your smoking won't he be mad?

I suddenly felt a protective thing kicking it Jeremy was a lightwood after all the Lightwoods were famous so they had a reputation to maintain. *Grabbing a cigarette and placing it on my lips taking a puff*

Kimberly: Jeremy you do know smoking can pull you in quick right? I don't want to see you become addicted to cigarettes like me it could get you in trouble.

My thoughts kept drifting off to how Jeremy's fans and friends would react if this got out that would not be a good thing. Was my protectiveness a bad thing? Or was it a good thing? I couldn't tell, I have never felt any emotion this powerful.

Jeremy as he got to smoking again thought about it and really looked at the matter from multiple stands. He didn't know what he was gonna do about his parents. Or his mother. His father was person-non-grata... at least his biological one was. But his mother remarried and it seemed to be better than what expected.

Jeremy: I can handle Sandy. Sandy will understand as he may contribute it to the excess of stress from the possible future obligations and appearances. The celebrity business. I might have concerts to perform and hold to as well as a week of shows in.... Cleveland and New York in 3 weeks from now. All that stress could cause a teen to snap. or anyone for that matter. *Smoking* My mother is against smoking... But i just sell a tale she'll buy. She learned of the risks of what the stress of the celeb business can likely do...

Jeremy was thinking of contingencies for such a scenario. He wasn't stupid... he was certain that for what he now was doing... he was gonna catch such hell over it. The only part that off was the fact that what would happen if his brother managed to pop in and catch sight. That was what got him shook. He didn't let it bother him much though as he was about done with his light.

Jeremy: I can sing. Wanna hear a song? From one of my CD's... I'll show you a list. You can see what i can sing... however there are some i can't sing without a partner. It's set that way. But i can sing. *Nods*

Jeremy: *Voice-Over* What was i doing? I didn't even know this girl... Kimberly much from the Jump other than now... she smokes and has a rather bad reputation... Had a bad life up till now. But now here i was telling her about my celebrity status. that i can sing and all that. Was i losing my total control of all my senses? I was sure that i had to have lost it. But... you know what... i didn't care. I was in love with the girl and it's funny. Funny on how i could love trouble. Love a girl like Kimberly who in most aspect... was nothing but possible trouble. But you know what... here's the thing... She wasn't trouble. It was not that she had given up... She was given up on. People just up and gave up on her and saw that she wasn't worth it. Then saw as she dove down further into the dark. It was them who made her do what she did... by giving up on her too easily. Way too easily. They were to blame. not her. Sure... It would have been so easy for me to say like they would... say to her that her own hell is of her own doing. But that would just hurt her more than if someone were to pull a knife on her and stab. Because for some... Mental wounds and scars... Emotional wounds and scars... those hurt the most because it hit deep. There were a whole ton of assholes in this world. People that seemed to hate her... but i didn't. I loved her. In fact there was a song playing inside my heart at that moment... yearning for her.

Jeremy: *On the inside of him; singing* You think I'm pretty without any makeup on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down
Before you met me
I was alright, but things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life, now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever

You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now, baby, I believe this is real
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back

We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, will be young forever

You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now baby I believe this is real
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back

I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)

You make me
Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back (no)
My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch
Now, baby, I believe this is real (oh)
So take a chance and don't ever look back, don't ever look back

I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)"

Jeremy Blushes...

Jeremy: Would you like for me to sing for you?
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Sure I would love that I'm not the best singer so I won't be singing anything. I just wonder what would happen to me if people did not give up on me what would happen if I never started smoking or drinking?

Kimberly's thoughts keep drifting off wondering the same thing what if not about what happened but what if? What if I was never like this? What if my past wasn't the way it was?

Kimberly: Its a lot I need a distraction so Yes please sing for me. Just wondering if it's worth it trying to be a good person and to try and drop the habit you know? I've been through so much but so little at the same time why am I still trying? Why? Is it because I love my family or is it because I don't really care what people say?

As my thoughts kept running back and fourth memories kept replaying in my mind suddenly I felt lightheaded. The lightheadedness caused me to look pale and almost pass out thankfully I caught myself and was able to keep from falling.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Sure I would love that I'm not the best singer so I won't be singing anything. I just wonder what would happen to me if people did not give up on me what would happen if I never started smoking or drinking?

Kimberly's thoughts keep drifting off wondering the same thing what if not about what happened but what if? What if I was never like this? What if my past wasn't the way it was?

Kimberly: Its a lot I need a distraction so Yes please sing for me. Just wondering if it's worth it trying to be a good person and to try and drop the habit you know? I've been through so much but so little at the same time why am I still trying? Why? Is it because I love my family or is it because I don't really care what people say?

As my thoughts kept running back and fourth memories kept replaying in my mind suddenly I felt lightheaded. The lightheadedness caused me to look pale and almost pass out thankfully I caught myself and was able to keep from falling.

Jeremy: Did you know that i was pretentiously popular for singing in the style of Jim Nabors? *Seeing a reaction or sensing one* It's true. I'll do it for you...

Jeremy then got into it.


Jeremy: “To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I’ll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To run where the brave dare not go
For the Road be ever too high
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

To reach the unreachable star
For you know it’s impossibly high
To live with your heart’s driving upward
To reach (Hold 1 1/2 beats) the unreachable star (Hold 8 beats)”

Jeremy then sang another one...

Jeremy's eyes with a face

Jeremy: *Singing* “I’m All Out Of Hope
One More Bad Dream Could Bring A Fall
When I’m Far From Home
Don’t Call Me On The Phone
To Tell Me You’re Alone

It’s Easy To Deceive
It’s Easy To Tease
But Hard To Get Release

(With background harmonizers) Les Yeux Sans Visage eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage eyes Without A Face
Got No Human Grace Your Eyes Without A Face

I Spend So Much Time
Believing All The Lies
To Keep The Dream Alive

Now It Makes Me Sad
It Makes Me Mad At Truth
For Loving What Was You

(With background harmonizers) Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Got No Human Grace Your Eyes Without A Face

When You Hear The Music You Make A Dip
Into Someone Else’s Pocket Then Make A Slip
Steal A Car And Go To Las Vegas Oh The Gigolo Pool
I’m On A Bus On A Psychedelic Trip
Reading Murder Books Tryin’ To Stay Hip
I’m Thinkin’ Of You You’re Out There So
Say Your Prayers
Say Your Prayers
Say Your Prayers

Now I Close My Eyes
And I Wonder Why
I Don’t Despise

Now All I Can Do
Is Love What Was Once
So Alive And New
But It’s Gone From Your Eyes
I’d Better Realise

(With background harmonizers) Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Les Yeux Sans Visage Eyes Without A Face
Got No Human Grace Your Eyes Without A Face
Such A Human Waste Your Eyes Without A Face
And Now It’s Getting Worse”

Jeremy: The first one i sang a whole bunch of times. People were talking about it... and every time they'd see me... they would all look in awe as they knew that i was with a voice that they really wished they could attain as well... but knew it could never be done. I had that golden voice. They all knew it. I still do. *Grins*

Jeremy: *Voice-over* I had to wait for her to react. I knew that the suave singing voice always stirred a girls heart... swooned them. But How Kimberly would take it... was to be seen. for me.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: That was amazing and well downright unforgettable. It did wash all my worries away and it's amazing how powerful and good your voice is. I tried singing once total train wreck I guess when I tried I really did not care enough. What if I tried singing? *I say more to myself than to Jeremy* No wouldn't work I don't have the confidence or the ability and Smoking does not help.

Just thinking about singing made me happy music was my escape of sorts but pulling it off was a whole different ball game. I never had the ability to sing the right notes high or low. All the what-ifs kept running through my mind but that also was a bad thing as well as a good thing. The good side gave me the ability to plan ahead the bad side is I never took the risk. Sitting here talking to Jeremy who I was head over heels for was the biggest risk take of my life. I never thought of the ability to fall in love or sing it was never in the cards for me but yet here I was in love and no way to stop the emotion. Would this roller coaster of life ever end? or would I be stuck on it forever?

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